The Villain's Light

Chapter 66 - 65

The only reason why Rhash thinks Reif was as strong as he is was the latter's concern

Reif can feel how pressured his big brother was. Every time that they sparred and Reif won, he can see how it heavily affected Rhash

Of course, Rhash was delighted to see Reif improving his power. However, it also brought a heavy mental burden on him

Reif would always see his brother putting an even greater effort into his training every time he loses

Hence,  for the sake of his big brother, Reif decided to simply hide the real extent of his powers

Even he was surprised at how strong he becomes easily. Simply using his innate chaos power was enough to leave other people in the dust

His speed of improvement was simply astonishing. If this goes on, even if Nath were to gather his allies, he might still easily lose against Reif that is set on killing him

Despite seeing how badly beaten Nath already was, Reif doesn't have the intention to stop

The area around him trembled yet again as pieces of earth detached themselves from the ground

The large blocks of earth condensed into a pebble size one

Just imagine rocks multiple times bigger than a human head were condensed into the size of a pebble.. Just how condensed that rock was?

Gravity magic is really dangerous for the enemy if the user knows how to use them

Condensing matter into a smaller size was actually Rhash's idea. In the original timeline, Reif only use gravity magic to increase his speed or pulverized everything around him with the pressure

But with Rhash's help, they managed to think of another way to utilize this special magic and the result was this

With a flick of Reif's finger, the condensed rocks were sent flying towards Nath that was still trying to stand up

His mental state was at its weakest right now. He cannot believe that someone that should have been his rival already has this level of power

Aren't rivals suppose to be roughly at the same level? The fight earlier doesn't look like a fight between rivals since Nath was overpowered easily!

Not to mention, he almost has no strength to defend himself from Reif's next attack

Nath tried to lift his sword but on his shoulder, a large gaping wound can be seen. The flesh was missing and the white bones inside can even be seen

His bones have cracks in them though, causing him to not have the capability to wield his sword

Nath's body was healing itself already but it required more than a minute that Reif wouldn't give to him

Fortunately for Nath, he was not alone. Another white light appeared from the sky

A man wearing an armor fell like a shooting star. In his right hand was a broadsword and shield on the left

The newcomer uses the shield to block the condensed rocks

The newcomer was precisely Nath's Paladin guard - Gastra. His power was weaker than the Son of God

Gastra managed to block Reif's attack but that was at the expense of a great deal amount of energy

His shield even cracks and his hands were already bleeding. His skin was split open thanks to the impact that he had endured

"Y-Your Holiness, run! I will deal with him!" Gastra urged Nath to run away. He knows that even with his help, they wouldn't be able to kill Reif

The desire to live instantly overpowered Nath's desire for vengeance

He still has the mission of spreading God's faith. How could he let himself die here?

Luckily, the Paladins of the Church are different. Even if Nath treats them like dispensable pawns, no one would feel dissatisfied

If Nath were to do that to other people that he recruited, they surely would feel wronged. Even his aura that would make people want to devote themselves to him would be completely ineffective if that were to happen

"Stall him for as long as you can!" Nath replied as another set of wings of light sprouted in his back to flee from here

However, how could Reif let that happen?

The gravity around instantly intensifies. It feels like the gravity was tens of times stronger than it was originally

This made it hard for Nath to soar in the sky as gravity wants him to fall into the ground

The church didn't win against Reif in the original timeline without a reason though

Gastra tightly gripped his sword and...


The Paladin stabbed his own body using his sword. Strangely enough, though, not even a hint of blood was spilled as if he don't have a sword piercing his body

"I, Gastra, my Lord's protector and servant sacrifices my life for the Church and the Son of God!" The Paladin shouted loudly and a burst of brilliant white light exploded from his body

Reif can sense the paladin's aura rising to the extreme. He tried to eliminate Gastra before he can do anything but wanting to do so was different from actually doing it

The attacks that Reif sent vanishes thanks to that brilliant white light

"Judgement Prison" the Paladin muttered and before Reif can react, he already found himself inside a cage

All around Reif were pillars of white light that was suppressing his power. He can still use some magic but their effectiveness diminishes greatly

The extreme gravitational pressure pressing down on Nath's body vanishes and he soon soared to the skies with the help of wings

Reif can only watch a light streak fleeing through the air without being able to do anything

The cage he was in was simply too strong. He can't break through it in just a few seconds

After all, that cage was created with the life sacrifice of one of the strongest Paladin in the current church

Not even a drop of blood was left from his body. It completely vanishes as he sacrificed all that he has to create the cage, imprisoning Reif

Even if the Paladin were to sacrifice his life for more power, it was still not guaranteed that Nath would be able to flee if Reif focused on him

Hence, instead of doing a foolish action at the cost of his life, Gastra decided to just lock Reif for the time being which was very effective

Caging him suits the situation better and Reif can only watch as the person he needed to kill flying away


It took some time before the cage was destroyed by Reif and as soon as that happens, the first thing that he did was to search for his big brother

Fortunately, they already had a talk before. If something unexpected happened and they were forced to go in a different direction, they have a rendezvous point which was where Khaknur was hiding when Reif picked him up

It was near the village that was attacked by the trolls

Blindly searching inside the woods would take too much of a time and Reif decided to head straight to the rendezvous point

Fortunately, Reif was not disappointed. When he arrives, Khaknur and his big brother was already there

Due to sacrificing a great deal amount of his blood, it didn't take that long before Rhash lose consciousness

The man was currently sleeping already. His lifeforce was at its weakest. Although he was not in a life-threatening situation, the loss was still severe

Seeing Rhash in this state greatly pained Reif's heart. He was still too weak

Although he defeated Nath, it was not enough

If he was stronger, he would have arrived much earlier. If he was stronger, Nath wouldn't be able to flee

In the end, a great danger was still awaiting them since Reif failed

He might be stronger than his big brother but it was still not enough

While thinking how inadequate he was, Reif slashed his wrist and his own blood soon flowed out

Reif placed his wrist to Rhash's mouth and he had him drink his blood

Reif's blood has always been the most effective blood for Rhash. It's just that he was still a human

There is a limit to how much blood a human could lose. Rhash is always mindful of that

Except for the time that he needs to 'eat', Rhash would almost never drink Reif's blood in fear that it would have negative consequences

Rhash would just use the blood of other creatures he hunted to help his situation

Reif on the other hand doesn't care how much blood he would lose if it will help his big brother

If it was in the past, Reif will blindly give as much blood as Rhash wants

However... Nath managed to flee. As much as it pained his heart, Reif can't give too much of his blood

Losing too much blood would weaken him. If Nath came back with his 'minions', how could they survive that?

Without a choice, Reif can only give a little of his blood and he could only hope that it would already be a big help

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