The Villain's Light

Chapter 77 - 76

"We're finally near a human civilization!" Rhash said as soon as he saw the Mesha City from a distance

He and Reif has stayed more than a month in the wild, figuring out all the changes that happened to Reif's body

In the end, they came into conclusion that since Reif's healing capabilities have become extraordinary, the nutrients his body needed has also increased

Magic can help close up wounds but one's body also needs nutrients. The self-healing also used up Reif's mana but he has a vast reserve of that. In the future, he would even become the person that has the most amount of mana

The mana part is not that much of a problem. The problem lies in the nutrients. Even with the help of magic, one's body still has to have enough nutrients

Others don't have a problem with that since their healing speed is 'normal' but Reif is different now. He is in need of nutrients every time his body was injured

The two did several tests and they also found the extent of Reif's healing ability. That was the reason why it took them a long time before they decided to return to the city

"Let's speed up big brother, I miss taking baths!"

The two can clean themselves with magic but Reif also enjoyed the feeling of showering and bathing.. Those are not something they could have access to in the wild

"Do you want us to take baths together?" Rhash suggested with a grin and Reif instantly nodded his head

"Definitely!" Reif answered and he even kissed Rhash on the cheeks

The two sped up their pace and it didn't take that much time before they finally arrived at the Mesha City

As soon as the two arrive, they noticed many pairs of eyes staring at them. The two were already used to receiving people's stares

Since they are considered rising stars, many people have paid attention to them

But the way people look at them was completely different compared to the past. These people have both fear and hostility for them

In the past, the people are merely jealous but not fearful and hostile like this. Something is wrong

The two knows that and their muscles can't help but tense up

It didn't take that long before the arrival of these two was transmitted to the guards and some of them walked towards them

The captain of the guards have a serious and solemn look on his face as he along with the other guards starts circling around the two kids

"Reif Strousse, Rhash Strousse, both of you are under arrest for killing and sacrificing innocent lives in an evil ritual! Come with us peacefully and no one would get hurt" the Guard said seriously and not even the least bit of fear can be seen from him

The captain of the City Guards is at the level of A-rank adventurers. He was one of the strongest people inside the City

Since Rhash and Reif are merely B rank adventurers, he believes that he can detain them even by force

"What ?! We didn't do any of that!" Reif instantly denied it. Yes, there are a lot of people that died from his and his big brother's hands but those people are all enemies that also want to kill them

Not to mention, the current power that the two hold was achieved with their own effort. They never sacrificed anyone to have whatever power they have right now

Being arrested for those reasons was just absurd!

"I repeat, come with hs peacefully and we won't need to to use force" the captain said again while the city guards with him readied their weapons

Thanks to some people's scheme, everyone really did think that the two are criminals. Hence, the city management has to arrest them

"We are getting arrested?" Rhash muttered as his eyes stared at everyone around him

Rhash did that unconsciously but among the crowd, he saw a man wearing a priest's robes and his eyes instantly trembled

History ... repeated itself again ...

Seeing that Priest, Rhash is a 100% sure that the church is behind this although he was only half right. The rumor about him already spreads because of the doctor and his daughter. The church merely helps spread it further

Rhash knew that no matter how schemeful he is, he cannot defeat Nath in one thing and that is in gaining people's support!

Nath even without doing anything can easily gain the support of the masses. People have always liked him

Aside from the strong that is harder to manipulate, the normal people can be influenced by him easily

There is a high chance that Rhash would suffer if he tried to gain people's support. Besides, how would he even do that?

He only has Reif and Khaknur is not up for the task. As for Nath, he has the Church behind him and his aura could easily let him capture people's heart

In an instant, Rhash came to a conclusion. With how easily Nath can manipulate the masses, history is not something that Rhash can prevent from happening

This frustrates him but it was the hard truth

Rhash can't help but clench his fist and teeth out of anger. He can't believe that Reif has to be shunned by society again. This world is really unfair

But since the world is like this, there is no need for Rhash to feel guilty even if he were to kill them all!

With bloodshot eyes, Rhash stared at the people throwing judgmental looks at him and Reif. Each of their faces was vile in his eyes

"Reif, kill them!" Rhash darkly ordered. Others might have wondered if they were hearing wrong or they would ask for the reason

However, Reif is completely different. Everything that his big brother wants, he would give it!

A wave of power spreads with Reif as the center. A heavy gravitational pressure spreads around and it forced the weak people to their knees

Those that don't have much power even had their organs ruptured, causing their blood to flow into the ground

Rhash has seen Reif trying to change his fate in the original timeline. Reif really did his best to have the people of this world accept him but all he received was harsh treatment

Rhash doesn't want to be stupid and fight against that. He doesn't need people's approval

Since they are set on once again painting Reif as the bad guy, Rhash would give them the death they deserve!

"The criminal is resisting, attack!" The captain gave the orders as he draws his sword. He was an A-rank adventurer yet in the next second, he feels as if Reif vanishes from his vision

The next thing he knew was that his bloody face was already pushed to the ground

Rhash and Reif were originally at the A rank level already. But after Reif obtained the shard, he became even more powerful, giving him the ability to defeat the captain of the guards easily

"I want you all to die!" Rhash shouted angrily as tendrils of blood appeared below him that pierced the flesh of the people around him

Only he, was the witness of Reif's pain and depression. This innocent guy was pushed into the depth of despair

The only thing he wanted was to live peacefully and feel that someone care about him

After Rhash entered this world, he thought that he could completely change Reif's fate. That was the reason for his existence

But now, he realizes that there are some things that he cannot change. Reif's pain-filled face was still fresh in his mind. He can't believe that he would once again see Reif being hated by the world

Rhash vowed that he would make his mind sturdier and stronger than before but once again, he was losing control of his own emotions

Just the thought of his little gem going through another horrible experience was enough to make him go bad

Rhash went berserk as his power killed whoever they can kill without caring who they were

Even the Priest that Rhash saw earlier has been skewered by his magic

Rhash's bloodshot eyes were filled with anger and rage. He hates all these people that judge Reif!

Rhash was in the middle of his massacre when he felt a warm body hugging him and he felt as if time itself has stopped

"Big brother, I know what you are worried about but this life is different! In this life, I don't care about what others think of me! I don't care whether they like me or hate me. The only opinion I care about is your opinion! "

Reif is not as clueless as before anymore. With them encountering Nath, Rhash thought that it was only proper for him to have Reif know all he knows

Thus, Reif is completely aware of the reason why Rhash is this angry. Reif himself is also angry for what Nath does but he really don't care about anyone's opinion except for his big brother!

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