The Villain's Light

Chapter 2 - 2: Meeting

Two days later, a figure clad in a worn-out gray robe can be seen traveling on a road. The figure's speed was fast but it would sometimes stop to cough out a mouthful of blood

His body was full of dirt and grime. For the past 2 days, Rhash never stop running or at least walking except when he was asking people for direction

As a person that has a body of a vampire, Rhash doesn't necessarily need to sleep. Although he can sleep to make his body recover faster and need a lesser amount of blood he didn't do so

Rhash's number 1 priority is meeting Reif in hopes that he can give him at least a little bit of light in this dark world

For the past 2 days, Rhash never drank any blood. After all, if it was easy to meet someone with a blood compatible with him, would he even become an utter failure?

Rhash's stomach was completely upset now. It almost didn't have a time where it doesn't hurt

The starvation causes Rhash to become skinny. His handsome pale face was clouded with exhaustion and hunger. He was clearly suffering but he is still doing his best to travel as fast as he can

Despite the starvation, Rhash's light blue eyes were still twinkling with determination.. Some of his white hair was sticking to his face but he doesn't have the energy to move them away

Aside from the 2 days that Rhash spends traveling, his body was also buried in the ground for quite some time too. It was already a miracle that he stayed alive until now

The only fortunate thing is that Rhash's transmigration location was near Reif's hometown

Garba Town, a small town that belonged to a Baron that was already on the brink of having his Nobility Title taken away from him

If not for a small mine of iron that the Baron owned, he might not even be able to have a life better than most of his town's inhabitants

This Baron is precisely Reif Callan's father. One of the people that made the young Reif's life a hell

Along the way, Rhash encountered several townsmen since he was already close to the town. Some of them have a concern about him

Due to the experiments and starvation, despite the robes that he was wearing, he was still visibly thin

Not to mention, he was traveling barefoot. Some people can't take seeing his condition

However, Rhash doesn't have any time to waste. He is afraid that he would waste the chance given to him if he stops for even a single second for some comfort

When Rhash entered the small town, his eyes instantly saw hundreds of people. It might be small and poor but this territory is still a Town. At least a few thousand or so people were living here

The sight of a short kid running in the town didn't make that much difference for the townsmen and most of them shot Rhash a look before ignoring him

Even the thieves don't care about Rhash as he looks severely poor

Rhash spent some time asking the townsmen where the Baron's Home is located

The townsmen were scared a bit at seeing how pale and skinny his face is

Even without saying at least a simple thank you, Rhash already run in the direction of the Baron's Home

His body is already on the brink of breaking down and he would soon die

Fortunately, it only took some time before he reaches his destination. From the dreams that Rhash had, Reif is staying not in the Baron's Manor but in a small wooden hut at the edge of the Baron's home

Since there weren't many things in this town, the guards were just lazing around and Rhash successfully sneaked in

Since Reif's shelter was placed as far as possible from the Baron, it was only on the edge of the Baron's Territory

The small wooden shelter successfully entered Rhash's eyes but before he can be delighted, he suddenly heard a pained scream of a young child

"AAAAHHH!" The loud scream was accompanied by tremor and the wooden shelter instantly broke down

Flashes of crimson-colored energies that looks like lightning wreak havoc in the surrounding. Everywhere these bursts of energies touch, destruction would surely be left

In the center of that violent aura was a young man a year younger than Reif. The man has pitch-black hair and eyes

His head was currently facing the sky as his mouth never stops letting out groans of pain

This scene is something that not only happens in Reif's life 1 time. In his childhood, he has no complete control of the power he was born with

From time to time, the power that Reif's body holds would rampage like this. Every time that it will happen, everything around him would be destroyed

This is one of the reasons why the Baron, his own father hates him. Reif is like a walking time bomb that will suddenly destroy everything near him

Reif even accidentally killed his own mother and that earned him the Baron's utmost hatred. But is Reif really the one at fault? Did he choose to be born with that power?

It was Reif's father and mother that had a good time causing his birth. The universe even gave him such an uncontrollable power he didn't ask for

Reif himself is a victim. Even if he accidentally kills people, is it his fault? For Rhash, that is not the case

The fault is to his parents and the universe itself. If not for them, Reif wouldn't be born and experience a life of a living hell

Reif is the biggest victim here and Rhash will do everything he can to make sure that Reif will have a happy life!

After seeing the man in his dreams for the first time in reality, Rhash's emotion swelled and he instantly teared up. His emotions gushed out like a broken dam

Rhash ignored all the pain in his body and the danger that Reif possesses. He happily runs towards the young man with happiness painted on his pale face

Finally, after so many years, Rhash finally met the man that helps him escape his own hell

"R-Reif C-Callan!" Rhash called out with his hoarse voice due to his throat feeling like a dry desert

When Reif heard his name, some of the pain in his body vanishes and he unconsciously turned to look in Rhash's direction

When Reif saw Rhash, the former felt like he gained the biggest surprise in his life. All of the people that saw him will be filled with fear and dread

They even called him a monster. Their words always turned into steel knives that plunges into his heart. Reif didn't detect even an ounce of positive emotion from them

However, the man running towards him is completely different. Although Rhash's appearance looks severely exhausted, it still wasn't able to hide all of his charms

His pale skin, radiant blue eyes, and beautiful white hair were enough proof that he is a cutie. If he was cleaned and fed properly, many people would surely covet him

However, Rhash's beauty is not the thing that surprises Reif the most. It was instead the emotion his face has after seeing Reif

Rhash has tears dripping down his enchanting blue eyes and his dry lips were curled up forming a beautiful genuine smile of happiness

This is the first time that Reif receives such a look. All his memories that contained other people were always filled with negative emotions. He even felt like this was a dream

However, the pain in his body still hasn't completely vanished and his power was still in berserk mode

Reif didn't want this illusion to vanish and he panicked. "D-don't come closer! You will get hurt!" Reif said out of concern but instead of Rhash listening to him, the warm smile on his face just deepened

Without a care in the world, Rhash entered the range in which Reif's power was present

The crimson lightning touches Rhash's body causing the robe he was wearing to tear revealing the pale skin underneath

It didn't take that long before a blood-red color spreads from Rash's stomach, chest, and arm. His flesh bursts apart because of the berserk energies

Reif's eyes instantly widened in guilt and self-blaming. The illusion of the person that is the first one to give him a smile was hurt just like that

Before Reif can be swallowed by his negative emotions, he suddenly felt a pair of thin arms wrapping his body

Despite Rhash's body having a cold temperature, it didn't stop Reif from feeling his warmth

Reif's body stiffened and even the berserk energy around him was stunned and stops moving

"I-is this a h-hug?" Reif murmured as if he was possessed. A hug ... Reif never thought that an illusion would feel this realistic and wonderful

Reif never dared to think that there is anyone that will hug someone like him. This must be an illusion. He must be hallucinating

"I-It's okay .... y-you are n-not alone now. I-I'm here n-now. I w-will never l-leave you" Rhash forced out those words. His consciousness was originally already on the brink of fainting after he got such injuries but the warmth from Reif's body filled every nook and cranny of his body

This was also Rhash's first time experiencing such a thing. He like this feeling, he likes hugging the young man that lived a hard life just like him

If Rhash is like this, more so for Reif. He is not alone anymore? Is that really possible?

Reif's emotions were stirred and Rhash could feel warm liquid falling to his shoulder

Reif has always lived his life alone. How can his emotions not be stirred by Rhash's kind words?

All his life, Reif just want even a single person that won't fear him and would always stay with him

Does the universe finally pitied him and sent him such an angel?

"A-am I ... d-dreaming?" Reif unconsciously muttered. If this is really a dream then he doesn't want to wake up anymore

Hearing those words, Rhash unwillingly broke their hug to wipe the tears in Reif's face. It has already been a long time since Rhash saw the appearance of Reif in his younger years and he can't help but think that this kid is really cute

Rhash stared directly at Reif's eyes. His smiling face was reflected in Reif's pitch-black pupils that still can't believe what is happening

"This is not a dream. I'm really here and I won't ever leave, is that okay for you?" Hearing Rhash's melodious voice, Reif panics a bit and sincerely nodded his head like a chicken

At that time, Reif even regretted not having additional heads to nod. As long as he has someone that will stay with him, he felt that he can stay alive in this world

Despite not knowing anything about Rhash and the situation being this weird, Reif doesn't care. He likes how good it feels when Rhash hugged him. He wishes to experience such a thing every day

With Rhash's reassurance, Reif raises his hand to also touch his only light's face

The cold temperature doesn't bother Reif at all. Just when was the last time that Reif touched another person? He already forgot it and he marveled at the soft flesh underneath his fingers

"P-please don't be an illusion or a dream! I promise to be good and obedient. Please don't ever leave me" Reif said with his youthful innocence

A kid deprived of any love, care, or warmth. He doesn't even question Rhash's origin as that is not important. All he wants is for someone to stay with him

However, the what it looks like a beautiful dream instantly shattered with Rhash throwing out another mouthful of blood that landed on Reif's face and body

How can Reif forget why he has no one? It was because he will hurt anyone that would get close to him!

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