Naturally, Qinchuan had Qinchuan's plan. Ye Qian knew this well. Otherwise, Qinchuan would not have made such a big battle this time. However, ye Qian's attitude towards Beiming wheel is very subtle. After all, the whole East is now in the calculation of others, and ye Qian has no national title except the title of a commander in chief. Of course, ye Qian has never regarded himself as a member of the imperial court. Therefore, it is not so important for ye Qian whether to kill the Beiming wheel, as long as the Beiming wheel does not provoke itself It's easy to talk about everything if you come up with your own head.

The city of the sky, which was full of thunder and fire in the daytime, suddenly fell into a dead silence. Under a round of moonlight, the sky city at the moment seems more and more beautiful.

Small bridge water, sky city back garden pond edge, ye Qian is still a white dress like snow, a leg hanging on the pond railing.

At the moment, ye Qian still holds a pot of sake in his hand, and then drinks it by himself.

Not far away, a sound of footsteps slowly spread, followed by Qinchuan's laughter: "ha ha, ye Qian boy, you can pick a place, here should be the best view in your sky city!"

Hearing the voice of Qinchuan, the pond began to roll up, as if there was a huge wave.

Qin Chuan a Leng, immediately stopped his own pace, and then, everything in front of him is suddenly Qin Chuan's eyes.

A more than 10 meters long golden carp suddenly jumped out of the pond and opened its mouth in the air, facing Qinchuan not far away, as if it were a demonstration.

Qin Chuan immediately took two steps backward.

And ye Qian is a smile: "fish, go back, he is his own people!"

It seems to be able to understand Ye Qian's words. The golden carp immediately jumped into the pond again, and the whole pond was quiet again.

"I'm a good boy, ye Qian. I've been in the sky city for several days, and I haven't seen such a big carp essence in your pond!"

Ye Qian gave a bad smile. As soon as he reached out his hand, the wine pot in his hand suddenly flew up in the air: "how do you, Captain Qin, be scared? Come here, have a drink of wine and crush your surprise!"

Qin Chuan took the pot, immediately sprinkled a smile is up, and then ignore, Gudong Gudong will pot wine to pour a mouthful.

"Good wine!"

While praising, Qin Chuan threw this pot of wine to Ye Qian again. Then the whole people step toward Ye Qian and sit opposite him.

After sitting down, they looked at each other, then laughed at the same time, and said in the same voice: "you say it first or I say it first!"

In the end, ye Qian asked: "I said Qinchuan, you have taken out all the old books at the bottom of the box. In recent days, dozens of good hands have suddenly appeared in the coastal area. They should all be your blue sword people. Can you tell me the truth? What do you want to do this time? I'm afraid it's not as simple as dealing with super soldiers."

Qin Chuan said with a smile: "I know you want to ask, so if you don't ask me about this, I have to say hello to your boy and report it!"

Ye Qian quickly waved his hand and said, "come on, you will be humiliated. You are now the prince of the East. Under one person, above ten thousand people, I am not your superior. Do you need to report to me?"

"Hey, hey Qin Chuan once again bad smile: "this is not to your land, is the so-called people under the eaves, have to bow ah!"

Qin Chuan was half joking, but his words were also half true and half false. After all, Linhai and even the whole south of the Yangtze River now belong to Ye Qian's land. It is absolutely impossible for him to carry out large-scale actions here if ye Qian disagrees. What's more, Jiangnan is the base of the Ye family. Now ye Qian has become the elder of Ye family. If you want to move this place, you have to say hello to Ye Qian.

As for the meaning of Qinchuan, ye Qian naturally understood it. Qin Chuan's words were so clear that he obviously bowed his head to himself.

After smacking the corner of his mouth and swallowing another mouthful of sake, ye Qian suddenly said with a smile: "it seems that our prince is going to fight against the whole Jiangnan this time. Do you want to wipe out all the power of Jiangnan

With that, ye Qian stares at Qinchuan, which makes him feel a burst of pressure.

Silent for a while, Qin Chuan did not hide, and directly nodded: "yes, I mean that. So when I was in the living room in the afternoon, I told you not to fight the Beiming wheel for the time being

"Do you suspect that Beiming wheel has collusion with local families in Jiangnan?" Ye Qian asked again, and hit the nail on the head.

Qin Chuan first nodded, then shook his head: "now it's just a doubt. There's no real evidence to show who Beiming wheel is in private with. However, according to common sense, if there was no consent from the families in Jiangnan, the mad cow gang and the Viper Gang could not have developed so rapidly! "

Ye Qian nodded: "reasonable, reasonable!"However, ye Qian's words seem to have some meaning of ridicule in which: "Your Highness Prince, which big families in the south of the Yangtze River you intend to attack this time, can you tell me?"

Qin Chuan did not conceal: "the Li family in Huyang is the first to bear the brunt, followed by the Yan Family in Huainan and the Sui family in Southern Fujian!"

Although Ye Qian didn't know much about the families in these places, ye Qian had heard a little about these families in the mouth of Qinchuan. After all, this breath of Qinchuan has expanded three of the eight families in the south of the Yangtze River.

In fact, no matter in the south of the Yangtze River, in the Northern Kingdom, or in southern Yunnan, these local families have their own operating rules, just like the ten golden families in the imperial capital. South of the Yangtze River is led by eight families. There are four in southern Yunnan and six in northern China. All of them are local princes. As for Ouyang family and Fang family in Linhai, compared with these powerful families, it is a little bit of a witch.

After a long silence, ye Qian asked again, "what does your royal highness need me to do?"

With a smile, Qin Chuan ran to Ye Qian's side from the opposite side of Ye Qian, and said with a smile, "I hope you can cooperate with me in this action!"

"How to cooperate?"

Qin Chuan sank his voice and said, "if you don't do anything, you will cooperate with me the most."

Ye Qian was stunned at first, then nodded his head and said in a meaningful way: "I understand, I understand! I understand what you mean. It seems that this period of time I should go to school, be a good student, and then quietly waiting for the entrance examination

Hearing Ye Qian's words, Qin Chuan immediately burst into a bad smile and said, "Ye Qian, it seems that you have agreed to my request, so I will be here first..."

At the moment, Qin Chuan is flattering and ready to thank Ye Qian. However, he had just said half of this, but suddenly felt his whole body was burning and burning. He covered his chest. Qin Chuan looked at Ye Qian with an unbelievable face.

"You, the wine you just gave me to drink is poisonous?" Qin Chuan couldn't believe his judgment. He couldn't figure out why Ye Qian hurt himself.

And ye Qian is cut a, way: "my prince, please use your brain, I want to kill you still use poison?" After a pause, ye Qian shook the wine pot in his hand again. "But there is something else in the wine."

Said, leaf Qian sticks to Qin Chuan's ear way: "is the spring medicine, how, the prince's highness, I help you today to break this director's name how?"

As he spoke, ye Qian laughed and turned into a white light. His figure flickered away from Qinchuan.

At the moment, Qin Chuan could not help covering his burning elixir field, and then said, "Ye Qian, you bastard, I killed you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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