Chapter 221 Scumbag, Sakayanagi Yusuke’s courtesy and ruthlessness!!

The fight between the two is only a temporary discussion of everyone.

As long as Dragon Park did not appeal to the school, this matter would not be a problem.

After lunch, the afternoon began to practice long-distance running, perhaps the reason for the first day, except for long-distance running, other courses are mainly based on instructions.

Ryuen’s group is full of martial arts and their physical fitness is basically above average, and these people seem to hate courses like speech more than fear that courses like long-distance running will become a burden.

This exam is not difficult to build good relationships and work together on a team.

In addition to not participating in cooking and cleaning, Yukiyuki also maintained the best level of other classes, and Kanzaki and Katsujo occasionally helped with the small help of raising their hands.

Therefore, after the final meditation class, Ishizaki and the others did not complain about anything.

Everyone came to the canteen together to think of saying goodbye, and the opportunity to contact the girls every day was very small, which was also a great opportunity to exchange information, and Katsuragi and Kanzaki also had their own things to do.

Ye Xue looked back and forth with the dinner plate, hoping to find some familiar figures in this crowd.

His business was finished.

At noon, she had already given the task to Karuizawa, and although she did not understand why, she still readily agreed.

It was not handed over to Kushida because there were two people in their group, Hasebe and Chiaki Matsushita, and the things that Kushita could handle were on the verge of limit, and adding tasks was likely to make her have some negligences.

When it was really time to employ people, Ye Xue also had to sigh that there were too few people who could be trusted and capable in their hands.

Soon, he saw a tall figure, Makoto Shinawa, enjoying dinner.

“Oh well”

Ye Xue sat down across from the shrine room with the dinner plate, and said somewhat unexpectedly, “It’s really rare when you’re alone.” ”

“Hey, bad luck, the mood has become worse.”

Turning his head to the side in disgust, the shrine skimmed his eyes at the night snow and said impatiently, “What’s the matter?” ”

Although both of them should have done it, these were just a way of pursuing excitement for the Divine Room.

Ye Xue also brought the food into his mouth, while saying nothing, “I heard that Sakayanagi let you be the head of the A class girls, and she really trusts you.” ”

“What’s wrong with that, or are you specifically trying to break the gap?”

“No, it’s just casual chatting, it seems that you trust Sakayanagi a lot.”

“Huh? Who would trust that kind of guy, but there are many reasons on my side, and there is no way to be threatened. ”

The shrine is an explicit expression of disgust.

This guy is just such a distracted guy.

Judging from the situation at the beginning of the school, Shinmuro Masumi did not have much attachment to graduating from Class A, and when he was threatened, he only showed a bad attitude.

It can be seen that she does not hate this kind of thing very much.

There are several ways to get through this exam with 100% safety.

One is to find someone like the night snow who is unusually obsessed with victory, such as Dragon Garden, and integrate into his group.

Even if there is a slight delay in the existence of Dragon Garden, and the desire to win, even if the large group falls into the last place, his average score of the group will never be lower than the passing line set by the school.

What’s more, Ye Xue also prepared twenty million insurance means.

The second is to find a trustworthy person in the same class as the person in charge like Nan Yunya or Banyanagi to be the person in charge, and they themselves command the actual person in charge behind the scenes.

Even if the results are not satisfactory and they are withdrawn, they will not affect themselves, and they will only pull people from other classes to withdraw from school.

But the two guys did choose a significant difference.

Nan Yunya selected a classmate with a deviation in the performance of Class A.

The advantage of this is that it can greatly prevent attacks from other groups.

Convey to the outside a sense of ‘this is an outcast, I probably wouldn’t have spent 20 million personal points to save this guy’.

If you want to attack any group, you will inevitably have to spend some price, personal points or other interest exchange.

But in case Nan Yunya gave up saving her classmates, then the attack was meaningless and even more a waste, and letting the enemy fall into this suspicious link would better protect the leader of the group.

And the person in charge selected by Sakayanagi is indeed a powerful hand card of Shinmuro Masumu.

Or it shows that Banyanagis’s strength is not as good as Nan Yunya’s, and she did not consider this level.

Or it means that Yanagi doesn’t care about the survival of Shinmuro Masumu, but just treats her as a pawn, even if Shinmuro is dropped out of school, it may be more in line with Sakayanagi idea.

Night snow is more inclined to the second kind.

Banyanagis’s strength is not worse than that of Nanyunya, which can only show that the Divine Chamber is an insignificant existence for Banyanagis.

It seems that his relationship with Shinmuro Masumi has revealed a flaw somewhere, and Sakayanagi has detected it.

This was certainly not her own problem, but that Shinmuro Masumi was still too weak relative to Sakayanagi and herself did not seem to be aware of the possibility of being abandoned by Sakayanagi herself.

After all, there is some dewy love, although the disgust on the mouth of the god room is not good, but in bed is indeed very cooperative, try to save this poor guy.

Feeling the pity of the night snow, the god room felt that the goosebumps were getting up quickly, extremely disgusted, “What do you mean by this look, a little disgusting.” ”

“Ah, sorry, I didn’t expect the night snow to be here, did I disturb you two to eat?”

That’s when it happened.

Before Yukiyu could respond, Sakayanagi held a pestle in his right hand and dragged his left hand to the two of them in the middle of the plate.

“Nothing, this guy got it up without permission, don’t care.”

Taking the dinner plate from Sakayanagi and putting it on the table, Shinmuro Masumi said somewhat sarcastically, “Obviously, I usually threaten to do some messy things, and this kind of thing really won’t let me help, Sakayanagi, is there something wrong with your brain?” ”

“Thank you, Classmate of the Divine Chamber.”

“After all, this is not something that needs the assistance of the Divine Chamber students, and it is enough for me to come by myself.”

With that, Sakayanagi thanked the shrine slightly, and then turned her head to look at the night snow to ask for advice.

Despite his physical shortcomings, Sakayanagi is undoubtedly a strong-willed guy with a high level of self-esteem.

Even if he beat her up, Sakayanagi probably wouldn’t give in to it.

Of course, this certainly depends on the surroundings, and the intensity of the violence.

Although Ye Xue was a pacifist, he would not have refuted that violence was a very effective means, otherwise he would not have spent so much time learning various martial arts.

“Youqi, don’t care about me.”

“After all, it is also a pleasant thing to be able to dine with two such beautiful women.”

After casually saying that Ye Xue finished, Saka Liu sat in the opposite position, really a young girl with etiquette.


The shrine was disgusted by the deviant line of sight.

Ye Xue only thought that her way of treating people was very interesting, and when she was honest, she could get double happiness.

Considering the growth of Horikita Suzuto, as well as Shinmuro Masumi and Sakayanagi Yusuke, and the subsequent examinations.

Yuyuki also chatted with the two of them while eating dinner while thinking about how to guide Sakayanagi Gate. One

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