CH 179

I put Eprin in the Oval Chair.

Gently, I looked into the eyes. As if to check the reflection of his pupils, he also showed the light.


Suddenly, Eprin had a hiccup. I looked up at him.

“Is there a problem?”

Then he pouted his lips.

“…You’re too close.”


Since the inspection was finished anyway, he sat back a little.

“Effrine, maggie was detected in your pupils.”


Magi. A substance that makes me violent, even the smallest particles.

I’m not too worried about the biggest enemy of the “constitution” I’ve learned before. Desculane’s anger—of course—is a bit harsh in speech and behavior—but ultimately freezing.

“Oh, well….”

Eprin hesitated to avoid my eyes.

“Tell me.”

“……Well. My father was in my dream.”

I looked silently. The man with his head down added.

“But…… he wasn’t my father. I feel like I’ve been tricked.”

I put the word together.

Dream, father, trick, maggie.

“Did anything happen in your dreams?”

“What? Oh, I…….”

Eprin opened her eyes wide. He wriggled his hands and feet like a baby octopus and blushed.

It was strangely disgusting.

“Leave your hands and feet alone. Before I cut it.”

“What?! Cut it?”


“……nothing happened.”

Let’s keep staring and start to recite.

I listened to him quietly.

I met Kagan Luna in my dream, but I didn’t feel like my father, I would have been in trouble if I approached him, I lived because of the last mental class…….

“It must have been the devil.”


Eprin asked back.

“Yes, which of the five senses is the quickest to forget.”


“Yes, it’s easy to deceive because you don’t remember the distant sounds of the distant past.”

People forget their voices the fastest. Here ‘forget’ is a literal forget. Therefore, it is the easiest sense to deceive.

“Don’t be fooled by the voice you hear in your dreams.”

In a world where recorders are not popular, the voice of an already dead person is easily forgotten and disappeared.

‘Voice’ is a demon that penetrates the gap.

“His name is “Voice.”

“Oh! I’ve been there, too! It was a ruin.”

Eprin said in a loud voice. I nodded my head.

“He is a concept and a phenomenon that embodies the world. The ruins embody human memories, dreams, wishes, and wishes. You don’t sell amazing things there.”

“……Oh, yes. I did. I have this too. A long time ago, Loha…”Oh, the old man gave it to me.”

Eprin took a postcard out of her pocket. It was 10 won in currency.

“But why did I have that dream?”


I looked at Eprin’s head without saying a word.

The top of the head, temple, forehead, forehead.

Suddenly, Eprin narrowed her eyes.

“Why, why do you look at your lips like that?”

“……is this out of your mind?”


I leaned back on the back of the chair.

“In any case, you have been formally invited. Maybe all the memories of Dickylene, Kagan Luna and so on in your head went to him.”

“So what happens?”

“The gates of your memory will open in the ruins. I’ll give it to those who try and clear it.”

I pointed at the postcard.

“Clear… Clear? Clear~?”

Eprin’s face, which had been reciting, became strange.

“What do you mean, clear my memory?”

“Like a dungeon, the evil men of your memory come out as final bosses.”

“Aha, if you’re a bad memory…Giltheon, Rolulu, Lucia, Deculane…….”

The one who recited my thoughts was stunned. But I corrected what I just said, pretending to mutter unconsciously again.

“……Deculane is now neutral, so minus…””Don’t talk nonsense. At any rate, the difficulty of your memory will be at its peak.”

“But why is the devil doing this? For what?”

“Continent domination.”

I answered simply. Eprin blinked blankly.

“…Is that possible?”

“Nothing is impossible. The more people are passionate about the ruins of “Voice”, the stronger the power of “Voice”. If you come to a dream like you and manipulate your memory, you will dominate the person.”

His purpose is to invoke the world through people.

It is not a complete axis of evil. Rather, it provides an opportunity to be strong, so it’s both an opportunity and a crisis.

“So…… if I’m invited, what about you?”

“I’ve already been invited.”

“…How do you know I was invited?”



I lowered the hem of the lobe of Eprin with “Yeondong”. Then, the shoulder and collarbone were revealed.

Of course, Eprin made a fuss.

“Ugh! Come on, come on! What’s wrong with you?


“You must be crazy. Aaaaah!


I clenched my teeth for a moment.

“Look at his shoulders.”


“There will be a tattoo.”

Eprin made an opaque membrane with a face of complete disbelief. It was a magic called Whispering Wall.

“Oh, what the heck!”

Shout out loud if you checked my shoulder. The wall magic disappears again, and a little awkward-faced Ephrine looks at me.

“Why is this…?”

“The tattoo allows us to decide when to enter. Since there is still not enough time for the voice, the position is only once a week. I’ll notify you later, so make time with me.”


Eprin scratched her neck for no reason and nodded avoiding my eyes.

“Yes, yes, yes, professor.”

* * *

Winter, one of the most severe seasons of all dawn.


Yuri woke up from her sleep.

“Ha, ha, ha, ha…….”

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a rough breath Her whole body was covered in cold sweat, and their voices still echoed before her ears.

—Please avenge me, sir.

—Leader…… I…….

It was Rockefell and Veron, respectively. Rockefell asked for revenge with torn limbs, and Veron’s heart was embedded with a wooden steel.

It was a nightmare.


She calmed down her pounding heart. I started meditating with a beggar.

But the situation was not on her side.

Sir, we’re in trouble!

Yuli immediately got up.

I wiped my sweat with a light “cleanse.” It is armed with tiger skin armor. He tied his hair up and opened the door with a clout.

Immediately, Reilly stuck.

“Oh, my God. Oh, my God!”

“What’s going on?”

“Come on! You’ll see for yourself!”

Reilly took Yuli to the conference room. There were many articles in the conference room. They were already in the middle of a meeting.

“Oh, she’s here.”

“Sit down.”

Sirio welcomed her, but the royal knights wouldn’t even make eye contact.

“…a scene of a scout who was out quite far from the dead.”

There was a picture attached to the blackboard in the conference room. Yuri opened her eyes wide as soon as she saw it.

“There’s a lot of magic going on in the land of destruction. The population is unknown. The goal is, of course, this barrier.”

It was a monster wave. However, the density was more dense than ever before.

Yuli couldn’t believe it even when she saw it with her eyes.

said Delic, an imperial knight.

Professor Desculane was right.

In fact, they gathered here, but were half-doubtful of Desculane’s predictions.

19 years ago, a lot bigger monster waves than 19 years ago that drove the continent crazy.

“…What are you going to do? In about a week, these crazy people will arrive, and by that time they will be even more starving and even more ferocious.”Delic asked the drivers’ intentions. Yuri frowned. She knew the meaning of the word.

It was not long before Delic said.

“I’m leaving.”

“…Sir Delic.”

Yuli stepped forward, but Delic shook his head.

“Don’t be a corruption knight.”


She clasped her fists. I was infuriated with anger inside.

“It is meaningless to hold out at Recordak. Of course, the knight Deah would say, “Let’s hang in there.”

“No, if it’s really that bad, at least leave with the mountaineers.”

“Oh, okay. Whatever it is, it’s fine. Anyway…….”


Then the door of the conference room opened again.

Everyone took an example to the person who appeared this time. I jumped up and bent down.


He glanced around the conference room and said.

“Was it just a meeting of knights?”

No one answered. It was just silence and silence.

Desculane naturally walked between them and sat at the head of the table.

“The Order of Recordak will soon be hollowed out, and there are so many people to leave.”

He said so and looked around. Delic, who made eye contact with him, slowly opened his mouth.

“Do you intend not to leave, professor?…?”

“I would have said that from the beginning.”

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Delic turned his head out of sight and distorted his expression. Soon again, I looked at Desculane with a serene face.

“But look at this report. Hundreds of knights and thousands of prisoners are not enough. This time, it’s really different from Daeho. Waves are going to get bigger as time goes by, and if it’s like this from the first wave, it’s going to be 24 hours a day.”

Delic spoke quietly and desperately.

“It’s also a matter of quality of life. To defend this barrier, the battle will continue throughout the month. Even if you don’t die physically, mentally…….”

The brief speech lasted quite a while. It was a reasonable reason.

“Well, that was a good reason, Delic.”

Desculane nodded his head. Delic’s face turned bright, and so did other knights who sympathized with him.

Desculane said.

“Are there many people who want to leave?”

At first, no one raised their hand.

“Don’t feel pressured to listen.”

But the second time he spoke, starting with Delic, he raised his arms in a flurry.

Desculane laughed at them all.

“All right, leave.”


Delic swept the heart. As expected, Desculane was feeling a lot of pressure.

“Yes, then we’ll put our opinions together in the future-”


Suddenly Desculane’s face hardened.

No, he was still smiling with his mouth, but his eyes were hard. The strange expression was even more eerie.

“I predicted this with the concept of collision values.”

Desculane continued in a low, deep voice.

“You would have known that, too.

Many worlds, one of the characteristics of a villain in a novel.

“But the cost of acquiring and developing the prison is astronomical. If you had told me you didn’t follow me, I wouldn’t have spent it.”

First, I especially detest the cost of burial. He hates loss fanatically, and drives his men, however impossible it may be.

“Of course, the damage has nothing to do with it, but the title of my chairman is at stake on this barrier.

Secondly, it is obsessed with honor and power. Rich movies are always the ultimate goal of a third-rate villain.

“Of course, I don’t want to be the chairman of the board.…if there is an article to leave.”


“He had better not think about being with me forever.”

He holds a long grudge.

It’s very long.

To the point of killing a man because of his grudges.

“…How is it?”On the contrary, this was the strength of the wicked.

I don’t have to force myself to persuade like Yuli, but I can mobilize the manpower I want to achieve.

“Are you still going to leave?”

The laughter around Desculane’s mouth deepens. In the eyes of the knights of the palace, the smile is as evil as a snake.

“Or are you going to die fighting here and gain some honor?”

Deculane buries himself in a chair. It’s always the noble’s high and constant dignity, but the next word is quite brutal.

“Think about it for a day and decide. There is nothing beyond my reach in this empire. There may be an accident on the way to the island right away.”

Desculane broke and laughed and stood up. All the knights were looking at him, but no one was willing to say anything. I just watched the back of it.


The door was closed again, but the silence subsided in the conference room. The knights looked at the scout’s reports with their own eyes.

[Too many to count with eyes] Roughly, it’s a march full of the horizon of destruction.]


Delic’s deep sigh subsided like cigarette smoke.

* * *

Meanwhile, Sophienne received a book from Desculane. It was a basic book related to Go.

“He wrote it well.”

Slippery- skimmed and nodded satisfactorily. On the desk, I put it down by Cairon’s snow globe.

“More than that, Your Majesty. Is it true that you hunted the Great Lakes?”

Sofien glared at the guy sitting in front of me. It was Crete.

The bloke who came out of the blue asked about rumors in the North these days.

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Oh! As expected!”

“Why do you ask that again?”

“Ha ha. I’m writing a biography about Professor Desculane these days.”

“Why would the Hwangs use such a thing? I’ll tear it apart.”

“Oh, of course, the name goes out under a pseudonym. I don’t know it’s me.”

“……What a moron.”

Sophien shook her head with a very unhappy look.

“Oh, by the way, there’s a rumor going around that it’s a wave. How’s Professor Desculane?”

“What do you mean. He’s doing fine. I’m busy with the enemy’s orbit.”

At that, Creto smiled bitterly. Carefully, I looked at her and asked.

“Well, why do you hate the ark so much?”


Sofienne shut up for a moment. He stared at Crete quietly.

“There is a reason for Jim’s hatred.”

“……Yes, I’m sure you do. Your Majesty is very wise. Anyway, didn’t the professor predict that this wave would be quite dangerous?”

“Yeah, hundreds of times the previous year. I wonder if it will come true, or if he will be the only one to be humiliated, too.

Sophie N smirked. Creteau said with a rather serious look.

“I do like professors, but……I hope that prediction is wrong this time.”

“It’s noisy.”


Sophienne handed Cretto some documents.

“On the way, deliver it to the Home Secretary. You should read some.”

“What is it?”

“This is a policy related to the enemy’s gauge.”

Creteau read the document with a bitter heart.


His eyes were wide open. The heart stopped for a while.

Those were shocking sentences.

– Gas chamber resolution. Starting with the establishment of the Bettan concentration camp.

The extermination of the enemy’s ulcers.

– Processing of undeclared enemy gauge is consistent with shooting.

“……Also, as my emperor, I have a letter to deliver to a servant.”

Then Sophienne said. Creteau quickly raised his head.

“What, what? The letter?”

“That’s right.”

Sophien realized that her letter was a little bad. Apart from the ability to write, it was too old style.

“Give it a little help and go.””……Yes.”

Cretto put the document in his arms and nodded.

Then I asked without thinking much.

“Well, who are you sending it to?”

“You don’t need to know that!”


But Sophienne reacted quite violently.

“It’s the Emperor’s personal matter, so you don’t need to know!”

Creteau was a little suspicious, but soon answered in a word.

“Yes, yes, yes, sir…….”

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