The Villain Script: The Heroines Have Collapsed

Chapter 173: Is the man being punished?


Hearing the system's words, Su Chen immediately fell into a state of confusion.

He didn't understand what was going on.

Obviously nothing was done, and now such a serious situation has suddenly appeared.

What exactly do you want to do.

In other words, the system was not like this before. It did a lot of excessive things without any punishment.

But now suddenly there is.

And it looks so serious.

This made Su Chen have a bad feeling.

He just wanted to think about it, and didn't do anything too much!

Well, it's really too much.

Originally, the male protagonist Fang Yufan was going to have something to do with the female protagonist.

At least they have to trust each other.

But in the end, this is the case.

It's completely out of the plot.

But all this was not done by him... Su Chendun felt a chill down his spine.

Could it be that I just made Bai Bing'er frivolous?

Su Chen carefully recalled everything that was possible.

The more you think about it, the worse it gets.

Just now, his behavior from the beginning to the end has nothing to do with the villain.

He looks like a male protagonist, how could he not be punished by the system under such circumstances.

It's just that there was a problem with the system some time ago.

But now the system has issued a new script.

Then you don't have to think about it, you must pay attention to the development of the plot this time.

So it's only now that there's a reminder that the plot has been spoiled.

Su Chen regretted it.

And at the same time, I thought of the fear of being dominated by the system in the previous 33rd generation.

The punishment will certainly not be light.

What to do now?

"I didn't do it on purpose. Who caused such a serious collapse before, who still remembers how to perform the real villain script!"

Su Chen was entangled in his heart for a long time, and sighed helplessly.

"Forget it, it's not that he hasn't been punished anyway, it's a blessing or a curse, and the disaster can't be avoided."

"That's it, let's see what happened."

After speaking, Su Chen quickly went to check what the system said.

[Due to the serious collapse of the previous script, this time the system is observing everyone on a very strict scale, and all the script characters are observing the ranks. 】

[And Fang Yufan, who was the male protagonist just now, actually voluntarily gave up approaching the female protagonist, which seriously damaged the plot. 】

[System decision: Give Fang Yufan a severe punishment, and five thunders hit the top. 】


After seeing the words prompted by the system, Su Chen was completely in a daze, not sure what the situation was.

The system punished, but it seemed like there was no punishment.

Actually punished Fang Yufan as the male lead.

This is a situation that Su Chen could not imagine anyway.

"Wait, what's the situation now, not only will I be punished by the system for breaking the plot, but now everyone in the script will be severely punished?"

Su Chen murmured in his mouth, and suddenly let out a cheerful laugh.

This is what he questioned on the spot when he was punished by the system for the first time for the collapse of the plot.

Obviously he is not the only one who destroys the plot, why the male protagonist will not be affected.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, the wish of the year has really come true.

Thinking of the moment Fang Yufan was struck by lightning, Su Chen couldn't help it, and laughed out loud.


"It's too funny."

"There is also the thunder and lightning punishment. It seems that today Fang Yufan will inevitably be slapped on the head by the thunder."

Su Chen smiled and suddenly felt something was not right!

Even if you want to punish those who break the script, you should punish Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi was breaking the rules from beginning to end.

In the end, Fang Yufan, the male protagonist, was punished, which was really unexpected.

This is also outrageous.

But why was Fang Yufan punished?

For what reason was he being targeted by the system?

Su Chen didn't understand for a while, he carefully recalled what Fang Yufan did just now.

Found nothing out of the ordinary.

Because after being humiliated by Bai Bing'er, I don't want to continue to be a licking dog for Bai Bing'er.

Su Chen carefully read everything the system said just now.

Got it right away. .

"Hahaha, this is pure suicide."

Su Chen wanted to see what happened to the five thunders.

But the only thing that annoyed him was.

The person being punished was actually Fang Yufan.

If it was Qin Yu, it would be worth eating dumplings for Su Chen.

"Wait... Doesn't that mean you can draw inferences from one case."

Su Chen thought that since the system would use this to punish Fang Yufan, one of the male protagonists.

Then the male protagonist of the original work, Qin Yu, will definitely be punished if he destroys the plot.

It wasn't that Qin Yu was punished and Su Chen's good mood disappeared in an instant, and he even wished to start the plot about Qin Yu quickly.

As for what would happen after Fang Yufan was hit by five thunderbolts.

How terrible the end was, he didn't know.

Anyway, there are two male protagonists now, Fang Yufan is dead, he will not be affected by it.

On the contrary, he was very supportive of Fang Yufan during the same period.

Good luck for the male protagonist, I just came out and never thought that I would encounter such a situation.

It's almost eight lifetimes of blood mold.

It probably won't be a good ending.

And Su Chen also thinks this is too interesting. It is indeed the first time that such a situation has been encountered after being bound to the system for such a long time.

"What's more important is that the current Fang Yufan did not expect a catastrophe to happen soon."

"I guess it's still in the dark."

Could it be that the system will not punish Qin Luoyi.

Su Chen now understands that this has nothing to do with Qin Luoyi.

On the contrary, it can be said that Qin Luoyi is a bait.

In the real sense, the person who made the plot collapse and made Fang Yufan, the male protagonist, suffer, was actually Bai Binger.

Su Chen looked at Bai Bing'er who was still sleeping at the moment, and couldn't help but sigh.

"Sure enough, no matter what the heroine is, the intensity of destroying the plot will not be reduced at all."

Su Chen sighed in admiration, "I thought the Yang family sisters were ruthless."

"What are the tortures Qin Yu suffered? Forget the heroines of the original book, the characters collapsed."

"But looking at the current Bai Bing'er, Fang Yufan, the male protagonist, was completely inadvertently destroyed."

"Good guy, even I was almost deceived. I didn't expect you, Bai Bing'er, to have such potential."

"It just came on the scene and immediately brought such a terrifying offensive."

Since Bai Bing'er has such talent, why don't we quickly introduce her into the plot about Qin Yu?

Just as Su Chen was thinking about it, Bai Bing'er suddenly sat up.

The first time she got up was to look at Su Chen.

And never left.

And Su Chen was indeed a little scared by what she saw.

Thinking that Fang Yufan had offended her just now, and now he is about to be struck by lightning, Su Chen is also afraid!

"Miss Bai Bing'er, are you alright? I have solved all the poison for you just now."


After Su Chen finished speaking, he immediately felt something was wrong.

Just now, just after completing the task, she made Bai Binger look like she was being humiliated.

How will this woman react?

It doesn't matter, anyway, I'll just be more careful in the future, it shouldn't happen to Fang Yufan's situation.

Su Chen was determined to face Bai Bing'er's anger.

But next time, he just saw Bai Bing'er slowly tidying up her clothes and didn't say anything.

What's the matter, no response at all?

Su Chen continued: "Miss Bai Bing'er, your body was cured by me."

"I see." In fact, Bai Bing'er never fell into a coma from beginning to end.

And the reason why he pretended to be lethargic was because he wanted to see what the relationship between Su Chen and Qin Luoyi was.

Or does Qin Luoyi really want to harm her.

But obviously not.

At that time, Bai Binger was very happy when she heard the news, at least it proved that Qin Luoyi cared about her very much, and she didn't make friends.

But she couldn't understand the relationship between Qin Luoyi and Su Chen.

Does Qin Luoyi like Su Chen?


What ability does Su Chen have to make Qin Luoyi treat him like this?

Even, even...Although Bai Binger was reluctant to admit it, she had to say that Qin Luoyi looked like a dog licking in front of Su Chen.

Bai Bing'er is too scary to think about it.

There are too many people pursuing Qin Luoyi, but this best friend has never given anyone a good face.

During that time, Bai Bing'er thought she was as disgusted with men as she was.

Unexpectedly, it turns out that the reason why Qin Luoyi has been rejecting other suitors is because he wants to be a 'dog licking'

No, the word can't be used on Qin Luoyi.

Bai Binger feels that there is a problem with the worldview.

Qin Luoyi is definitely not such a person. In fact, there should be things she doesn't know.

This kind of thing is licking a dog on others, but when it comes to Qin Luoyi, it should be called affectionate.

Originally, Su Chen wanted to say bad things about Qin Luoyi.

But thinking of Fang Yufan who was punished for destroying the plot, his heart immediately became nervous.

Think about it or forget it.

If this is a serious punishment for destroying the plot, it will be troublesome.

Su Chen felt that it was necessary to restrain his recent behavior.

It's just too much.

This is bad.

Fortunately, Fang Yufan came out to help him as a gun.

But Su Chen still has something in his heart, how exactly is Fang Yufan going to accept the so-called five thunders?

It's on the train now!

Can't chop everything up on the train?

After a while, the train arrived at a new city.

But at this time it was still a long time before Kyoto, but the train still stopped.

There is a short break in between.

But suddenly, it started to rain heavily.

And it's getting bigger and bigger.

Strong winds, thunder and lightning...

Horrible natural disasters followed.

Su Chen was stunned.

what's the situation?

So suddenly, this is not going to be split now, is it?

However, this is not the case.

Just when Su Chen was at a loss, the radio rang.

There was a collapse ahead.

This train won't be able to leave for a while, so passengers are asked to get off the train quickly and take shelter first.

This... really is what the system wants to do, there is nothing it can't do.

Bai Bing'er opened the door of the box.

Qin Luoyi said excitedly, "Bing'er, are you alright?"

"Of course it's fine, everything is fine."

"That's good, let's get out of the car quickly. It will be a windy day soon, and the weather will change greatly."

"Okay!" Bai Bing'er responded, and then left hand in hand with Qin Luoyi.

This scene made Su Chen a little unexpected.

"What's the situation, Qin Luoyi knocked her out, but Bai Bing'er didn't react at all, and she still looked like a good sister?"

Su Chen didn't understand.

But before he could relax, he met Fang Yufan again.

Fang Yufan deserves to be the hero's luck, even after being attacked by Bai Binger's gravity twice, now it seems that nothing is normal.

Su Chen couldn't help but glance at him.

Fang Yufan held back the pain, his eyes were full of suffocation, and he looked at Su Chen and mocked: "I didn't expect that the young master of the Su family would actually come to take the train in person. Stunning."

Su Chen ignored him and had something to say to the protagonist.

He is the villain.

nothing to say.

And there is no task now, not in the interpretation of the plot.

The male protagonist's brain circuits are different from ordinary people. Although there is no conflict with Fang Yufan, he is influenced by Qin Yu.

Su Chen didn't have a good impression of these big male protagonists.

And his disregard for the male protagonist makes the male protagonist even more angry.

Sure enough, Fang Yufan saw that Su Chen ignored him, and his face immediately turned pale.

Angrily said: "Su Chen, you are here alone now, and you dare to be so arrogant?"

The threat of the words is obvious.

At the same time, he cursed at Su Chen inwardly.

bastard stuff.

After getting off the bus, I will definitely show you a good look.

Fang Yufan actually went to investigate just now, and Su Chen came up alone, and there was not even a guard beside him.

This is opportunity.

If Su Chen is allowed to return to the capital, it will be troublesome if he wants to do it.

He wouldn't make Qin Yu's mistake.

Since Su Chen is his biggest opponent on the road to hegemony, Fang Yufan will not miss any opportunity to kill the opponent.

He happened to be staying tonight, so he took the opportunity to kill Su Chen.

He originally wanted to kill the calm Su Chen.

But the moment he saw Su Chen, Fang Yufan couldn't control his anger at all.

Su Chen saw Fang Yufan so arrogant.

In my heart, I was in the big male protagonist, what kind of attitude will be bombarded by five thunders.

"Fang Yufan, you should worry about yourself." Su Chen reminded.

However, if it was in the capital, Fang Yufan might be frightened by Su Chen's words.

But now Su Chen, there is no one around at all.

In his opinion, it was nothing more than Su Chen's fear.

I just want to intimidate myself in this way.

This made him even more determined to kill Su Chen tonight.

Su Chen died. Things just got easier.

Now Qin Yu has no self-confidence at all, and Fang Yufan doesn't take it seriously at all.

From the moment Fang Yufan came down the mountain, his goal has always been Su Chen.

But I didn't expect God to be so kind to him.

He actually sent Su Chen in front of him.

Thinking of this, Fang Yufan's mouth evoked a winner's smile.

It's just that all this is so funny in Su Chen's eyes.

He was tempted, "Fang Yufan, just get angry here, I'm going to Bai Bing'er to have an in-depth exchange."

Fang Yufan gritted his teeth.

Obviously, Su Chen's words angered him.

"Bastard, I won't rob you of Bai Bing'er, but do you think her cold body is so easy to conquer?"

"I just want you to look at the beautiful woman in front of you, but you look helpless."

Sure enough, it was because of Fang Yufan's withdrawal that he was punished like this... Su Chen thought to himself, he must take this as a warning and must not follow in the same footsteps.

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