Although both Zhang Hao and Liu Mingchuan were brought out by Ye Qian, their personalities are essentially different. Liu Mingzhuan is always careless and joking. Sometimes his words are out of tune. However, Zhang Hao, on the contrary, has always said "one is one" and "two is saying".

Today, Zhang Hao gives an ultimatum in front of so many people in the imperial capital building. If Bai Huansheng and others are still so uninteresting, Zhang Hao will definitely speak out and kill all the gold family members who are trying to force the imperial palace.

What's more, Bai Huansheng and other people have seen Zhang Hao's means really well. It's beyond the scope of human beings. Donglin Wei, who killed the Liu family with three moves, could not do it even if Bai Huansheng and others were present.

At the moment, the atmosphere in the conference room of the imperial capital building has almost fallen into the siege of fear and helplessness.

Facing the powerful Zhang Hao, Bai Huansheng is helpless. Lin Tiancheng and Liu Gongsheng have no courage to face Zhang Hao. As for the Helian iron tree, it is called a cold sweat. At the moment, the Helian iron tree even doubts whether his treasure is wrong, but it is too late to repent now.

As for the people of Dongfang family and Sima family, they had no sense of existence, but they were more resolute in the face of Zhang Hao's retreat.

"Master Bai, otherwise, we'd better withdraw."

Among the crowd, the head of the Oriental family suddenly said this.

The Sima family immediately responded: "yes, the master of the white family, those who know the current affairs are the heroes. I'm afraid we can't win this game today. What's more, even if we win, what can we do? It's not the result of losing both sides. We'd better withdraw. "

Obviously, the hearts of these people in the imperial capital gold family were not very homogeneous from the beginning, and the reason why they were united was also different. However, this kind of interest combination will disintegrate from the structure once it meets the external pressure, such as the anti sword alliance and the gold family.

However, the Dongfang family and Sima family still have a way out. After all, they are not the culprits, but the Bai family, the Lin family and the Liu family have no retreat at all.

Bai Huansheng knew that as long as they left today, the eastern gold family would no longer be able to suppress the imperial capital building. What was waiting for them was a soft knife that could kill people without seeing blood. Therefore, the Bai family could not retreat.

Maybe he saw through Bai Huansheng's mind, or he was thinking of the ancient love. Qin Haitong, who had not spoken for a long time, suddenly said.

"White old devil, you have no chance to win today. You'd better withdraw. As long as you quit, I won't happen today. You and I are so old. Why do you have to ruin your family

It has to be said that half of Qin Haitong's words are persuading Bai Huansheng, while the other half is the threat of red fruits.

Listening to Qin Haitong's words, Bai Huansheng suddenly laughed. His expression was somewhat strange and some ferocious: "ha ha, old Qin, you don't have to be so hypocritical now. Everyone knows that today's situation is either you die or I die, there is no way back. It's just that Bai did not expect that you, Qin Laogui, had some skills and could force me into this field. Anyway, I didn't want to use this Last Assassin's mace, but since the matter has come to this stage, I can't help it. "

Bai Huansheng's words have stunned Qin Haitong. Qin Haitong and Bai Huansheng grew up together in open crotch pants when they were young. He also knows the means of his old man.

Looking at Bai Huansheng silently, Qin Haitong disdains to say: "white old ghost, do you want to move the inner elder of your white family?"

Obviously, in Qin Haitong's opinion, inviting the elder of inner gate is Bai Huansheng's last card and the last resort.

However, today's white family is not the original white family. Although there are many elders in the white family, there are not many who dare to appear under the pressure of Ye Qian.

Listening to Qin Haitong's words, Bai Huansheng raised his eyebrows and sneered and said, "hum, it's just a young man. I don't need the elder of Bai family to do it himself."

With that, Bai Huansheng said, "I'm not asking you to come to the theatre. It's time for you to do something."

With Bai Huansheng's words, the conference room of the imperial capital building immediately blows with the wind.

Jie Jie Jie

followed by a burst of shrill laughter, which was like a ghost, even Qin Haitong scared the boss.

When they opened their eyes, they saw several figures in the white family's guard suddenly jumped out side by side.

Yes, they did.

The five people who jumped out of the camp had no breath of living people, especially their faces looked like human beings, but their rigid expression was like a corpse.

Looking at this scene, Qin Haitong immediately exclaimed: "Xiangxi chase corpse a vein?"

Then Qin Haitong's expression was very angry and said to Bai Huansheng, "white old ghost, are you crazy? You actually cooperate with such evil spirits. You, you..."

Without waiting for Bai Huansheng to open his mouth, an evil young man suddenly stands up behind Bai Huansheng."Mr. Qin joked. I chased corpses in Xiangxi, but it has been handed down since ancient times. How can it be regarded as evil and evil?"

Then the young man looked at Bai Huansheng with a smile: "master Bai, today, for the sake of the white master, we have sent out five corpse kings. The cost and cost are not small. I hope the white master can keep your promise to us after the event."

Bai Huansheng waved his hand and said, "don't worry. What I promised will surely be done. As long as you can eradicate the disaster in front of me today, I promise to drive away the corpse for you in the future, so that you can walk in the sunshine again."

"Thank you very much, then."

Listening to the conversation between Bai Huansheng and the young man, Qin Haitong can't help but hiss.

It is true that there is a line of corpse driving in the East since ancient times. However, in ancient times, it was only for people who died in other places to return to their hometown and return to their roots. This is also a legitimate occupation. But I don't know when I started to drive the corpses. Suddenly, some people transformed the corpses into killing machines by using the corpse expelling magic.

At that time, the top ten gold families had organized a meeting on this matter, and at the same time, they also invited many experts from the hidden sect of heaven to help them to deal with the whole process of removing corpses. Up to now, none of them dare to walk in the sun blatantly.

But now Bai Huansheng has released these evil people again for his own selfish desire. How can Qin Haitong hate his teeth.

Looking at the five corpse kings in front of him, Qin Haitong felt a little frightened. Standing beside Zhang Hao, he said, "Zhang Xiaozi, although I am not a warrior, I have been in the golden family for many years. The corpse king who drives away the corpse only obeys their master's control. Their physical strength and cultivation will never be weaker than that of a warrior in the innate realm. Are you sure? "

Obviously, Qin Haitong was still worried.

But Zhang Hao was totally indifferent, just disdained to say: "old Qin, don't worry. In my eyes, they are just a group of native chickens and wooden dogs."

"Arrogant." Looking at Zhang Hao, the young man who chased the corpse sneered. Obviously, in his opinion, Zhang Hao is already a dead man. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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