The Villain's Light

Chapter 12 - 12: Trash Father

Even after Rhash explained the situation to Reif, the little kid was still filled with disbelief

But even then, Reif memorized Rhash's words since it was what his Big Brother wants

Only when Reif promised that he won't forget Rhash's words did he went to see his father - Brent

It took some time for Reif to reach his family's Manor and it was in an extremely bad shape

Ever since Reif's mother died, Brent became more and more incompetent. The Manor was already ugly and old-looking

It was filled with holes that were only patched with some kind of wood. This Baron can still afford some servants for now but it wouldn't last long

If this is not a countryside that is far from the capital and also doesn't have anything to offer, Brent's Nobility Title would have been strip away from him

Reif wasn't even guided inside the Manor. Instead, a shabby and small carriage was parked directly in front of the Manor as if they were already waiting for Reif's arrival

"Father!" Reif shouted with a big smile on his face

Near the carriage, he saw a familiar face. Although he rarely managed to see his father, Reif still recognizes Brent

Brent is a middle-aged man that already lost a lot of hair.. His belly was even bulging a bit due to his eating habits

Reif runs towards his father in joy but the Baron wasn't the least pleased with seeing him

"You huk! Fucking m-monster huk! Stop!" The Baron said with hiccups. His eyes were a bit hazy while a red blush can be seen on his face

Brent's legs were also wobbling a bit while he was holding another bottle of alcohol

Ever since Brent's wife died, he instantly turned into an alcoholic man that frequently visited brothels

The money he should use to make his territory prosper was instead used for alcohol and prostitutes

It was no wonder that he even needs to use Reif. In Rhash's dreams, although Reif was extremely skinny in his younger days, he still has a good looking face

As a result, Brent sold his own son for money to a Noble Family that he hated. That Young Master of that family is a huge lecher and he figured out that if he forced Reif into having sex with him, wouldn't Reif's power explode and kill him?

If that happens, as the only son of Baron Garn, wouldn't his death cause his family to decline?

Without a descendant that will continue the family bloodline, Baron Garn would be in a big trouble

Even if he can impregnate a woman to have another offspring, how long would it take to nurture the baby to become the next Baron?

Perhaps Baron Garn would already be a very old man but he still needs to do all the work by himself without being able to pass it to his son

Not only would Brent earn money, but he can also cause big trouble to the family that he hated since they were bullying him. Isn't this hitting two birds with one stone? No, it would actually be three since he would also get rid of his 'leech' of a son

Brent has quite a few illegitimate sons that he didn't even bother caring for since they were another mouths to feed. He can just choose one of them to become his successor

If not for the last bit of value that Reif has, the Baron wouldn't even take the time to see him

But now, seeing the monster running in his direction, Brent immediately entered a rage state

Out of anger, Brent uses his magic. The ground in front of Reif suddenly moves and a block of earth hits his stomach

Reif's eyes instantly went wide open in shock as pain traveled from his stomach to his whole body

His originally smiling face is now clouded with pain as tears flowed out his eyes. His own father actually attacks him mercilessly?

Despite this not being the first time, aside from the physical pain, Reif also suffered emotional pain

He thought that his father would finally accept him. This was the first time that his father sought his presence but why is he being mercilessly harmed?

"Fucking monster don't you dare get close to me! Who knows, you might kill me too just like how you killed my wife!"

Brent spoke with so much anger that saliva flew out of his mouth. The expression he has looks like he wants to kill Reif but was unable to

Despite being a little kid, if Reif's chaos power rampages, even the Baron wouldn't be able to do anything

Thus, he didn't dare let Reif get too close to him. That would just endanger his life

"F-Father..." Reif said painfully while clutching his stomach. He was once again reminded of how much of a monster he is to the point that his father, a person that should have loved him has this much anger for him

It makes him feel like the four months he spends with Rhash was nothing but a fleeting dream

After all, he is a monster. Why would anyone care so much for a monster? His Big Brother Rhash must have been an illusion created by his mind

"Who's your father? I don't have a monster son! Get in that carriage and repay me for feeding you all these years!"

Reif's misty eyes turned to look at the carriage. He didn't believe it but would his father really send him to another Noble Family?

Would he really get molested?

Would he really suffer?

Would he really get hurt?

Why... why are things like this. Reif is completely looking forward to this meeting with his father. But what kind of meeting is this?

Pain... it hurts... it really hurts!

"What are you waiting for?! Get in that carriage!" Brent shouted loudly and Reif looked at him while crying

"Father ... are you going to sell me?" Reif asked in a broken manner. The Baron was surprised that Reif knows about this but not even an ounce of shame can be detected from him

"Yes, I do! I fed you for more than a decade. Isn't this the time for you to repay me?" Brent said as if it was the most natural thing in the world

Reif feels like someone poured a bucket of water into his whole body. He was in so much pain that he clutches his chest as he finds it hard to breath

Then it's actually true? His father is going to sell him to a family that will hurt him

Reif only wants to feel loved and cared for. Why is his father doing this to him?

With his emotions being out of control, the chaos power inside Reif instantly rampages

They filled every nook and cranny of his body causing him to glow with a crimson light

Strong winds blew with Reif as the center and streaks of crimson lightning appeared

The winds and lightning were so strong that they blew away and destroyed the carriage near Reif

Even the horse wasn't spared as its flesh instantly split apart. Fresh blood dyed the ground as the horse weakly tried to get away from Reif

"Y-you... you're really a monster!" Brent said angrily as he starts to back off from Reif

The other servants around also did the same thing as they stared fearfully at Reif

The monster is rampaging again!

Despite the pain in his heart, this is still not something that Reif wants and he shed even more tears than before

"N-no! I-I'm sorry ... I-I don't want t-this!" Reif tried to explain himself but the fearful looks he was receiving pained his heart yet again

In the months that Reif is with Rhash, he feels extremely safe. He was even happy that his power didn't go berserk for such a long time

But now, due to his agitated emotions, he is turning into a monster again

The crimson lightning splits apart even the ground itself. Anything that they touch would surely be destroyed and only Reif was safe from them

Despair... despair once again drowned Reif. The eyes looking at him as if he was a monster was particularly glaring and he became even more desperate to control his power

However, the more desperate he becomes, the more his power went out of control

"Fucking monster! Stop!" Brent shouted and he even conjured a few pieces of balls of rocks

The rock balls flew in the air and approached Reif but even before they can harm him, the crimson lightning around the kid already turned them into a powder

"I said stop! Bastard listen to me!"

Reif wants to stop too but he doesn't know how. Despair ate him as his knees gave out and he fell to the ground

"N-no... please stop... I-I don't want to become a monster!"

Reif cried and cried like the kid he is but instead of the situation getting better, he just makes it worse

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