The Villain's Light

Chapter 34 - 34: Tutor Khaknur

"This is..." Rhash trailed after seeing the scene in front of him

Currently, the three of them just returned to Khaknur's hideout. It was the place he spends most of his time

Khaknur rarely went out of this place in fear that he would be met with danger

As he is a creature that mostly relied upon his minions, Khaknur's hideout has thousands of spiders just crawling around

That alone was already quite disgusting to see. Who would ever think that a place littered with countless spiders is a beautiful place?

However, it was not only the spiders that can be seen. There were also other races living or more like suffering in this place

Most of them were humans and there is one thing that they all are similar with

Aside from the spiders, the stomachs of the other creatures around were bulging. Some of them still look healthy but most have a varying degree of being skinny

These suffering creatures were all used as incubation tools for Khaknur's minions. They are suffering from malnutrition and mana deficiency

These creatures would soon die after all of their worth was squeezed away from them

"Beautiful, right?" Khaknur said confidently even though that is far from what Rhash wants to say

"No, I meant to say that your hideout is more disgusting than I thought"

It's not like Rhash has never seen this place. However,  seeing it in a dream is still different than seeing it in reality

The scene of countless spiders crawling around along with an area where the incubation tools were more disgusting in reality and Rhash had an urge to puke

"Big Brother... those people" Reif bit his lower lip while looking at the humans that seem to have given up on life already

They were only waiting for their deaths that would soon come to them

Rhash knew exactly what is Reif thinking. Even he, think this was a bit cruel but the world has always been cruel

"If Khaknur doesn't do this, he might possibly die. And if we are not strong enough, we can have an even worst ending than that. This is the law of the jungle, I'm in no position to help those people"

If Rhash's power were to rely on his minions then he would do exactly the same thing that Khaknur does. So who is he to dodge?

But even then, Rhash is not as cruel as the little spider. Well, it was more of the two were completely different on how they were raised

To Khaknur's eyes, using innocent people as incubation tools was normal and wasn't a cruel thing at all

"However, since you are smooching them off, you should have at least treated them more gently. If you were to take care of them and make sure that they would not die, wouldn't you have a permanent incubation tool? If you did that then it wouldn't be necessary to regularly capture incubation tools!"

Rhash showed his creative side again. Ever since he came into this world, he was at his best. His mind would always think of a good plan

This time, the one that would benefit from him using his mind was Khaknur that looked at him as if he was a Sage

"T-that's right! Why didn't I thought of that?!" Khaknur exclaimed

Instead of always having a headache because of the lack of incubation tools, why don't Khaknur take care of the ones he already has?

He would spend some resources making sure that the incubators wouldn't die from nutrient and mana deficiency but he would gain more

Capturing incubators would result in the deaths of the spiders. Not to mention, creatures like humans can also absorb mana to recover what they have lost

It would be the same as having a mana factory that is needed to breed the spiders

Splendid! Rhash's plan was extremely splendid in Khaknur's eyes although it was actually just a simple one that many people can think of

It's just that Khaknur has more of a primeval and savage mind compared to the modernized mind of Rhash

"Anyway, let us have some rest first. After we rest, you need to teach us magic back from the very basic"

Up to this day, Rhash and Reif were still fumbling in the dark. They were mostly training by relying on their instincts but it was not enough

To achieve the best result with less effort, they would need the help of a person that formally learned magic

Khaknur is one of them. If not, how could a cowardly person like him even attain such power?

"Alright, Master! I will do my best!" Khaknur needs to get on the good side of his Masters if he doesn't want to be miserable

As for the thoughts of why Rhash and Reif even needs to learn from him when they are already 'strong people', that didn't enter his naive mind


"Master, magic is actually simple but also complicated. The very first thing that we need to cast magic is mana alongside our imagination. Mana is the fuel and imagination is the one that will dictate what the fuel would be for" Khaknur started. He really went all out to be as good as a teacher as possible

Since this is a lesson that the two kids greatly needed, they were putting a hundred percent of their focus into learning

"That is the very basics of magic. But to gain stronger magical powers, that is not enough. To really use magic, we must be skillful at the magic we are using"

"Mana and imagination will create fire but fires have different temperatures and power.  Not all fires are the same. It all comes down to how a person can skillfully control fire to change the temperature and might"

"It's like butchering the enemies. Newbies will randomly slash a sword into the enemy's body causing a low level of lethality. As for the more skillful ones, they will go for vital parts and strike it causing a higher level of lethality"

Even Khaknur's example is savage like him. Fortunately, Rhash understood it and if he were to link it to something, Rhash would link magic to painting

A child with zero experience will randomly create some strokes. For the experts, on the other hand, every stroke was beautiful, coordinated, and has a reason

Even with their eyes close, with their skills, they can create a beautiful product. Completely unlike the newbies that might not necessarily create a passable painting even if their eyes were opened and you give them a complete set of equipment

It all comes down to the level of mastery. Thus, most people would focus on the magic they think they are best at

Some artists would excel in realism, others in abstract, and in the modern era, some artists can only create good art digitally

The more Khaknur explained magic, the more Rhash was enlightened

Rhash already understood it and he only needs some practice. Thus, he turned to look at Reif to see if the kid understood Khaknur's lesson

"How about it? If you have any question, ask it to Khaknur"

As the future strongest creature, Rhash has a lot of expectations for Reif but he also knows that Reif is still a kid currently. He must be guided

This was especially since Rhash can see how bad Reif's expression was. Even with his big brother comforting him, he still looks hesitant

"Reif, what is it? You can say anything you want to. Magic cannot be learned in a single day. You don't need to feel too much pressure" Rhash said to make the kid feel better but Reif shook his head

"Big Brother, I understood the listen. It's just that..." Reif trailed as he was still hesitant to speak whatever he wants to say and Rhash gave him another push

"No need to be afraid, I will never dodge you"

With that, Reif finally has the courage to speak. "I-It's just that Big Brother said before that my magical affinity was with anything to do with destruction"

That's right, Reif's chaos power is actually pure destruction. Hence the reason why he became the strongest person in the world

If that bastard Son of God didn't have allies, he wouldn't be able to defeat Reif at all

"I-I'm afraid that if I understood my power, i-it would make my magic too destructive to the point that it would also hurt Big Brother"

Turns out Rhash was worried about that. He really is a sweet little kid!

Even with the usage of his own magic, Reif still worried for Rhash. How can Rhash not feel even an ounce of warmth from that?

Really, no one in this world would think this way towards Rhash other than Reif

It was the right decision to take Reif under his wing and raise him to the best of his ability

"Reif, do you think I'm that weak? Even if you grow stronger, the same thing would happen to me! I won't fall behind you and there is no need for you to worry!"

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