The Villain's Light

Chapter 72 - 71

For the second time in his life, Nath has to flee from his arch-nemesis. One can only imagine how furious he would be because of this

Nath's pure angelic wings condensed in his back as he starts to float in the air

"Kill! Kill him!" Nath ordered when even when he was already starting to flee

Even then, his priests and paladin don't think of his decision as a bad one. In fact, even if he does that, his people only think that that is the right thing to do

Their lives were not as important as the life of the son of their God. Even if they have to sacrifice their lives, if that means they can help their God, it would be totally worth it

Seeing Nath fleeing, Reif can't help but sneer. That man really has no backbone.. As soon as the slightest bit of danger shows, he would start to flee

For his and his big brother's future, Reif cannot let Nath flee for the second time

His body shot in the air like a cannonball. In his hand, a crimson ball can be seen. In a flash, Reif appeared near Nath and the crimson ball 'erased' the entirety of the man's head

However, the two of them were still inside the Barrier of Martyrs that was created with the help of Divine Power, hence, ignoring the laws of the world

Despite losing his head, Nath still continued flying away and in the next second, his whole head returned as if it wasn't obliterated by Reif

Nath was still alive yet another one of the Paladins died with its head exploding like a watermelon

The damage that should have been with Nath has been transferred to another person again

If not for this annoying barrier, Nath would have died at least two times already

While gritting his teeth, Nath increases his speed while ignoring the pain. Reif sent sharp streaks of energy in his way, poking multiple holes in his body

Although the injuries were transferred to another person immediately, the pain was still there

While Reif continues to attack Nath, the Paladins around them died one by one

It's just too bad that although Reif's power receives a boost, it still wasn't enough. The shard that he got was the shard of life and healing

It was the shard that almost don't give the user any boost in power except for regeneration and healing

Reif has better healing capacity than before and his power slightly increases but that was it. Even if the shard came from a God, this was the first time that Reif uses it

He was still completely clueless about this shard and he has to further explore it

Reif can only send one magic attack after another to the fleeing Nath yet even after Nath exits the barrier, he still hasn't died

Reif tried to attack Nath again but the barrier blocked his magic. Not only that, he was also blocked from exiting it

Although Reif was the strongest of all the people present here individually, he was still one person

He has to take some time to destroy the barrier that was created with Divine Power and by then, Nath has already gone far away

"Tch" Reif can't believe that he let the biggest danger of his and Rhash's life flee for the second time

But for now, there is still a more important task at hand. Reif turned his focus into the paladins charging at him

His big brother is still inside the lightless cube, he has to get away from here as soon as possible

As a result, one crimson explosion after another occurred as Reif massacred his enemies

When the paladins 'and priests' numbers were low enough, the barrier broke down by itself

Reif ignored the few surviving ones as he soared high in the air to go into a safe place

Reif arrived back to where they hid Khaknur. He can leave Rhash here but he was simply too worried for him.


"Dark... too dark" Rhash thought inside his head. He was inside the space of the lightless cube and he is now experiencing its horrors

Despite knowing what he would face, Rhash can't help but still be affected

He cannot see nor feel, hear, sense, feel anything. He can't even taste his own saliva

The space inside the lightless cube was really frightening. Reif wanted to clenched his fist of grit his teeth but he doesn't know if he did any of those things

After all, his sense of touch in any form got disabled

He literally can't physically feel anything but his heart still can

This space was a horrifying one and Rhash wanted no other thing to do but exit it

But remembering how much Reif would worry about him, he doesn't have the courage to do that

Rhash can only close his eyes or at least he thinks he did that. Not that it would make any difference since he literally can't see anything

"Reif... Reif... Reif..." Rhash chanted in his mind. That person is the only thing that is helping him keep his sanity

If he were to lose his mind, how devastated would his little gem feel?

Since Rhash literally lose all of his senses, he also doesn't know how much time has passed

It feels a long time for him even though it wasn't even a few hours. Well, being deprived of all of your physical senses would surely make you feel that a single second is already a long time

Rhash can even remember that in his past world, there were people that got punished to experience a similar thing that he was experiencing

Most of those people lose their minds. If this goes on for a long time, even Rhash cannot guarantee that his sanity would last

"Reif... Reif... Reif" Rhash can only continue his chant that was also his only source of strength

Every second felt like yeard and Rhash don't know what is happening to him anymore

Fortunately, as if the Gods answered his calls, the once deprived world of Rhash vanishes

He can finally see light again and the first thing that he saw was his little gem's worried face

"B-big brother, please don't cry. I'm sorry!"

Reif felt remorseful. From the looks of it, his big brother had a traumatic experience inside the lightless cube

He feels really guilty especially since he doesn't regret his actions. He simply doesn't want his big brother to die or be put in any form of danger!

Reif feels like he was really horrible. Rhash was this shaken yet he can only think that he was at least safe

Rhash didn't spend a long time inside the lightless cube. In fact, it might only be around an hour

However, that hour feels like decades. If it goes on for a longer time, instead of feeling shaken, Rhash might have turned insane instead

Rhash vowed that he would be emotionally strong yet his current state of mind went fragile again

He can only rest his face in Reif's chest while his tears continue to flow down

He misses this. He misses feeling Reif's warmth

Reif envelop the other man with his arms, hugging him tightly as if he was afraid that Rhash would vanish from him

"Ssshh, it's okay. I'm here, there is no need to be afraid" Reif said gently while stroking Rhash's white hair

It was still as smooth as before. Reif wanted it to be longer but Rhash won't allow that as it would interfere in fights. He can only be satisfied with this for now

When Reif rose to the top and no one can harm him and his big brother again, it wouldn't be late to ask Rhash to grow bid hair longer

Reif's warmth help Rhash to calm down and he hugged the man back. His tears slowed down and his breath that he didn't realize is frantic also started to calm down

Nothing beats being held in the arms of the person you cared about the most!

"Reif ... Reif ... Reif ..." Rhash called out. While inside the lightless cube, his little gem is the only thing in his mind

Now that he can touch Reif again, he was very happy

"Yes, big brother?" Reif asked gently. One of his hands was continuing their work of stroking Rhash's hair while the other went to rub his back, giving the traumatized man a great sense of comfort

"Held me please" Rhash softly answered and he instantly felt how Reif's body stiffened

As much as he doesn't want this, the trauma from the lightless cube was really great. Rhash can only hope that having sex would help him forget that experience

Reif did not understand that though and he looked at his big brother in surprise. "I-I of course want to do it with big brother but I think this isn't the right time?"

God knows that Reif always thinks of doing it with Rhash but his brother's well-being is still the most important!

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