The truth is, the truth is that the truth is not true.

Kang Min is beautiful, graceful, and has a pair of big watery eyes, which gives people a feeling of purity.

However, Gu Yuxuan knows that it is just an appearance. Behind the scenes, Kang Min is a woman who is charming and dissolute.

Not only did she have an affair with Dali Zhennan Wang Duan Zhengchun behind the back of Ma Dayuan, the deputy leader of the Beggars' Sect.

She also had affairs with Bai Shijing, Quan Guanqing, and even Xu Chongxiao.

It is simply dirty and cannot be dirtier.

To use the words before the time travel, it is a bus.

This kind of woman is completely uninteresting to Gu Yuxuan.

For this reason, when Kang Min noticed him and flirted with him,

Gu Yuxuan chose to ignore it directly.

Kang Min was stunned, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

After all, no man had ever ignored her in the past or now.

She also became curious and wanted to conquer Gu Yuxuan, thinking in her heart that she must make Gu Yuxuan fall at her feet.

Of course, there are still things to do now, so Kang Min had to suppress her lust for the time being.

Then, she took out the suicide note left by Wang Jiantong, the former leader of the Beggars' Sect, to Ma Dayuan.

Then, Xu Chongxiao jumped out and revealed Qiao Feng's identity as a Khitan.

Qiao Feng couldn't accept that he was not a Han Chinese, and he was stunned as if he was struck by lightning.

After all, in the past thirty years, he had a belief, that is, to kill all the Hu people who came to invade the world.

But now he didn't expect that the Hu person was himself.

This also made his belief completely collapse in an instant.

After a long time, Qiao Feng still couldn't believe that he was a Khitan.

So he asked to see Wang Jiantong's letter in person.

Just as he was about to take the letter, Shaolin Master Zhiguang suddenly attacked, tore off the signed part of the letter and ate it.

Qiao Feng was very confused, and then read the content of the letter.

This was not left by Wang Jiantong to Ma Dayuan, but was written by someone else to Wang Jiantong.

The letter clearly stated that Qiao Feng was not of our race, and his heart must be different.

It also suggested that Qiao Feng be eradicated as soon as possible to prevent future troubles.

In short, Qiao Feng felt sad after reading the letter, and had to accept the fact that he was a Khitan.

But at the same time, he was also very curious about who the leader was.

However, Master Zhiguang kept his mouth shut and refused to reveal anything.

The same was true for Zhao Qiansun and others who participated in the Battle of Yanmen Pass.

Things were deadlocked.

Looking at that scene, Gu Yuxuan flashed a barely perceptible smile on his face.

Now it's time to show up and brush up some villain points!

"Haha, Boss Qiao is loyal and brave. Even though he is a Khitan, he has never done anything to offend the Han people in his life, but you are unwilling to tell us the real murderer who killed his parents."

"Master Zhiguang, forget about others, but you are at least a high monk. Do you deserve the name of a monk by doing this?"

Gu Yuxuan laughed coldly.

Everyone present was shocked when he said this.

Especially Quan Guanqing, who secretly planned all this, was even more nervous, fearing that his plan would go wrong.

Qiao Feng was grateful to Gu Yuxuan for speaking for him.

He pricked up his ears to hear what he would say next.

And Master Zhiguang, who was named by Gu Yuxuan, had to stand up and respond.

"Amitabha, are you Gu Yuxuan, Master Gu?"


"Thank you for your praise, Master Gu, but I really don't deserve the title of a high monk."

"Zhiguang is also for the sake of the people of the world, so I can't reveal my identity as the leader. Please forgive me, Master Gu."

Zhiguang put his hands together and said calmly.

"The people of the world? If the master is for the sake of the people of the world, then he should reveal his identity as the leader!"

Gu Yuxuan said lightly.

"Oh? Why did Master Gu say that?"

Zhiguang was quite puzzled.

"I know the cause and effect of the battle at Yanmen Pass very well."

"The Khitan warrior you killed was Xiao Yuanshan, the chief military instructor of the Liao Kingdom."

"Xiao Yuanshan was a steady and calm person, and was highly appreciated by the Queen Mother of the Liao Kingdom. Xiao Yuanshan has also been committed to maintaining peace on the border between the Song and Liao countries. During his tenure, the two countries have always been at peace."

"This also made the Jin Kingdom and the Mongols wary and dared not easily launch a war against the Song and Liao countries."

"However, after Xiao Yuanshan's death, the Queen Mother of the Liao Kingdom was furious and sent troops to attack the border of the Song Kingdom."

"More than ten years later, the people who died

There were no less than hundreds of thousands of Song people in the war. "

"And the Jin Kingdom seized the opportunity and attacked Xiangyang in one fell swoop, killing hundreds of thousands of Song people."

"All these tragedies were caused by the leader's accidental killing of Xiao Yuanshan."

"From this perspective, the leader is a big bad guy who is a disaster to the country and the people!"

"And you, you actually want to protect such a big bad guy who is not worth dying ten thousand times?"

Gu Yuxuan shouted angrily.

"Amitabha, Amitabha..."

Master Zhiguang was ashamed and kept chanting Buddhist mantras.

To be honest, if he knew that this would cause the sacrifice of hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and soldiers, he would never participate in the Battle of Yanmen Pass.

However, he knew that the leader was not aware of it, so for the sake of the leader's reputation, he still chose to defend himself.

"After the battle of Yanmen Pass, the leader and I also investigated the truth, and finally found that the information at that time was released by a traitor. ”

“That traitor deliberately misled the leader, and I don’t know what his purpose is.”

“In short, this is the first tragedy, and the leader is also a victim.”

Master Zhiguang shook his head and sighed.

“Haha, now that things have come to this, Master Zhiguang, do you still want to blame the leader?”

“Okay, since you are unwilling to tell me who the leader is, I will deduce it!”

Gu Yuxuan sneered.

Of course, as someone who is familiar with the plot, he actually knows who the leader is without deduction.

It’s just that there are many people here, and Gu Yuxuan doesn’t want to cause others to speculate and doubt about his true identity.

“Whether it is Master Zhiguang, or the former leader of the Beggar Gang, Wang Jiantong, or Zhao Qiansun and others, they were all famous people in the world at that time.”

“The leader who can call you to participate in the battle of Yanmen Pass must be a person of prominent status and high reputation. "

"And in the Song Dynasty, there are only two people who meet that condition."

"One is Wang Chongyang, the master of the Quanzhen Sect, who has the power of the middle level, and the other is Xuanci, the abbot of Shaolin Temple."

Gu Yuxuan spoke slowly.

Hearing Xuanci's name, Master Zhiguang secretly took a breath of cold air.

His eyes dodged, and he did not dare to look at Gu Yuxuan.

Gu Yuxuan sneered and continued to speak out his deduction.

"At that time, Wang Chongyang was busy fighting against the enemies of the Jin Kingdom, and Wang Chongyang was very meticulous and would never believe some information from unknown sources."

"But Abbot Xuanci was different. At that time, Xuanci was not the abbot of Shaolin, but only one of the candidates for the abbot."

"For this reason, he urgently needed a major event to secure his position as abbot, and the Battle of Yanmen Pass was undoubtedly the best choice."

"The true identity of the leader is obvious."

"Master Zhiguang, do you think my deduction is correct? "

Gu Yuxuan looked at Master Zhiguang, and the fierceness in his eyes made Master Zhiguang breathless.

After a while, Master Zhiguang shook his head and sighed.

"Amitabha, young man Gu is indeed a hero in his youth."

"Yes, the leader is indeed Abbot Xuanci."

Hearing this.

All the people in the martial arts world present widened their eyes.

After all, Abbot Xuanci has a very high reputation in the martial arts world of the Song Dynasty, and no one dared to believe that he was the culprit of the Yanmen Pass tragedy.

At this time, when Qiao Feng heard that Xuanci was the leader, his emotions became extremely excited.

"Xuanci! You killed my parents and hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Song and Liao. I, Qiao Feng, swear that I must make you pay with blood!"

As he said this, Qiao Feng was about to perform Qinggong and leave Xingzilin.

"Wait a minute, Boss Qiao, I have something to say!"

Gu Yuxuan stretched out his hand and blocked Qiao Feng's way.

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