The Villain's Light

Chapter 18 - 18: Mesha City

A pair of kids can be seen standing in a line outside Mesha City. The taller kid has silky white hair while the smaller one has a pitch-black one

The two contrasting colors were quite good to look at when they were placed next to each other

These kids are naturally Rhash and Reif. It has been a whole month since they started their journey

Along the way, they rested in several towns they had seen. Using the money they got from plundering Baron Garn's wealth, the clothes they were currently wearing are much better than before already

For convenience's sake, both of the kids decided to buy black-colored clothes. Choosing a light-colored one would make it worn out easily

Although their clothes were not of the highest quality, it was still better than what most commoners wore

Rhash didn't become stingy when it comes to spending for Reif. But since Reif doesn't want to be the only one that got the best thing, Rhash is forced to buy clothes of the same quality. It cost quite a bit of silver

After a few minutes, it was finally Rhash and Reif's turn. The line they waited for was the line of people that don't have anything that will prove their identity.

They are also not residents of this city and they need to leave a record of themselves. Fortunately, as long as they paid some money, their identity would be recorded and the next time, they don't need to pay again to enter the Mesha Town

After all, in this world, there were ferocious magic beasts and powerful mages. It was not that uncommon for a certain Territory to be destroyed by a single entity

Some of them would be able to flee but they only have their lives with them. They don't have earth's birth certificate and other things that will identify their existence

If the cities don't make their requirements a bit lax, more and more people can only live in the wilderness

The attendant at the registration raised her brows after looking at Rhash and Reif. Her eyes flashed with a pity

She thought that these two were from a destroyed town and came here to seek asylum in Mesha City

The attendant diligently did her work and recorded the names of these two. Along the way, the two decided on what their new surnames would be

Rhash knew that he can't let Reif use his original surname - Callan. In this world, a Noble's surname is important

A surname of a certain Noble cannot be used by other people especially if they were mere commoners

If Reif uses the Callan name then they would be asked for a thing that will prove he is from the Callan Family

The surnames they decided to use was "Strousse"

From now on, they are called Rhash Strousse and Reif Strousse

After they got their registration paper, the two immediately entered the city

A city was completely different compared to a town. It was many times bigger with a higher population

However, the danger level is also higher. In a town, only one Noble Family lived there. But in a city, there are more

Not to mention, their mages are also stronger if their Nobility Title is high. To keep a family's Noble Title, they need strong people to protect what they have

Rhash knew that he can be unbridled inside a small town in the countryside but in a big city, things are different

This makes him a bit nervous and his hold in Reif's hand tightened a bit

"Reif, don't go anywhere on your own, okay? This place is dangerous" Rhash warned

As Rhash is older, he has more sense. He knew how to act in certain situations especially if he sees a Nobility

However, Reif is still naive and doesn't know many things about the world. After all, he was always in his little shelter for almost 2 decades and he didn't exit it

He was like a blank piece of paper that doesn't know anything about this world

"Reif will listen to Big Brother" Reif obediently answered. After a whole month of journey, he became more tamed. Rhash's position in his heart also grew bigger the more time that passed

"That's good, we'll go to the adventurer's guild first to register. We need to earn more money soon" Rhash said in satisfaction after seeing how obedient Reif is

Rhash even rubs the kid's head and the latter almost purred in happiness

"Okay!" Reif answered happily

In the whole month of their journey, they naturally encountered wild magic beasts and bandits

Although Reif still doesn't like the concept of killing, he was not as powerless as he used to be. He already gained some fighting experience

The previous threat from Rhash's life pushed him to work hard

The two ask some people they saw for the adventurer guild's location and after more than ten minutes of walking, they finally arrive

It was a large and tall building with several floors. Despite standing outside it, the pressure emanating from the powerful people inside can still be clearly felt

The Adventurer's Guild is an organization filled with freedom. It was not subjected by the Imperial Family's power and is an existence of its own

If an adventurer killed a Noble or even a Royal, the Guild won't take part of the blame

If the situation is reversed and a Noble or Royal killed an Adventurer, the Guild would also not lift a finger

Whatever the Adventurers does is not a responsibility of the Guild. The Guild's work was only to give out missions and it's up for the Adventurers to accept them or not

They won't shield nor give to the authorities the adventures that committed a crime

Besides, there were also a lot of Nobles that are Adventurers. There were even a few Royals that joined

It was a place where all sorts of people mixed

Rhash held Reif's hand as they walk towards the large door of the Guild while the guards creased their foreheads

"Kids, being an Adventurer is not always earning money. It also has dangers" the guard warned, completely treating the two as powerless kids

"We know that" Rhash simply answered but still entered the guild. The guard can only shake his head at that and lamented on how long those two would survive

The Adventure's Guild occupied a large space. One side was filled with long chairs and tables where the Adventurers can eat and drink

The other side has receptionists that are responsible for taking care of the adventurers' concerns

There was also a large board that have pieces of paper in them that explained certain missions

The place was quite noisy and the atmosphere was wild. This makes Rhash feels like he is living inside a game

There were all sorts of people. Some of them wore armors with swords in their sides while the others have wands in their hands

In this world, there is really not that much distinctions between the type of power a person has

Magic uses mana as fuel. How a person will use mana to conjure magic varies on whatever they want to do or depends on their talent

As long as a person can consciously use mana to make magic, they are magicians whether they use their fist to fight or not

There are those that are used at creating supernatural phenomena. They would summon balls of fire or control earth. To help them, they would use wands that makes using magic easier

The magic in this world has so much freedom. A sword user doesn't necessarily only have the ability to use a sword

They can also create supernatural phenomena to summon wind or fire. It's really up to the mage's desire, skills, and talent

"Big Brother... they are scary" Reif said in a low tone. This world also don't really have cultivation realms like in other novels

However, a person can still somewhat judge another person's power by the aura they were emitting

Typically, the more mana a person has, the stronger they are. If they are even skillful at using their abilities, they would be deadlier

Reif is still a kid that hasn't completely harnessed the chaos power inside him. It wasn't a surprise that he was intimidated by the aura of the adventurers

"Don't be afraid, Big Brother is here" Rhash reassured him and guided the kid to one of the lines

Fortunately, there were quite a number of receptionists in this branch. It didn't take that long before it was finally Rhash and Reif's turn

"Hello, we are here to register as adventurers" Rhash informed the receptionist his concern

He might not hesitate to kill if needed but Rhash is also not the type of person that will act rudely without a reason

As expected, the receptionist scrutinized the kids with her eyes and showed some concern

"A-are the two of you sure? Being an Adventurer involves risk and danger" the receptionist warned out of kindness but Rhash still nodded his head firmly

"Yes, we know that and we still want to register"

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