The Villain's Light

Chapter 31 - 31: Khaknur The Wimp

Time passes by with the two spreading fire in all directions when an unexpected thing happened

The spiders suddenly went to the cave's exit and covered it with their bodies. At first, it only looks creepy but since the spiders are weak, Rhash and Reif can still deal with them

However, in the next second, things turned for the worst. The spiders suddenly hardened and they turned into a solid wall that blocks the exit

"We should break that wall!" Rhash said in alarm and he took the liberty to charge towards that wall

The bloody aura around his fist became more vibrant and he gave the wall a heavy punch


The punch causes a loud banging sound to spread inside the cave. A large part of the cave shook from the impact but the wall created from solidified spiders wasn't destroyed

"How could it be this durable?" Rhash said out of shock. His punch can disfigure even metals. To think that his punch wouldn't be able to deal that much damage in this wall that was already being repaired by the spiders

"Kekeke! Since you dared to disturb this Great One then prepare to be my minion's nutrients!" That familiar voice appeared again and Rhash very much want to punch the owner of that voice

Without a choice, Rhash can only continue banging his fist into the wall while Reif continue spreading fire to prevent the spiders from harming them

However, after some time, Rhash notices that Reif's state was currently not looking good

The kid's face was flush with a red color and he was also continuously gasping for air

"Reif, what happened? Are you alright?" Rhash asked worriedly after arriving next to the kid

Although Reif doesn't look fine, he still nodded his head. "I-I'm f-fine!" Reif answered

From what it looks like, the spiders weren't really poisonous. Also, Reif should have been far from being exhausted already. What could possibly be the reason for his current state?

This situation causes Rhash's expressions to darken as he summoned more tongues of fire to protect Reif from harm

His keen eyes scanned the surroundings trying to see whatever the cause for Reif's suffering when he notices that the area around them was already filled with black smoke that came from the burning spiders

The smoke doesn't really affect Reif. He was passively controlling gravity around him so that the smoke would not impede his vision nor would he suffocate from it

Thus, the reason for his bad state should not be suffocation. But what could it be?

Rhash knocked his brains for the answer as the more time that passes, the worst Reif's state becomes

This can't go on or the kid might really die

Fortunately, Rhash notices something. They are inside the cave and the exit was covered with a wall

The smoke doesn't really affect Reif but there is fire present around. In Rhash's physics class, for fire to appear, there are three things that it needs

Those were oxygen, fuel, and heat. Although the fire was created using magic, now that it was in the physical world, it should still abide by the laws of physics

The place the two were currently in was an enclosed space. With them summoning fire nonstop to kill the spiders, they have burned the oxygen to the point that it affects Reif

Rhash's body is not a normal human body. Although humans in this world can use magic but that most of them still need the things that normal humans need to survive and one of them is oxygen

"Reif, stop using fire magic!" Rhash shouted as he too ceases from using fire

Reif instantly obeyed and the fire soon starts to die down. However, the situation still doesn't look good

The oxygen level in this place dropped to a dangerous level. Although it won't drop further, it would still need a lot of time before the oxygen level returned to a safe level since the cave was blocked from the outside

"Cough cough!"

After some more time, Reif's body starts to break down. The oxygen in his lungs was too lacking, forcing him into his knees as a wave of powerlessness overcome him

How foolish. He promises to always save Rhash but here he is kneeling in the ground while gasping for air


Rhash immediately went into Reif's side to check on the kid but the spider uses this chance to close the distance between them

Without a choice, Rhash sent sharp waves of winds to the spiders

Fortunately, both of them tried using multiple elemental magic since they are still currently weak

Others would often pursue only a certain type of magic but since the two focus on survival, for now, they don't focus on single magic that much since different situations might call for different types of magic such as this one

The sharp winds cut through the spiders as if they were tofu. If Rhash's body wasn't modified, he too would be in the same state as Reif with the low amount of oxygen in the air

"B-Big b-brother... I-I'm w-weak ..." Reif forces out those words and Rhash quickly shook his head

Reif is not weak, in fact, he has grown stronger. It's just that they used fire magic when they shouldn't have

That causes Reif to be unable to perform at his best

Rhash still wants to say something but there is an urgent matter at hand. Although he still hasn't fully recovered, he doesn't have a choice but to bite his finger and use his lifeforce to once again summon some monsters

Five or so bats came out from the magic circle that Rhash created and they sent sonic attacks to the spiders

As soon as the sonic attack hits the spider, their bodies would instantly cease to move

Even then, this is only a temporary solution. The two were still not completely safe

Rhash surveyed the surroundings with his eyes to think of a plan

"Kekeke, blame yourselves for this misfortune. If you didn't irritate this Great One, you wouldn't become an incubation tool for my minions. Get ready to birth hundreds of them!"

Just as Rhash was about to run out of ideas, he suddenly remembered something as soon as he heard those words

Cave, spiders, incubation tool. Rhash's mind connected the dots and he realizes who their enemy was

"Khaknur the Wimp!" Rhash blurted out and the whole cave immediately shook

"What?! Where did you hear that title you little bastard?!" The same voice from earlier raged. Rhash knew that he offended the voice's owner

But since he now knew who the enemy was, he would be able to deal with the danger at hand

"Shut up you cowardly spider if you don't want me to report you to the authorities!" Rhash shouted back

Khaknur the Wimp just like what his title implies, is a wimpy coward. He dislikes danger and would only attack people he deemed as weaker than him

In fact, he doesn't even attack weak people often as he feared that he would be found out

Khaknur's power mostly comes from his large number of minions. Although he also can use a lot of magic, he kind of suck at it when using it face to face against enemies

If this is a game, whenever Khaknur fought with someone personally, he would receive a great debuff!

That's how cowardly he was. Even if an enemy is weaker than him, he would still lose due to fear

Since he is the one that is Rhash's enemy, he can deal with him as he knows how to

"Remove the blockade in the cave's entrance if you don't want me to report you to the authorities!" Rhash threatened and he even created a small magic circle in front of his palm

"Y-you... what are you trying to do!"

Just like what Rhash expected, Khaknur immediately panics after things turned out different from what he expected

"I know of a magic that lets me talk to my comrades even from a distance. If I want, I can have them report your presence here!"

Since Khaknur relies on his minions, he naturally needs to create and maintain them

The spiders were like parasites before birth. They would need to use a host that would give birth to spider eggs

The eggs would use the nutrients and mana of their host to develop. Thus, Khaknur wouldn't use himself as the host as that would also harm him

Because of that, Khaknur often needs a lot of hosts. There were times when he attacks small villages and towns to turn the inhabitants there into the host of his minions

That resulted in a lot of death and is also considered a crime. Thus, human authorities want to eradicate this monster

But since Khaknur is a wimp, he rarely showed himself. He also doesn't provoke anyone too powerful or even someone that has the same level of power as him

His cowardly attitude helped him to survive for a long time

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