Practice itself is a gradual process. It seems that people and Demons must follow this rigid law. You should know that even the king of tiger demon and demon Zun, such big demons, have to practice for hundreds of years and thousands of years in order to reach this terrible state of Tianyuan.

It took Ye Qian only three days to forcibly elevate Langya and Qian you, two originally innate human beings, to such a terrifying realm as Tianyuan. This is in itself an act against heaven.

Fortunately, the method and intensity of this cultivation can't be copied. Otherwise, in a few months' time, the whole land of China will be able to see the masters of Tianyuan walking all over the earth. Imagine that kind of scene, people will feel shivering.

Now on the top of Huashan Mountain, the two heavenly thunder fires are hovering in the sky, and it seems that they may fall down at any time.

However, Langya and Qian you in Pu Yuan Ding are still in a state of lawless cultivation. They are crazy to take the medicine from Pu Yuan Ding and try their best to improve themselves. As for all the outside world, they know nothing about it.

Now the most tense thing on the whole Huashan Mountain is Ziguang Taoist.

Among these people, Ziguang's accomplishments are the lowest and his knowledge is also the most superficial. This is the first time in his life that he has seen the legendary thunder robbery of heaven. His heart is flustered.

And the rest of the people, whether it is the tiger demon king or Ling long and other three women, they have personally experienced the thunder robbery, so they did not show much great feeling for the coming of the heavenly thunder robbery.

Quiet, the whole Huashan is now very quiet, quiet enough to hear everyone's heartbeat.

And ye Qian's eyes are motionless observation of Pu Yuan Ding in the air, watching wolf teeth and Qian you in Pu Yuan Ding.

At the moment, the two men's absorption of Pu Yuan Ding's medicine has just reached half. However, their realm has already surpassed Tianyuan. The specific height they can reach depends on their own nature.

Holding hands tightly, the wolf demon cangyue prayed: "fast, must be quick!"

Obviously, the wolf demon cangyue knows that Langya and Qian you are in a race against time. If they can get out of Pu Yuanding ahead of time, daolei robbery should not have happened to them that day.

But if the thunder robbery of heaven is ignored and goes directly to Pu Yuanding, the result is unknown.

But at the moment, although the Tiandao thunder robbery is taking shape, these two black clouds seem to be hesitating. The light of the lightning that is ready to start does not fall immediately, but is waiting for something.

Of course, at the moment, the Tiandao thunder robbery is more worried about ye Qian. Once Ye Qian interferes in this matter, the thunder robbery will be basically the same as no other.

Click, click.

The sound of thundering is constantly ringing, as if the Tiandao thunder robbery is to warn Ye Qian under his eyes.

For ye Qian, the two heavenly thunderbolts are too weak and weak, so weak that ye Qian has no interest in seeing them.

Glancing at the sky, ye Qian sneered and said with a smile: "who should I show you when I do these things? If you want to fall, you should fall down. Don't make a thunder. The rain drops are small and boring."

Ye Qian's words seemed to have infuriated the thunder robbery in the sky that day.

The thunder couldn't hold the sparkle. After brewing for a moment, the people heard the sound of thunder.

Then the two blue flames interweave above the clouds, forming a barrier like light. The barrier suddenly wrapped Pu Yuanding in it, and the sound of thunder and lightning flashed inside the barrier.

See this strange scene is not only Ling long and others, even ye Qian is a cold hiss.

"Hiss, this is, this is not, not a simple thunder robbery, this is thunder fire wind three robberies." As he said this, ye Qian said with a cold smile: "good, good, you old bastard. I just created two Tianyuan masters. This is still in the world. Can you use such means?"

In this world where practitioners have been short of, thunder robbery is common. No matter which one cultivator, as long as they have reached the realm of Tianyuan, they have to go through the test of thunder robbery as long as they have reached the realm of Tianyuan.

But the two robberies, fire robbery and wind robbery, do not appear in such places as the human world under normal circumstances.

In fact, if we want to really talk about it, thunder robbery is just a disaster shown by external factors, while fire robbery and wind robbery are different.

Fire robbery and wind robbery both originate from the inside of the hijacker. The fire robbery starts from the Yongquan cave at the foot of the robber, and an inadvertent ferry robber will be burned to death by fire. As for the wind robbery, it starts from the spirit of the hijacker, and the strong wind blows in, which is no less powerful than the fire robbery. Even the immortals in the earth and fairyland are quite afraid of these two kinds of disasters.

Today's Huashan, Pu Yuanding has been completely covered by the green light. The three forces of wind, fire and thunder in the green light are mutually reinforcing and moving towards Pu Yuanding.

Fortunately, Pu Yuanding is the treasure of Ye Qian in refining medicine, and his own defense is also quite fierce.With the protection of Pu Yuanding, the thunder robbery will not hurt wolf tooth and Qian you immediately.

But the fire robbery is not the same as the wind robbery.

At the moment, in Pu Yuanding, Qian You and Langya, who are desperately taking medicine, suddenly feel that their body seems to be out of control.

A strong wind is pouring in from their spirits at the moment, and a fire is burning under their feet. If they are not careful, they will disappear in an instant.

Nervous, hesitating, of course, these two people are more afraid at the moment.

However, ye Qian, who stands outside the blue light, seems to be full of confidence for these two people. After all, these two people's bodies have been forged by Pu Yuanding, and the kind of inhuman pain can be sustained, not to mention the fire robbery and wind robbery?

"Ups and downs, it's very important that the three robberies of thunder, fire and wind come at the same time. Do you want us to help them?"

At the moment, Ling long has come to Ye Qian's back, her beautiful face is full of worry.

Ye Qian shook his hand and said with a smile: "no, the way of heaven is so public that he will not take sides with anyone, but he will not take revenge on anyone and impose suffering on anyone. Since the old miscellaneous hair used thunder, fire and wind three robberies, it shows that Qian You and Langya can bear such a disaster. We are not helping them at this time, but harming them. "

While saying Ye Qian, he continued to sigh: "it's just a pity..."

"What a pity?" Ling long did not understand.

"It's a pity that my Pu Yuan Ding, ah!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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