Title: The Villainess Female Supporting Character Raising Her Bun
Translator: Fringe Capybara
Chapter 112 -  Why Don't You Go Take A Shower (2)    

Jiang MingYuan walked out with a towel around himself after shower. He dried his hair and was about to crawl into bed. 

There was a picture of his family of three on his nightstand. The picture was taken when he was a child. Handsome man, beautiful woman, plus a cute kid, the picture looked very homely. 

And it only looked homely. Jiang MingYuan’s lips curved a little and he had on a sarcastic look. Not wanting to look at it again, he flipped the picture downward and turned the light off. 

Lying in bed, Jiang MingYuan wasn’t able to fall asleep right away. The scenes of spending time with his son played over and over again in his head and most of the blue feeling inside of him was gone.  

Fond memories made him sleepy again and, when he was drifting in and out of sleep, he sudden had an idea: He should take a picture with XingXing and XingXing mother some time. 


Jiang MingYuan returned again the next day and, again, spent all day playing with XingXing at home. Naturally, they had lunch at home again. 

When there was just her and XingXing, Cheng Huan would only make a couple of dishes so they wouldn’t be wasteful. 

Now that Jiang MingYuan was here, two dishes weren’t quite enough. They’d need at least 4-5 dishes. Her house was not a restaurant, cooking was a hassle. Cheng Huan didn’t really want to bother so her plan was to kick him out before dinner time. 

Jiang MingYuan, on the other hand, had no idea that he wasn’t welcomed and no intention to leave. He even offered to help out during dinner time. 

Cheng Huan, minorly irritated, gave him a stare. Then, figuring that she wouldn’t be able to chase him away, assigned him task as he has asked. “Go rinse the vegetables.”

The vegetables from the farmers were not as clean as the ones from the greenhouse and there was soil on each leave. Jiang MingYuan didn’t have any problem with that. He looked for a colander and was about to start rinsing the vegetable. 

“I know how to do this!” XingXing felt that he had done this before and did a pretty good job at it so he jumped up, followed behind Jiang MingYuan, and offered to help. 

The weather was cold so Jiang MingYuan, not daring to let XingXing played with water, finally talked him down. 

The water in the sink was very cold and Jiang MingYuan pulled open the leaves and rinsed off the soil on the inside. He wasn’t fast but he was very attentive. When he was done, he placed them inside of the colander and rinsed it one more time, made sure the water was drained, before he handed it over to Cheng Huan. 

Cheng Huan was steaming a fish. This was a simple dish. All she needed to do was to placed the striped bass on a plate, add some chopped peppers, and let it steam. 

The chopped pepper was homemade. Adding them to the stripe bass bring out the taste of the fish and also cover up the fishy taste. It worked very well with the fish. 

Once the plate was placed inside of the steamer with water added, covered up, and timer set, she’d be able to move onto the next dish. 

When Cheng Huan turned around, Jiang MingYuan handed the colander over to her and asked again, “Is there anything else that I can help with?”

“Yes, rise the taro.” This got easier after the first time. Cheng Huan pointed at the taro as she spoke. 

Jiang MingYuan followed the direction that she had pointed at and started rinsing the taro. 

The taros were very small and had a lot of soil on them. He poured all of them inside of the sink and turned the water on. 

When the water was about to cover up the taros, Jiang MingYuan reached out for a brush and was just about to start when Cheng Huan came running over. 

“Don’t move!” She handed over the pair of gloves that she had in her hands and said, “Put this on; otherwise it might irritate your skin.”

Jiang MingYuan took the gloves from Cheng Huan and smiled and thanked her. 

“No problem,” said Cheng Huan as she waved her hand and turned back around to work on her ribs.

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