The mysterious city, Fengling Moon Shadow Palace.

The Queen of Eternal Night summoned the left prime minister Margaret alone.

Margaret is in charge of military and intelligence, and has two special secret intelligence forces under her, called Nightingale and Sparrow.

The members of Nightingale are not limited to the human race. Most of them are bards, and a few are aristocratic socialites.

Regardless of gender, the first selection criterion for Nightingale is beauty, and then they are trained to master various chat, PUA and charm techniques.

They wander among the upper class and professional strongmen, and obtain intelligence through superb skills.

The profession and personnel composition of Sparrow are very complicated. On the surface, they are ordinary people with common faces who can't be found in a crowd.

But in fact, they are proficient in unlocking, eavesdropping, flying over eaves and walls, and are experts in forcibly obtaining intelligence.

Nightingale and Sparrow joined hands and made great contributions in the war process that swept across 17 countries.

The importance of intelligence in war is unquestionable. A little extra information at a critical moment may turn the tide of the war.

After the establishment of the empire, the war gradually subsided, but the Queen of Eternal Night did not reduce her investment in Nightingale and Sparrow, but even more.

Because the enemy turned to the religious countries of different races around, trying to infiltrate or find seedlings willing to provide intelligence to the empire from those believers, the price paid was several times that of the previous countries of the same human race.

Although the progress of obtaining external intelligence was slow, Margaret did a pretty good job in controlling domestic intelligence.

"Nightingale did notice that some nobles were intentionally hoarding food and grass. I was negligent and thought it was a normal reserve. I didn't realize that they even made that kind of money!"

Margaret gnashed her teeth after hearing the description of the Queen of Eternal Night.

Even an old sly woman like her could not look down on this kind of shameless eating of people who made money from national disasters and wanted to swallow up the people at the bottom.

I worked hard to pretend to be the Restoration Army to reduce the possibility of rebellion in the seventeen countries.

As a result, the nobles of the empire used the food issue to make trouble, wanting to hoard goods and collect serfs and land together. Isn't this forcing the people of the seventeen countries to rebel and making her previous hard work go to waste?

She had neglected it before, but with the reminder of the Queen of Eternal Night, she would not let these scum go, and solemnly promised:

"Your Majesty, rest assured, I will mark all the nobles who have such a different mind, and will not give them any chance to rebel and defect!"

The Queen of Eternal Night smiled faintly: "No need, after checking it out, you can arrange a channel for them to escape to the Theocracy, and intercept the property they take away at the border."

Margaret said in surprise: "Your Majesty, these people are not worth dying for, you just let them go so easily?"

"Let them go?" The Queen of Eternal Night snorted She said, "If I give them a death, it would be too easy. I want them to sit abroad and make the empire strong and powerful, and then sweep across the paradise where they think the moon is particularly round, and catch them and hang them on the street lamps... This trick is called killing people and destroying their hearts!"

Margaret's demon bloodline, born in the evil camp, heard the red eyes shining: "Your Majesty, what a good plan! Play with him, play with him, play enough! Your trick is really refreshing!"

The Queen of Eternal Night sat lazily on the throne of stars, listening to Margaret's praise, with a smile on her lips.

It feels good to be flattered.

It feels good to copy homework.

The method is for the ministers, and the glory is for the king. This is the taste!

If it was the former Queen of Eternal Night, she would definitely interrupt Margaret's praise, because a good queen would not listen to rainbow farts.

And she also had to explain that this was not my idea, so that the credit should belong to Roger.

But after chatting with Roger tonight, she "thought it through".

High emotional intelligence means following one's heart and returning to oneself, while low emotional intelligence means becoming lazy.

Roger doesn't care about these false names anyway, so why should she waste her breath to explain to him because of her own moral standards?

Why bother to work hard and not be appreciated?

She has realized that if someone wants apples, sending a few trucks of oranges will not be fragrant.

Similarly, no matter how many rewards there are, they cannot satisfy the greed of some people, and no matter how lofty the ideals are, they cannot awaken all the people in the empire.

So the Queen of Eternal Night is too lazy to put on a "perfect" personality.

That's why Angelina heard her say confidently, I just came to your house to eat dessert.

The good reviews of the tenth volume of "History of the Qingteng Empire" eliminated the last trace of Queen of Eternal Night's concerns about doing so.

The vast majority of people in the empire can accept an imperfect queen as long as she can bring victory, security, food and clothing to everyone and keep their little happiness.

These poor people at the bottom are really easy to satisfy.

But those nobles always put their own interests first. If the queen has any shortcomings in behavior, etiquette, or words, they will be infinitely magnified and criticized, and her reputation will be damaged.

Because the Queen of Eternal Night cares about face and reputation, she is dragged by these public opinions and does many things against her will.

In the past, the Queen was only the CEO of the Qingteng Empire, and the nobles who controlled the reputation of Aodu were the chairman.

They used the means they were good at to promote many things and cut off the greatest benefits.

The Queen of Eternal Night once felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't say it.

Until Roger told her that she didn't owe this empire.

The Queen of Eternal Night suddenly realized that those people praised her, regulated her what the queen should be like, and constrained her to be as pure as a saint. In fact, they also kidnapped her to devote herself to the empire and bear all internal and external troubles.

She did so much, but they were colluding with each other, sucking the blood of the empire, and living the most decadent, extravagant and indulgent life.

Secretly, I don’t know how to laugh at myself, this silly “king”?

The Queen of Eternal Night is naturally very smart, but I just didn’t bother to use my brain before.

This move made her think clearly. I should be the supreme person in this country, but in the end I became a worker for you?


No matter how well I do, I can’t get their loyalty.

Just because their interests are slightly damaged, I want to change the queen and sell out the country for glory?

I’m tired and don’t love it anymore.

From now on, the opinions of the nobles of the empire are all bullshit!

Sorry, nobles, I won’t be a perfect queen!

Anyway, as long as I can ensure that most people have enough food, I will smoke, drink and drive Gundam, and I will still be a good queen!

She realized that in addition to the responsibilities of the “king”, there should be a freedom that belongs to the “king”.

To a certain extent, the Queen of Eternal Night is now on the verge of lying down because of Roger.

It's just that the Queen of Eternal Night has a much stronger sense of responsibility than Roger, so even if she lies down, she will still work hard for the empire.

But without those external rules and regulations, she is more real and more self-centered.

First of all, you can enjoy Margaret's rainbow farts to your heart's content!

Of course, Margaret also had a great time tonight.

As the most fanatical toxic fan, she indulged in expressing three thousand words of rainbow farts to the wisdom of the Queen of Eternal Night.

She was not interrupted, so happy, the Queen loves her fans too much!

With our single, double, and triple rhymes, this endurance, and this punchline, can Angelina do it?

The tail behind Margaret swung proudly, and her eyes rolled.

She wants to do something big today while His Majesty is happy!

Margaret said in a heartbroken tone:

"Your Majesty, the rebelliousness of the imperial nobles is actually related to the New Arcana."

The Queen of Eternal Night looked slightly depressed: "So, you think the New Arcana is wrong?"

Margaret, I misjudged you. You, a pretty girl, want to stop me from driving a giant golem?

"Your Majesty, you misunderstood. I have read the New Arcana over and over again for no less than ten times. The words reveal wisdom beyond the times. You are the lighthouse that illuminates the way forward for magicians! You are the compass that makes magic great again!"

Margaret replied in an aria, "The New Arcana must continue, but there are some small obstacles now. I want to help you quickly calm the resentment of the nobles and traditional magicians, that is..."

The Queen of Eternal Night waved her hand: "You can say it."

She did not forget that there was a sword of Damocles that could fall at any time over the empire, the ten-year countdown predicted by Roger.

Therefore, the sooner more magicians support the industrialization of magic and contribute their wisdom and strength, the sooner the empire's national strength will take off.

Seeing this, Margaret immediately stepped forward and whispered: "I suggest that you execute Roger Charles, the president of "New Arcana". Your Majesty can immediately regain the recognition of magicians!"

The Queen of Eternal Night frowned: "The "New Arcana" was founded by Roger. If he is executed, who will continue to run this magazine?"

"Your Majesty, don't worry. The most difficult thing about "New Arcana" is to propose a new and feasible idea. Now this most difficult hurdle has been overcome under the guidance of Your Majesty. Roger is just a useless brother, but he can do this well. If the rest of the work is handed over to me, I will definitely make the magazine better for you!"

"Oh, so you want to pick fruits?"

"If you don't trust me, I think the Minister of History Dio Brando can also host "New Arcana"!"

The Queen of Eternal Night almost rolled her eyes.

After all, aren't these two the same person?

If you kill one, who will play the other?

The undead?

My dear left prime minister, how much fake wine did Ning drink to come up with such a brilliant plan?

But Margaret still confidently analyzed: "Your Majesty, there is no gambling element in this wave of ministers. Executing Roger will regain the recognition of magicians, and then step by step to promote the industrialization of magic thinking, which will surely be extremely smooth. Such a small sacrifice can be exchanged for a huge speed-up. The opportunity is not to be missed, and it will never come again. You can't hesitate any longer..."

To be honest, although Margaret's strategy is a bit vicious, it is really effective.

Pushing Roger out to calm the public anger, and then changing the goal of overall industrialization to gradually apply magic to the field of people's livelihood, it is indeed easier for magicians to accept.

This is like negotiation, first propose a high price that the other party absolutely cannot accept, and then reduce the price little by little.

Boil the magician in warm water, Margaret is confident that her trick has a success rate of 98%!

But the problem is that the Queen of Eternal Night originally had a complicated view of Roger, and after a conversation at the Salon of Laws, they even rose to the level of "confidant".

In her opinion, in this huge empire, Roger is the only one who can understand my ambition and look at the empire and the gods from a similar perspective.

Angelina, Margaret and others are loyal, but their vision is far worse than Roger.

I am already walking on an extremely lonely road. If Roger is gone, wouldn't it be even more lonely, without even a companion?

Even if we take a step back, the Queen of Eternal Night, who is now lying down, really doesn't want the recognition of traditional magicians, who are mainly nobles.

Killing the donkey after it has done its work, killing the truly loyal people, and trying to please a bunch of fence-sitters?

Oh, without ten years of cerebral thrombosis, it is impossible to do such a self-destructive thing!

Margaret was still making an impassioned speech, citing the many benefits of executing Roger.

The Queen of Eternal Night was already impatient, and raised her hand slightly.

With a series of specialties such as silent, instant, extreme, and gigantic, a magician's hand was comparable to a forbidden spell. At a speed that Margaret could not react to, she suddenly grabbed the tail with an arrow.

Swoosh, she was lifted to the top of the hall.


Margaret screamed in a high pitch.

The Queen of Eternal Night walked down the Star Throne, admiring the upside-down left prime minister, with a slight smile on her lips.

In the past, she would definitely not punish her subjects like this.

But at this moment, she has let herself go. Margaret makes her unhappy, so she can play with her to her heart's content.

I am free (σ'ω')σ!

Margaret was in mid-air, and she felt that her tail would break at any time, and then fall into a pulp.

This height would not kill a magician, but a 1.8-meter-tall man could also drown and faint in a 1.4-meter-tall swimming pool.

Being attacked by the Queen of Eternal Night, Margaret was a little short of brain capacity at this time.

The Queen of Eternal Night said in a playful voice: "Margaret, what you just said was all out of loyalty to me?"

Margaret defended herself aggrievedly: "Of course I am loyal, very loyal, absolutely loyal, and I will never have the slightest intention to harm Your Majesty! Please let me down!"

The Queen of Eternal Night sneered, raised her hand and another magician's hand, hitting Margaret's particularly firm little butt:

"Well, you didn't want to hurt me, but you wanted to make Angelina sad, am I wrong?"

"I didn't, I really want to make Your Majesty's wish come true faster..."

Snap, snap, snap, snap!

Several consecutive slaps on Margaret's butt.

Her petite body spun in the air, her limbs fluttered helplessly, but she couldn't catch even a straw.

Margaret turned into a devil-branded ceiling fan, and because of the deformation and displacement of her clothes, her curvaceous figure was fully displayed.

The large area of ​​spring light exposed, coupled with the pitiful little expression, formed a beautiful picture that made people daydream.

The scene that was supposed to appear in the middle of the game came out ahead of time because of the "transformation" of the Queen of Eternal Night!

In the happy atmosphere, Margaret was really about to cry.

Pain, shame, and fear.

The truth that was hidden hard was also said: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I know I was wrong. I did think about making the blue-haired saint uncomfortable. I can accept it if you don't kill him, as long as the useless brother is dismissed from office at the speed of light..."

The Queen of Eternal Night snorted, withdrew the magician's hand, and added a feather fall spell, causing Margaret to fall to the ground at a speed that would not hurt her.

Thank you for your cooperation, I am happy now~

Margaret rubbed her butt and stood up, looking at the Queen of Eternal Night. She was not angry, but smiling, and said tentatively: "Your Majesty, next time..."

"Next time you slander me, remember to use your brain more."

Margaret: ? ? ?

I want to say that I will never dare to do it again, but what do you mean, Your Majesty?

I can't help but continue to think of ways to trick the blue-haired Virgin!

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