The Villain's Light

Chapter 64 - 63

The little spider that was watching from the side almost cannot believe what his eyes are witnessing

His master was actually on the losing end? Rhash was almost omnipotent in his eyes whether it be because of his intellect or fighting prowess (might be because Khaknur himself don't know how strong he was since he is always afraid of fighting with his own body)

A disaster. This is definitely a disaster!

Rhash starts to be pushed back. Every collision that he has with Nath diminishes his power greatly

The Son of God is really a hard enemy to defeat. Even if Nath's power is weaker than his opponent, his sword would make up to it by also weakening his opponent

Not to mention, Rhash is perfectly aware that even without the sword, he was still weaker

Even then, Rhash wouldn't go down with a fight

He jumped away from Nath and raises his hand in the air. A bloody mass starts to condensed above him

The smell of blood wafted in the air and it would make people wonder how such a little body can have such a large amount of blood

The bloody mass has the size of around five human heads combined. It wasn't that large but still big that most

Nath narrowed his eyes as he can feel a threatening power from that bloody mass

As a result, he coated his sword with a layer of holy light that seems to have the ability to purify everything in this world

"DIE!" Rhash's rage reaches its peak and the bloody mass above him send bullets of blood in Nath's direction

The skies were suddenly covered with bullets of blood yet they all have the same target


Nath wields his sword and he flung the blood bullets away. All the trees that were hit instantly turned into smithereens

The unfortunate area of ​​the ground that receives droplets of blood sizzled as they were melted

Smokes flew in the air as the blood seems like acid that melted everything it touches

Even Nath has to spend a lot of effort into making sure that he wouldn't get harmed by these droplets of blood

When Rhash's magic finishes, his vitality is already at a dangerous level. His face was completely devoid of color and his body feels heavy

He literally uses his life force to use such powerful magic. Unfortunately, the only result was that a large area of ​​the woods was destroyed

Every living and non-living thing was melted away. Nath and Khaknur can't even continue standing on the ground as they were completely melted

Who would have thought that blood could become this acidic? Enough to even melt the ground

Despite Rhash's weakened state, he still hasn't given up. He holds out his right arm and clenches his fist

The bloody droplets around moved yet again. Since they were literally everywhere, Nath faces an attack all around him

His face was still as calm as before though and he simply muttered something under his breath

In the next second, pure angelic wings sprouted from his back. The wings color were a mixture of white and gold

Just its presence alone already made the surroundings brighter than before. Such wings should not appear in this world but it was created by Nath

The wings covered the paladin's body and as soon as the acid blood made contact with it, the latter instantly evaporated into nothing

The dirty substance was purified and vanished in thin air

Despair ... Rhash despaired ... since he was defeated this easily and Reif would arrive soon ...

Did he fail? He and Reif have almost the same level of power... even if Reif were to arrive here, what could he do?

Maybe, Rhash's teachings were holding back Reif. Maybe since Rhash always planned things to lessen the danger level, that caused Reif to not explode with potential

It's just that Rhash can't take the thought of Reif suffering too much although that is also the reason why the latter grew his power a lot

Was Rhash holding his little gem?

With all these negative thoughts in mind, Rhash's knees gave out. His body almost has no power anymore and his mental state was at its lowest

Earlier, due to endless rage, the natural calming aura that Nath has that makes people unable to attack and think bad of him has not affected him

But now that Rhash's mental state was this fragile, the desire to fight was diminishing

If this goes on then Nath might really convert him into a believer

Rhash starts thinking where things go wrong as he placed his palms into his face

What is with this huge difference in power? Things shouldn't have been like this

He put a lot of effort into training and obtaining treasures for himself and Reif. How come they are still this weak in front of the enemy that they should kill at all cost?

"This is not good" Khaknur thought as he watch Nath approaching his master

He doesn't know what is wrong with his master and why is he looking that miserable. But even if Rhash's mental state is perfectly fine, what can he do?

His body can store a lot of blood or lifeforce and sacrifice them to increase his power. But now, Rhash has used up everything that he had stored

Even if he were to try and fight again, how could he even win with such a large gap in power?

Hence, seeing Nath approaching his master causes Khaknur's heart to palpitate

He was nervous, really nervous. In the past year, aside from being a slave, Khaknur also grew some affection for his masters

They don't treat him that badly. Humans would either be afraid or disgusted at him. But those two are different

They aren't necessarily fond of his appearance but they at least don't discriminate against him for it

His master in danger was not something that Khaknur wants to see

Hence, he did something he didn't think he would ever do

Despite the great danger, Khaknur still made a move before his mind can even register his actions

Khaknur opened his mouth and he shot a long streak of spider thread to stop Nath

However, Nath simply controlled his wings to destroy the silk

Even then, Khaknur continued and this time, he uses more spider silk. His mouth releases a huge amount to the point that it already blocks the sunlight from hitting the ground

As a result, Nath turned his head at the little spider. His aura and appearance was still as nice and gentle as before but his eyes hold a deep sense of coldness

In annoyance, Nath released some of his feathers. The gold and white feathers cuts through the silk as if they weren't as strong as hard metals

The feathers even continued until they turn Khaknur into a skewer

If Rhash is already much weaker compared to Nath, what more for Khaknur?

The feathers even exploded while they were in Khaknur and his body was thrown in the air

The spider shed a lot of blood and soon lose consciousness

Without Khaknur's interference, Nath continued to approach the despairing Rhash

There is really something on Rhash that he can't quite pinpoint. At first, he thought that it was because of Rhash's appearance that seems to be out of this world but the more time that passed, the more Nath is sure that that was not the case

His interest was piqued and Nath has the desire to own this fascinating creature

However, when he was only a few steps away from Rhash, the Son of God sensed something

His blood instantly boiled as if the presence he had sense should die and not exist in this world

His heart became filled with murderous intent and when he look at where this hateful presence was coming from, he saw a human approaching him with a fierce look in his face

"Get away from him!" Reif shouted angrily and in no time, he arrives in the space between Nath and Rhash

Rubbles and smokes were sent flying as Reif landed on the ground. He really used his gravitational control to arrive as fast as possible after seeing his big brother's state

Rhash can feel a pair of arms wrapped around his body. This hug seems familiar but instead of bringing him comfort, it just made him feel guiltier

Rhash thinks that he prevent Reif from being strong. This was his fault and since Reif arrives now, with how weak he has, Nath can surely kill him

"R-Reif, run! I'm sorry, I am no match for him. You should run away!" Rhash said out of panic, he even tried to push Reif away from him

Reif's face was originally cold while looking at Nath but it instantly softened after he looks at his big brother

He can feel a deep sense of fear. Just what happened while he was away? Why is his big brother this afraid right now?

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