Little Joey was very puzzled by Roger's behavior.

His movement these days has been around three places: Yin Bingzhuang, Charles Mansion and Maple Spirit Moon Shadow Palace.

It has only been ten days since the Bloody Night of Odu, and the security level in each of these three places is quite high.

Maple Spirit Moon Shadow Palace even has the Queen personally in charge.

In this case, which magician would have the chance to read his mind? Isn’t it a waste of time to subject yourself to such a check?

What's the deal with a small breakup, but when we meet, we first want to cosplay a female doctor?

Hey, does he have some special interest?

Cross-dressing, acting, and then what...

It seems interesting too?

Roger waited for a long time, but little Joey looked shy and confused.

Are you blushing like a bubble teapot?

My examination is really a serious examination!

But he didn't dare to say that he doubted Queen Yongye.

He has no confidence at all. If he falls into the river with the Queen of Evernight, Little Joey will save himself first...

He could only be forced to be the Riddler: "Good girl, I really can't say much about this. You won't understand even if I say it. Just check it out for me. It needs to be the most subtle and not miss any detail. I'm going to The only one I can trust is you!"

The words "Only you" are extremely lethal to women.

Little Joey also happened to be the type to do this. Feeling relied on, he directly agreed without asking any more questions, and obediently helped Roger detect whether there were any signs of being read.

Spells such as mind reading and memory reading in the Evernight World are very difficult to master.

Moreover, they are all spiritual spells that forcibly invade the soul, and will cause considerable damage to the subject's ocean of consciousness.

Usually it can only be used after the target has been subdued.

If the target has strong mental strength and a strong will to resist, there is a possibility of failure or even backlash.

But the Queen of Evernight's magical attainments are immeasurable, and Roger knew that his strength was far different from hers.

If it were her, she might actually be able to sneak into the village quietly.

However, no matter how magical the magic is, it must abide by many basic rules.

This is also the reason why Roger wants to introduce scientific thinking into the field of magic.

Among them is a law called the "seesaw phenomenon" by magicians.

A single spell that strengthens a certain attribute will inevitably weaken other attributes.

That day, Joestar used magic on Angelina, hiding it from the detection of the legendary powerhouse, and his concealment was perfect.

The side effect is that the magic can have a very limited impact on Angelina.

By the same token, if the Queen of Evernight spends her time hiding her mind-reading skills from being discovered by the recipients, she will inevitably be lacking in other aspects.

Her superior magical attainments can certainly weaken the seesaw phenomenon, but even the gods cannot completely eliminate it and create perfect spells.

That's why Roger felt that little Joey, with his strength as a magician, had a high probability of detecting traces of being read.

The flying robber blew up the door and robbed the vault. Facing the ruins, it wasn't just Holmes who could tell, "Wow, this place has been robbed," right?

As long as the Queen takes action, there will definitely be some traces left.

If you give little Joey enough time, you should be able to see the clues.

Ten minutes after the inspection started.

Little Joey was very serious and meticulous, and conducted a complete exploration of Roger's ocean of consciousness.

She said with great certainty: "President, you have no traces of being invaded by mind reading or any other spiritual spells."

"Check again."

"As commanded."

This time it took fifteen minutes.

"President, nothing was found."

"Just in case, do it again."

Twenty minutes later.


"Come again..."

"No, I really can't do it anymore."

Roger opened his eyes and realized that little Joey's face was pale and he didn't have any strength at all.

It shouldn't be. It's just a simple check. How can you be so tired?

Little Joey was also aggrieved.

During the examination, she discovered a very outrageous thing: "Your spiritual power is much higher than mine. Every time you enter, it is extremely difficult. Every time you move in the ocean of consciousness, you have to endure tremendous pain and double the consumption." I really can’t hold on to the magic and mental strength.”

Seeing her pitiful look that was almost being played to pieces, Roger also felt distressed, knowing that he would definitely not be able to force her anymore.

He held little Joey in his arms and comforted him with kind words: "I was too negligent. Next time I can't bear it, I should tell you earlier. There is no need to hold on all the time."

"It's to reassure the adults..."

"Well, I feel at ease now, which should be enough to rule out that I have been invaded by mind reading."

"Don't worry, sir. I want to sleep in your arms for a while, is that okay?"

She was really tired and tired, her voice was as thin as a cat, and she looked pitiful, and her fingers were lightly scratching Roger's chest.

Roger couldn't help but kiss her forehead: "Get some rest, you've worked really hard today."

With a satisfied smile, little Joey lay on Roger's chest and gently closed his eyes.

Roger took advantage of the girl's even breathing and fell into thought.

After being reminded by Little Joey, he finally remembered that his mental power had been strengthened by the system treasure box.

It's just that he doesn't know what the system calls "100 units" and how strong it is.

Now I hear Little Joey say that his spiritual power is stronger than her, the mage?

This should be said to be good news.

Strong mental power means that it is difficult to read one's mind.

As long as he refuses to cooperate and his willpower is strong enough, even a legendary wizard cannot read his mind successfully, let alone invade silently.

With such a strong mental power, even the Queen of Eternal Night cannot read his mind casually, right?

Perhaps in the future, he can find an opportunity to continue to strengthen his mental power to avoid being read by the big guys and revealing the secret that he is a time traveler.

"However, if it is not reading the mind, then today I was simply crushed by IQ? This... is even more unacceptable!"

Roger showed a distressed look of "I lost".

Since he proposed "New Arcane", he took advantage of the Queen of Eternal Night's desire for this magazine, occupied everywhere, and commanded the Queen to do a lot of things.

He had the illusion that he had already controlled this scumbag woman.

However, the Queen of Eternal Night made a clean counterattack, predicted several moves in a row, completely blocked Roger's retreat, and the price he offered was just right on his psychological bottom line, forcing him to start doing "Arcane Talk".

It feels uncomfortable to be forced to do business.

Originally, he wanted to wait until "New Arcane" was fully regularized and the magazine had enough talents, and he only needed to assign tasks and be a hands-off boss, and then open such a weekly magazine.

As a result, due to the strong intervention of the Queen of Eternal Night, he was forced to open the business ahead of schedule.

This completely disrupted Roger's rhythm.

He also understood that he had never controlled the Queen of Eternal Night, and she was just cooperating with the performance before...

Damn it, the more beautiful the woman is, the more likely she is to lie!

The queen who loves to show off seems to be easy to fool, but she wants too much. I'm afraid I'm going to be played to death...

Or should I surrender to the Seven Gods?

Roger sighed, knowing that it was too late for this idea now.

His ties with the empire are getting deeper and deeper. From relatives to friends, they are all loyal to the empire. They would rather die than follow him to the opposite side...

Since you can't change the environment, then change yourself!

Roger sighed helplessly.

In the ten days of preparing for "New Arcane", I did earn money from random treasure chests, but I didn't get any useful props and skills.

The only slightly useful thing is probably a god-level Chinese cooking, which can add a lot of dishes to the chefs of Charles Mansion.

This wave of systems has not improved my combat power as much as the wax nest.

So in this small game, the Queen of Eternal Night won by a counterattack?

Well, this is not the point.

The point is that Roger has completely figured out that the lying system is a subjective thing.

As long as he is happy, he lies down, and he will get rewards.

Before, he had been running around for the "New Arcane" he proposed, but in the end he still succeeded in lying down and set a new record for consecutive treasure chest harvesting.

Now that "New Arcane" has been on the right track, the Queen of Eternal Night forced an "Arcane Chat" to disrupt his lying rhythm?

Too naive!

As long as I believe in my heart that "Arcane Chat" is what I want to do, I can still get random treasure chests!

This wave of mine is called the Ah Q spirit!

["Arcane Chat" is Weibo, my Zaun server, and the land I want to fight! ]

["Arcane Chat" can drive the sales of "New Arcane", is a necessary part of perfecting "New Arcane", and is the job I long for!

["Arcane Chat" will become my territory, I can block anyone I want, and I can post anything I want, and I will have endless fun as a license dog! ]

[The meaning of my time travel is to make "Arcane Chat"! ]

Roger kept chanting the Bible he wrote in his mind, and finally implanted it in his mind.

I, Roger, was born just to edit "Arcane Chat"!

Although this self-hypnosis is suspected of cheating the system, we, Fengling Yueying, have no psychological burden to do this operation.

Cheating is only about whether you can, not whether you want to.

If online games can use modifiers, who can resist modifying themselves to have endless source stones and draw out all their wives?

If the perfect ending can be changed directly, who would still work hard on it?

At this moment, Little Joey is sleeping and Roger is hypnotizing himself.

Everyone has a bright future.

In the void.

The silver-haired half-dragon princess Tashka stepped into a beautiful valley.

This is a beautiful picture scroll that is always like early spring and blooming flowers, which makes people forget the world.

The shadow of the golden spear appeared in Tashka's eyes, and the beautiful scenery in sight was broken.

There seems to be a world hidden in every flower, and every leaf seems to contain the birth and death of space.

Glaciers, volcanoes, deserts, seabeds, purgatory, star seas and other scenes gradually appear, merging with each other and being independent, and finally pieced together into this valley.

The real Tashka in the depths of the ocean of consciousness exclaimed: "Is this the kingdom of God?"

"Old Su's Wanwei Gap is different from the other kingdoms of God. It is made up of countless world fragments. Every step is a maze and every step is a story."

Old Joestar rarely explained it to her.

What's even more rare is that the old man, who is always cynical and careless, has little respect for the goddess of war, but is serious when talking about the gap between the ten thousand dimensions.

As for the old man Su he mentioned, he is the head of the seven gods, the god of knowledge Su Alpha.

Whenever the god king is asleep, it is the god of knowledge who leads the seven gods.

However, this god of knowledge is very Buddhist. After specifying a major strategic direction, he lets the gods play their own way. Unless it is seriously distorted, he will correct it again.

Compared to the grandeur of other kingdoms of God, the Ten Thousand Dimensions Gap is only a valley several hundred meters long.

At the end of the valley, there are several simple wooden houses.

Tashika walked to the outermost one.

After knocking on the door, there was no response for a long time.

She looked surprised: "No way, this homegirl is willing to go out?"

As she said that, she sat down on the ground without any image, took out a thick stack of letter paper, and began to write a letter quickly with her thoughts flowing like a spring.

"My most handsome little prince of the Bode tribe, it feels like a long time since we last saw each other yesterday..."

"The heroic young master of the Rhine tribe, do you like the wine I brewed? If you have time, you can..."

"If there is anyone who is the most beautiful in the world, of course it is the pearl of our Elephant tribe..."

The words in these letters are direct and passionate, and they are all love letters, written to the outstanding children of the chieftains of the orc tribe.

Tashika is almost ashamed to death.

This old thing is not only not discriminating between men and women, but also not letting go of married people!

Although he knew that he was preparing for the integration of the orc tribes in the future, this behavior of selling his goods to multiple companies was as coquettish as dancing on swords.

If it was exposed, Princess Tequila would be a green tea whore for five hundred years!

I don't know how long it took.

Tashika had written hundreds of letters, and suddenly smelled a strong smell of blood.

She raised her head and saw a tall and beautiful figure staggering and suddenly appearing in the gap between the ten thousand dimensions.

This was a girl with a sculpture-like classical beauty in facial features, her long black hair tied into two high ponytails to her waist, and a long red windbreaker draped over her body.

Inside was a yellow top with a black short skirt embroidered with the cross of the Church of Knowledge, and below was a slender long leg wrapped in stockings.

At this moment, she was stained with blood, and exuded the signature sulfur smell of the abyss plane.

The black-haired girl slowed down, and a slender hand reached back into the void and grabbed something with force.

He bent his waist, exerted his strength, and actually grabbed a creature from the abyss that was emitting terrible magical fluctuations!

This is an ancient eye demon that commands multiple eye demon families and has already reached the king level!

However, it was disemboweled and had become a corpse.

This scene can be called fierce, but because of the girl's calm green eyes and expressionless little face, it gives people a strange sense of disobedience.

The black-haired girl has a strong bookish air, and exudes the word "gentle".

Even though she is covered in blood, it seems that she is not going to fight, but to a distant world to open a book called "Murder" and find the truth in the internal structure of the enemy's body.

"Your Highness, I'm glad that we meet again." Tashka greeted him enthusiastically.

The black-haired girl was stunned for a moment, then frowned: "Old Joestar? Your hobbies are getting weirder and weirder."

"I don't want to, but this is arranged by my master." Old Joestar showed a wronged and helpless expression.

"But I think you're quite happy being a woman."

"Misunderstanding, definitely a misunderstanding..."

"Stop talking nonsense, why did you suddenly come to me?"

Tasika chuckled and took out a thin booklet from her arms and handed it over.

The black-haired girl took it and found that it was a small book in Qingteng language, called "Fables of Eternal Night", which used the simplest grammar and words to praise the great achievements of the Queen of Eternal Night.

"It's just some vulgar flattery." She handed it back and dragged the corpse of the Eye Demon to her cabin.

Tasika said: "It's very vulgar, but if the new generation of the human race grew up reading such enlightenment textbooks and praising the Queen of Eternal Night since childhood, would anyone still remember the existence of the Veronica Dynasty..."

The black-haired girl turned around suddenly, and a holy light like a pillar fell from the sky.

Where Tasika was, a huge pit connected to the void was smashed out.

But in the pit, "The Fable of Eternal Night" floated quietly, as if telling a fact that would not change with the will of the black-haired girl...

"Your Highness, the times have changed!"

Tasika's laughter echoed for a long time.

Yes, it is now the third year of the Eternal Night Calendar, not the 279th year of the Veronica Calendar!

No matter how noble the princess of the previous dynasty was, she is now just a lonely person who fled.

The black-haired girl was pale and knelt on one knee weakly on the ground:

"My Lord, can you point out the lost lambs, when will the dawn come?"

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