It was the first time he was so reluctant to invite Abella to the Imperial Castle.

Cade stared blankly where Burke had been standing before he left.

Layla Amerigo’s evil deeds were spinning around in his head. That woman was a demon he couldn’t get rid of.

The thought of having such a woman by his side made his head ache.

He began to worry about how it would affect Abella. What would Abella think?

If she didn’t respond, it would hurt, and even if she blessed him, it would probably hurt, too.

Cade furrowed his brow. The headache that started after the name Layla was involved was gnawing at him.

Because what kind of magic, brought the demon back. He would rather deal with the old-fashioned Layla.

Cade began to write the letter, cursing under his breath.

This had to be passed on to Clay Amerigo. She was a woman full of naive lust rather than Layla.

Still, if you want her comfort.

Cade had one more thing.

He was not the only returner. There was one more person who had gone back in time like a salmon that swam against the stream.

Keeping Layla in check meant that there was a high probability that she and Cade were allies.

There was some comfort in that fact.

Which palace should he assign her? He had no intention of giving the powers of supremacy. Giving her power was the same as giving power to the demon.

Cade pressed down on the letter to sign it.

Because it was not even a formal marriage proposal, it was just a letter saying for her to be the mistress, so some people might feel insulted while others might see hope.

Madame Triel.

Madame Lorian.

All of them were the names of those who started as a Mistress and rose to the position of empress.

Chloe would start dreaming of an honorable title through them, and she’ll think that this wasn’t too bad either.

Cade set up a secret meeting place with Layla.

A place that would attract everyone’s attention and spread rumors.

Fortunately, he was the emperor and a man with many connections.


The Emperor’s invitation had arrived in Amerigo. It was an invitation letter with the official emblem of the imperial family.

“What about the Emperor?”

Enoch asked with a slightly reluctant face. The formal invitation in Abella’s hand touched his heart. No, in fact, the fact that Abella and Cade were meeting was heartbreaking. Abella handed the invitation to Enoch, who was muttering with a sulky face.

“I don’t know.”

Enoch swallowed his candy and swallowed his sighs.

Tears seem to flow with the candy.

Abella did not have Enoch in mind, and was just lost in deep thought.

The priest had not yet returned from the Amerigo estate. So, why should they meet? Even through the official route.

Besides, it was such a hurry.

“It’s tomorrow morning…”

She really didn’t know what Cade was thinking. It would be nice to be able to check out what was going on inside his head.

A meeting with Cade couldn’t be denied, but she had no reason to refuse anyway.

As he said, Cade didn’t do anything that could harm Abella. Not even once since she returned to Timur.

Abella wrote the date on her calendar.

She then wrote a polite reply to the invitation.

Abella put down the pen and then lifted her head. It was because she was reminded of something she had forgotten.

“Ah. Someone Yuri sent was coming.”

“Who did Yuri send?”

“Huh. I said before that I might need more assistants.”


Enoch nodded his head with a clouded look. Now it seemed that there was a large wall between Abella and Enoch. It hurt his heart that he couldn’t easily get over that wall. Enoch pressed it down to ignore the pain in his heart.

“The letter of introduction is here.” Abella handed the letter in her hand to Enoch.

Since they were going to work together, she thought Enoch needed to see it too.

“Louisa Kertin.”

It was the first time he had heard this name.

“She said she was from Clemington. Do you know the name?”

“No. I swear it’s the first time I’ve heard of it.”

“Really? I thought you knew.”

Abella shrugged her shoulders and returned the letter of introduction and put it in the drawer. In fact, it would be better if they knew each other. It was more likely that something would happen between her and Enoch. Life was a game of odds. Abella was on the lucky side of the game.

She could bet that Louisa Kertin would be of some help to Amerigo.


At that time, Yuri was meeting Louisa.

Yuri looked at Louisa with a worried face. In fact, she had posted a job posting to all the strangers staying in Timur. And it was Louisa Kertin who took the first bait. She urged others to cancel their interviews, saying she was the right person.

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