The Villains' Pampering Is Too Great!

Chapter 185: 1 pack of monsters

Just looking at that action, without being sloppy, plus others are slender and handsome, there are many people applauding for a while.

This is not like riding a horse for the first time. Whether it is the posture of getting on the horse or the posture of riding, it gives people a sense of confidence and pride.

Nangong Yunxuan's guards also mounted, the two sides looked at each other, the guards stared at them, but Fu Ye calmly played with the bow in his hands.

Many people were a little worried about whether he could pull the bow.

"Who will come first?"

Fu Ye raised his chin, "You come first."

The guard smiled provocatively, "Alright, I'll show you a demonstration first!"


The guard galloped away, drew the bow and loaded the arrow, and hit the bullseye with a bang.

Although he despised Nangong Yunxuan's approach, such an achievement also received a lot of applause.

Ten arrows, each one hit the bullseye.

This achievement was applauded by many.

But even if he won, it wouldn't be glorious.

Many people looked at Fu Ye's expression at the moment, but unfortunately he had no expression.

"it's your turn."

Fu Ye responded lazily, and the controller stepped forward immediately.

In the next second, the momentum of his whole body changed.

From a lazy person to a wild wolf ready to go, the guard even felt that the horse under him was a little restless.

For a time, his heart was turbulent, and he looked a little shocked at the boy who was still acting carelessly.

I originally thought that his attitude was rotten, but I didn't expect that when it was his turn, the momentum in his body suddenly became so amazing.

Everyone saw that his dark eyes were as sharp as a wolf, and the boy with deep facial features instantly became aggressive.


The horse galloped out instantly, and under the influence of Fu Ye's aura, it ran even faster.

Holding a longbow, Fu Ye kicked the quiver hanging on the horse's side with the back of his foot. The moment an arrow flew out, he was caught, and he took the arrow and pulled the bow to shoot. This series of movements was completed in one go without any pause.

The sound of a sharp arrow breaking through the air sounded, and everyone saw that Fu Ye shot an arrow directly through the bullseye, and continued to fly several meters away, hitting the opposite wall before stopping.



A shocked voice suddenly sounded on the riding range.

It shot through, and it shot through the target directly!

That's a lot of strength, and it's also very good at aiming.

The next few arrows had the same effect, and the young people of the Nangong family looked at Fu Ye with admiration.

However, the guards and Nangong Yunxuan's faces were not good-looking, especially the latter's face turned black.

After the shoot, Fu Ye walked back slowly, and raised his eyebrows arrogantly and wantonly glanced at Nangong Yunxuan, "That's it?"

That disdainful tone was really a slap in the face.

He retracted his gaze, and when it landed on Lu Xiaocha, it turned into a high-spirited smile.

"How about you, brother, I behaved well."

That stupid dog's look made me compliment me on his face.

Lu Xiaocha "Yeah!"

At the end, add a word of "great."

Also gave a symbolic thumbs up.

Now Fu Ye is satisfied.

At this moment, Nangong Yunyao and Yun Yi looked at Fu Ye with gleaming eyes.

"How did you do it? Can you teach us!"

These two teenagers admired the strong. Fu Ye was so handsome when he was shooting arrows just now. The two of them could not wait to learn the arts immediately.

Fu Ye waved his hand, "Where, I'm still a lot worse."

The two thought he was being modest, but Fu Ye was telling the truth.

It's not just shooting the target through, a certain child can shoot the target and explode it!

The second one was on Lu Beichen.

He can ride a horse, but he can't shoot an arrow.

I've played shooting before.

At the beginning, the results of a few arrows were not good. There was a sigh of relief from the riding and shooting range, and Nangong Yunxuan's face also bloomed with joy.

They won this game!

In the face of those unhappy voices, Lu Beichen was not affected in any way, and continued to adjust his state and posture of drawing the bow.

Finally hit the bullseye with the last shot.

When others looked down on his achievements, Lu Beichen laughed himself.

The others didn't understand, they all lost and laughed so happily.

Lu Xiaocha "Brother is amazing!"

Everyone "......"

Are you right?

Lu Beichen is modest, "I still didn't do it well, so I hit a bull's-eye."

The teacher who taught horsemanship and archery saw it, he hated the iron and looked at his students.

"You still look down on other people's achievements, can't you see that it was the first time he took a bow? And it was the first time he shot an arrow while riding on a moving horse. Bow and arrow are not familiar at all.

Then he quickly adjusted his posture. The second arrow made significant progress, hitting the second ring, the third arrow was the third ring, and the fourth arrow was close to the fourth ring.

Every arrow of his is improving, and every time he fails, he will quickly find the reason, and he also calculates the wind direction and speed resistance, and adjusts the posture of drawing the bow. Until the end, he successfully hit the bullseye, Such a growth rate is simply unbelievable, and you still have the face to dislike his achievements! "

Everyone in the Nangong family "..."

They only reacted after hearing the teacher's analysis.

Suddenly, he looked at Lu Beichen as if he was looking at some monster.

Grass is gone! Is this **** human? !

Thinking about what he said just now, it was naked Versailles!

Nangong Yunxuan's face turned blue and white. Although she won, why couldn't she feel better.

Facing everyone's gaze, Lu Beichen smiled modestly.

"Just a fluke."

Everyone "......"

Is it a fluke that the first time you draw a bow, ride and shoot steadily?

Their teacher looked at Lu Beichen at the moment, as if he was looking at some kind of baby.

Nangong Yunxuan's eyelids twitched, "Continue!"

This is obviously her team's game, why is she so aggrieved in comparison.

This time it was Lu Beifeng.

Their training camp will not only learn to shoot, but also learn some cold weapons, in order to be able to make their own weapons to survive in the wild without weapons.

Bow and arrow is one of them.

Therefore, his and Fu Ye's bow-drawing postures are very standard.

He doesn't have the strength of Fu Fuye, but he... will shoot multiple arrows.

When Lu Beifeng's three arrows were shot on the bowstring and all hit the three bulls-eyes, everyone's jaws almost dropped.

"Fuck you!!!!"

"Three arrows at once! This is **** showing off!"

Who the **** are Is this still a person? !

This is a group of monsters, they came to their Nangong house to demolish the platform.

The teachers of the riding and shooting class were dumbfounded.

Not to mention others.

Nangong Yun, who was still worried at first, called out "..."

Sorry to bother you.

It's because he thinks too much and worries that they will suffer.

These **** people are monsters!


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