The Villain

Chapter 118 - Suicide And Baby

"Sis, will she be fine?" Cameron asked Valencia as his gaze studied the unconscious woman lying on the bed. Her usually pale face was scaring them. He was more scared than he was letting anyone know. 

"A pregnant woman under so much stress, I can't even imagine the pain she is under, " Valencia sighed. She checked her up before giving her an injection and medicine to rest her brain. "Where did you find her, Cameron?"

The day she met Persephone in the cafe, she had never thought that the next time she would see her would be in this condition. Not even for a second that day, she felt that the girl was anything but fine. 

"On the terrace," Cameron answered. "She was about to jump down the terrace. But before she could jump down, I pulled her back and she lost consciousness. There was no one and neither did she have her phone or anything that could help me with her identity. So, I brought her here."

Cameron was shaken badly. One he knew who he felt when he saw a woman trying to jump down. And to his shock, she was the same woman he met outside the cafe. The woman who brought his girlfriend to tears with her words. 

"You did the right thing, little bro," Valencia patted his shoulder."I can't imagine that the next time we meet will be under such circumstances. She was such a jolly and funny lady a few days ago and today… Truly, we can't understand the pain one is in… just by judging their happy expression." 

Persephone's innocence is her mask. Her unusual sense of humor and untimely jokes, her weapon of survival. She uses her beauty to hide her heart. Her easy smile will let you keep your guard down in her presence. But underneath her skin, she was a chaotic being begging for help. People in need of help often turn to escapes like drugs, alcohol, hell even cutting their skin. But she? She would sharpen her armour and pose even more to act strong. Her strong facade was her cry of help. But nobody heard it. 

Neither her family nor Valencia could understand this simple fact. It was only Santiago, who called his so-called strong character, a facade and it truly was. Persephone had been faking it for so long that she had forgotten what truth really was now. The mask had seeped deep into her skin now. 

"Should we call the police?" Cameron asked his sister. They should have called the police first but since he was a nervous and scared boy, thinking his only priority was to save her life, he brought her to his sister's apartment, where she checked her up. 

Valencia nodded. "That's the right thing to do. Moreover, I know her name. Perhaps that will help us." 

Valencia was about to dial the police number when someone rang the doorbell. "I will check who is outside. You keep an eye on Santiago. Don't let him know that his Percy is sick and at our house." 

If her son knew that his current favorite person on the planet apart from his family, Persephone, was in their home, he was going to lose it. He wouldn't sit can't until he met her. For days, he had been singing praises of her, and truth be told, she was a bit envious of Persephone now. 

Putting a stop to her thoughts, Valencia left to open the door. 

"How can I help you?" Valencia asked when she opened the door. She found two tall and dangerous-looking men standing outside the door with two women next to them. One of the women had the same height and eye color as Persephone and another was slightly tall but still, she resembles Persephone a bit. 

"We checked the CCTV and found a boy who brought my sister here," Salvatore said. His voice sounded frightening but Valencia was proud of her calm demeanor. 

"You are Persephone's brother?" Valencia asked him. She studied him front down to up. This man was over 6ft tall and his sister was, well, petite. So, it didn't make any sense. But then she noticed that they really resembled each other a lot. 

"You know my sister?" Salvatore asked her, surprised. He could count the number of friends that Persephonehad on his hand. 

Valencia nodded. "Please come in." 

The four came inside her house and Valencia took them to the guest room where Persephone was lying unconscious. 

"Why is she not awake?" Sophia asked her worriedly. She went near her sister and touched her pale face. She was so thankful to this lady that her sister was alright. Her worry wasn't in vain. She knew that her sister wasn't fine. 

"She is unconscious, " Valencia replied with a strange look. "My brother found her on the terrace in a bit of a complicated situation. And when he found her unconscious, he immediately brought her here. I'm a doctor by profession. Valencia Reynolds." 

"Miss Reynolds, would you please define the uncomplicated situation?" Isabelle asked her. Her eyes still staring at Persephone's sleeping form. She has been pretty shaken up. 

"I think my brother will be able to explain clearly what he witnessed earlier," Valencia replied and called Cameron, who told them all the details that he encountered earlier. 

"You are saying she tried to commit suicide?" Nico asked him, crestfallen. 

Why would she do that? 

"She would have succeeded if I hadn't pulled her back," Cameron replied. His hostile gaze linger on Nico's face. 

Salvatore closed his eyes in despair and took a deep breath to calm himself down. He was such an incompetent brother. But what was the benefit of self-blaming now? 

This novel is a contracted work with W e b n o v e l. c o m (remove spaces). If you're not reading 'THe Villain' on W e b n o v e l, it has been stolen. It's very heartbreaking to see pirates profiting from my hard work. Please support the original author,(tanu_sam).


We have a baby on the board guys? Let's welcome tiny Vittello who had yet to come into this word. ????

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