This is a retranslation since copies of the early chapters have been lost. I'll translate as fast as possible, but please enjoy the updates for now.

Her sixth life, the one prior to this loop.

It was in an island kingdom that Rishe, disguised as a man, became a knight. It was a place she reached while traveling.

It was a lovely and historic kingdom built on red bricks.

Some knights picked her up and took care of her for a while. They had never noticed that Rishe, who disguised herself as a man for the trip, was a woman, so they recommended her to join the Order.

The training was literally blood-curdling.

I had learned swordsmanship as part of self-defense while I was still the daughter of a duke. Although this had given me a solid foundation, the training that the knights imposed on me as a man was completely different from what a young lady would learn just for the sake of etiquette.

I trained myself tirelessly and honed my swordsmanship day and night. Just when I finally felt like a full-fledged swordsman…

The Garkhain imperial army, led by Emperor Arnold, invaded the castle.

(How exactly did I end up here…)

Rishe was sitting limp and quiet in her chair.

Arnold was seated in the chair across from her. He crossed his legs and propped his cheek on the armrest, looking arrogant as he appeared to be.

「What’s wrong? You seem to be in a foul mood.」

「…Shouldn’t I be?」

When he pointed out the obvious, she replied sullenly.

However, there’s no way I can simply proceed and say,『You killed me in another life, so it’s quite complicated to face you head on』, right? Since experiencing the first loop, I decided to keep this fact secret from anyone.

「I’ve made a lot of plans after I get banished, you know? Thanks to you, my parents came out of the house, and even His Majesty caught wind of it…」

I massaged my temples, recalling the uproar that ensued.

After Arnold’s marriage proposal and Rishe’s rejection of it, a hushed silence reigned in front of the ducal mansion.

Dietrich was the first to speak up.

『The Crown Prince of G-Garkhain propoooosed to Rishe?!』

His near-exclamatory cry reached her parents’ ears, who were listening inside the mansion.

They rushed out and stopped her. Rishe told them,「I have no intention of marrying him. I’ll leave the kingdom as Dietrich had decreed」However, neither of them would listen. They were pale and just flustered.

Meanwhile, a gleaming carriage rushed in from across the street.

Then the ruler of the kingdom rolled out of the muddy carriage.

The muddy king grabbed his son by the collar and forcibly made him lower his head, knocking him to the ground.

Then he immediately shouted at Arnold.

『Prince Arnold! Please forgive my idiotic son’s deplorable behavior!! You came all the way from Garkhain to attend the soiree of my son’s fiancée introduction, and yet we didn’t even properly greet you, let alone express our heartfelt gratitude!!』

『F-Father, it hurts! The rocks, the rocks are digging into my forehead!!!』

『And Lady Rishe! I apologize for my foolish son!! I understand that this is a selfish request, but as both the King and his father, I sincerely apologize! Furthermore, please reconsider Prince Arnold’s proposal in a positive light, for the sake of our country!』

Her parents hurriedly followed suit, rubbing their heads to the ground along with the King.

They prostrated themselves in front of the townspeople without care, making Rishe dizzy.

Arnold, who had been watching the play with amusement, suddenly erased his wicked smile and stepped in front of the King.

『Please lift your head up, Your Majesty.』

When devoid of any emotion, Arnold’s face instantly looked cold<. Perhaps because of his low voice, the King stubbornly kept his head down.

『This sort of trivial matter won’t cause a rift in the friendship between our two kingdoms. However, I’d like to speak with the lady in private if possible.』

Rishe later found out from his squire that his comforting words were actually a threat to the King.

「The Crown Prince has invited him to a soiree, and despite the fact that our Crown Prince went to the trouble of attending the banquet, this kingdom hasn’t bothered to express its welcome. If he were to bring this matter back to the empire, how would the empire react, knowing that he had been slighted?」 ―― His squire told the King’s attendants these exact words.

『P-Please, Lady Rishe!』

The fat king, who was on the verge of tears, raised his head to Rishe with bleak eyes, rendering her speechless.

Honestly, I had absolutely no obligation to do them a favor. I was bent on leaving this kingdom with no regrets, but I was at a loss. As I was mulling over, Arnold whispered softly beside me.

『――Should you turn me down, I’ll just keep trying.』



Thus, unwillingly, I was given the opportunity to ‘just talk’ with this man.

After all the guests of the banquiet had left, Rishe and Arnold faced each other alone in the drawing room of the royal castle.

「What on earth are you plotting?」

「What do you mean by plotting?」

「I’m referring to your proposal. You must have an ulterior motive, popping the question out of the blue like that on such an occasion.」

After all, this was the man who, in five years’ time, would launch a war of aggression against the whole world. I asked him with caution, but Arnold’s lips turned up in a sly grin.

「There’s nothing of the sort. I just fell for you, nothing more. 」

「Fell for…」

This came as a surprise, because this didn’t fit him at all.

I can no longer be bothered to dig deeper into it. Still, no matter how you look at it, it must be a lie. logic

What kind of man, who would eventually be dubbed「cold-blooded」and even「inhuman」, would spout such words?

「That aside, why would you refuse me? Your engagement has been called off; you’ve been banished; and you have no backing. You’ll soon end up dead in the streets, so this should be a godsend for you.」

「Certainly, I would have jumped at your proposal if it were in the past.」

No doubt about it. If I had not experienced six lifetimes and this occurred on the first loop, I would have clung to Arnold’s hand without hesitation.

I would have believed that I had no other means to survive.

But I know.

The future is full of infinite opportunities, and that we can choose our future as much as we want.

(I can survive without marrying him…but)

Rishe pondered face down with her hand holding her forehead.

The course of your life can drastically change with the slightest divergence.

I don’t know how many more loops I will live through from hereafter, but I’m sure that marrying Arnold is the only path available to me in this one.

The man who fired the arrows of war. The treacherous emperor. The invader.

I have heard countless rumors and speculations about Arnold Hein, the man who waged war on the world, but his true intentions remained unknown.

Why did Arnold do what he did?

This question has been lingering on my mind since my first life, when I never even spoke to him.

As a merchant, I heard that『war has broken out in a distant kingdom』. As a herbalist, I heard that 『the death toll was high』

All the while, as a handmaiden, I comforted my trembling charge, saying, 『It going to be alright』

Naturally, when I faced him as a knight, he pierced my heart with his sword. 

(If I were by his side, would I know the root of it all?)

I was itching to know.

At the same time, I find it unimportant.

(But come to think of it…)

I was reminded of the『dream』I used to have. Or you can call it a『longing』

Rishe released a pent up breath and looked up.

「…You said you fell for me, didn’t you?」

「Yes, that’s why I proposed.」

How could you tell such a lie with a straight face?

「Then will you listen to any of my selfish desires?」

「I swear I will grant you everything under the sun, so long as it’s within in my power .」

「… I’ve got conditions.」

Arnold silently urged her to continue.

「You are to procure the necessary items for the wedding from the company of my choice.」

「Okay, up to you.」

「Then, when the wedding ceremony is over, please set up a venue where we may meet and mingle with the foreign distinguished guests.」

「That one is more like the first task required of you as Crown Princess. Anything else?」

「I would prefer if we live separately from your parents.」

Arnold laughed in amusement when I said that quite earnestly.

「You don’t seem like the type to care about in-laws issues.」

「That’s not true. My mother told me that dealing with in-laws is the hardest part of marriage. Can you arrange a separate home for us, even if it’s dilapidated and dirty?」

Of course, I am not saying this because I don’t want to live together with them.

Arnold would kill his father first before waging the war.

He would stage a coup d’etat, not a half-hearted one like Dietrich’s, but a real coup d’etat by committing patricide. Thus, he became emperor, seized real power in the kingdom, and began to direct the military at will.

(The farther he’s separated from his father, even just a little bit, the less chance he’ll have of killing him. This may be pointless though.)

「Is there anything else? I’ll do anything, if it means you’ll marry me.」

「I’d say tell me what you are up to now… but there’s just one final thing.」

Despite knowing that it was impolite, Rishe pointed a sharp finger at Arnold.

「―― I’ll definitely laze around the castle! I will not do any work, just slack off, and chill out!」


I wonder if this will make him withdraw his proposal and say, 『I don’t want such a Crown Princess』

Unfortunately, Arnold ended up dissolving into laughter without a word about calling off his proposal.


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