The Villain's Light

Chapter 26 - 26: Bats Vs. Hound

Thanks to Rhash having much more lifeforce compared to Milleth, the magic circle he had created was bigger and has a darker shade of black

If Milleth summoned a black hound, Rhash on the other hand managed to summon a small flock of bats

High-pitched sounds along with the sounds of flapping wings immediately rang in the area thanks to the more than ten bats that has a body a bit bigger than a palm, excluding their wings

The summoned bats make Rhash feel like he really is a vampire. Aren't bats the animals that were most associated with vampires?

Now that Rhash can summon bats to fight for him, his position as a vampire was even more consolidated

The bats might be individually smaller and weaker compared to the black hound but they have more numbers

Unless the difference in power was high enough, numbers would always win

"H-how...?" Milleth's already pale face turned even more ghastly pale. She doesn't know how Rhash can summon such a number of bats

Her summoning magic isn't that special. In fact, it was one of the most common techniques that are spread but people would only use it at the most desperate times

Summoning magic is extremely hard to learn magic. People like Milleth can't formally study and use summoning magic as their acquired magic

Only people with high status can possibly learn it from the expert summoners

However, the summoning magic she uses doesn't need a person's background nor a talent. It was one of the easiest ways to summon creatures even without a background in summoning magic

The user only needs to pay with their own life force and that is what makes this magic either a weak or powerful one

The more life force was paid by the summoner, the stronger creatures they would be able to summon. The opposite was also true

Because of such a requirement, real summoners almost wouldn't use such summoning magic. After all, the payment is too much for them. This would literally shorten their lifespan

Unless a person has a way to replenish their life force perfectly like Rhash, the damage this summoning magic left to the user would remain until they die

Thus, Milleth was greatly shocked that a kid much younger than her has so much life force

Even after paying at least two times the life force that Milleth paid, Rhash wasn't that much affected at all

It can be seen that if Rhash wants, he can safely pay more life force without heavily affecting himself

"Prepare to die!" Rhash said viciously as he gave a mental command to his summoned bats

The bats charged at Milleth that also controlled the black hound

The hound opened its mouth and condensed a black ball of energy in front of it. The ball then sent a steady stream of black beams to the flying bats

In a one versus one battle, the bats would be massacred but not when they were together

To deal with Milleth, it seems like the bats need to deal with the hound first. The bats gathered in a single area and they too opened their mouths

The high-pitched sounds they were generating grew louder and the bats sent sonic attacks towards the black hound

The dark beams weren't able to harm their targets as they were sent flying in random directions thanks to the sonic attack

Even the black hound wasn't completely unharmed. It tried to dodge the sonic attacks but after it dodges one, another one would be sent to it

One sonic attack is not enough to harm the hound that much but after it was hit, its body would feel heavier causing it to not be able to move as nimbly as it originally can

The more sonic attacks hit the black hound, the more sluggish its body becomes

The bats' sonic attacks seem to affect a creature's nervous system. It has the ability to paralyze the target that is currently happening to the still desperately resisting black hound

Too bad that no matter how much it struggled, the hound can't even get close to the bats. It can only dodge and dodge even though the more time that passed, the slower it becomes and the easier it is for the bats to hit it

"Kill! Kill them! I said kill them!" Milleth shouted. She was pushed into despair by the current scenario and she gave mental commands over and over to the black hound that was barely retaining its life

The woman was already on the brink of insanity and since the summoning circle she used made the summoned creature an extremely loyal familiar, she can order the black hound to use its life

As a result, the hound came charging at the bats while swirls of black energies appeared in its body

The hound seems to transform into a phantom as it jumped towards the flock of bats

It uses its sharp nails to slash on at least three bats at once, killing them in the process

Blood spurted from the bats' wounds that splashed into the hound, dying its body with a red color

Soon, the bats heavily fell down before their body vanishes

The hound managed to kill three bats but it wasn't without consequence

The other bats either used another sonic attack or they took a bite of his body. Pieces and pieces of the hound's flesh were gnawed it, leaving hideous wounds in it

The wounds bled a lot and the red color in the hound's body became even deeper

"Kill! Kill!"

Despite the hound's desperate situation, Milleth still urge it to kill all her enemies even though it doesn't have that kind of power

Suddenly, the bats parted and the hound can only see a shadow before it felt a heavy sensation in its head

This time, it was Rhash that attacks. He condensed a bloody aura around his fist as he threw a strong punch into the hound's head

His punch was strong enough to send the hound flying in the air, colliding and collapsing several trees in a row while its body, especially the head, bled even more blood

Milleth felt as if time itself has stopped when the hound passed by her

Thanks to Rhash's punch, the hound loses its fighting power and it was already on the brink of death

It means that the Milleth that was weakened by the loss of life force is alone now

Before she can even try to run, Rhash already appeared in her side. Rhash's merciless foot moved as he breaks the woman's legs to prevent her from running away

Originally, Rhash wants to kill this woman using his own hands. However, he changed his mind

Between Reif and Rhash, it was the former that was harmed the most by this woman. Albeit, it was on the original timeline

It would be better if Reif is the one that would kill a person that once harmed him greatly

"N-no... d-don't kill me!" Milleth pleaded while crying in pain from her legs. The bones in there were smashed into smaller pieces and she can feel extreme pain in it

However, just how many adventurers were harmed by her? Some of those adventurers surely risk their life to earn more money to pay the loan she herself had caused but they, unfortunately, lose their lives

How can a person like her have the right to even beg for mercy? The adventurers she scammed surely begged for mercy too but she didn't listen to them

Even Reif that only wants to lead a new life was sent into prison because of her own selfishness

Rhash will absolutely never let her off! A person like her is better dead than alive

Without the slightest bit of mercy, Rhash dragged Milleth in front of Reif that was looking at him worriedly

"B-Big Brother..." Reif almost choked on his own saliva. The hole in Rhash's chest was still there and only adrenaline was preventing him from feeling the pain in it

"Reif, this person, this person is evil. Kill her, kill her using your own hands. She was one of the people that hurt you in the original timeline!" Rhash said with agitation in his voice

The pleas and cries from Milleth cause his anger to soar higher and higher. If Rhash doesn't want Reif to kill the person that harmed him, Rhash would have killed this bitch already

"B-Big Brother... what are you talking about?" Reif naturally don't understand what Rhash meant

What original timeline? Reif is completely clueless about that and he doesn't know why Rhash wants him to kill Milleth even though Rhash is the one that was harmed the most here

After all, Reif is unscathed while Rhash has a deep wound in his chest. If not for Rhash's constitution, he would have kicked the bucket long ago already

"I'll explain it later, for now, kill her"

As Rhash always uses his common sense, he knew that in novels, his action has the chance to give Milleth the chance to flee

A scene like this was not uncommon, wherein a person wants another person to kill the one that hurts them and Rhash is worried that Milleth might really be able to flee

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