I'm afraid even ye Qian himself never thought that his casual sword, in addition to its real power, had such a powerful impact on the whole situation of the Bai family. Just a sword, and this sword has not fallen on the head of the white family, but scared from the day directly made such a ridiculous decision to lose the car marshal.

Perhaps in the daytime, or in the eyes of the Bai family, Bai Huansheng is the center of the conflict between the Bai family and the blue sword. As long as Bai Huansheng is removed from the position of the white family's owner, the storm can be temporarily calmed down.

It can only be said that there is no way out of such consideration in the daytime. It is also a rather stupid and even naive proposition.

Because there is no key point in the contradiction between the white family and the whole gold family and blue sword from the daytime. The key point is not Bai Huansheng, but the specific authority of the golden family and even the whole family of Oriental warlords. If this privilege can not be completely eliminated, the blue sword will never give up.

For this point, the solution and wisdom of the people in the hidden gate of heaven are more than one notch higher than that of the white family.

In fact, in the final analysis, whether it is the contradiction between the blue sword and the gold family, or between the blue sword and the aristocratic family, there is one thing in common, that is, the contradiction between ordinary people and practitioners. Blue sword has always advocated Great Harmony in the world, which completely obliterates the difference of practitioners in the whole human community. This is actually a very difficult thing to accomplish.

However, relying on the growing power of blue sword, Qin Chuan tried to suppress the whole world with his own strength, which brought only one result, that is, blue sword will become the maker of the rules of the whole oriental cultivators, and they will become the privileged class themselves, and then replace the previous aristocratic families and gold families.

At this moment, the hidden gate of heaven just sees this, so Tianqi and Bai Huansheng have different solutions to the problem of blue sword.

Nowadays, the moon is still in the sky, and many youlongwei are cleaning the battlefield in the Ye's garden. After all, the thunder god of ice emperor cast his spell several times, which also made Ye's courtyard a mess.

Compared with the Ye family's garden, at the moment, the Ye family's flower hall is quite different.

With all the lights on, the Ye's flower hall is full of high-ranking people, and there are many guests. The big men of tiandaoyin gate are sitting on the left side of the flower hall, while the blue sword law enforcement team headed by Qin Chuan is on the right side of the flower hall.

Of course, as the master of the whole Ye family, ye Tianming is naturally sitting on the main position of the flower hall at the moment, and it is Ye Qian who is sitting on the right side of Ye Tianming.

Such a seat row, such a distinct group of people together to drink tea, this itself is a thought-provoking thing.

At the moment, ye Tianming held up his tea bowl several times, but then put it down several times. Then, his uneasy eyes were constantly aiming at Ye Qian on one side, because ye Tianming was confused and at a loss for the situation that he was silent and seemed to have something to talk about.

Obviously, ye Tianming is still too young compared with those old people who live in the hidden gate of heaven. Therefore, ye Tianming has no idea what Tianqi monk and Zhen Tian are thinking and brewing. I don't know, so I dare not speak.

However, it is no wonder Ye Tianming. At the moment, even Qinchuan is confused. Qinchuan doesn't know what the intention of these people to drink tea in Ye's house is to keep their blue sword. Therefore, today's Qinchuan can only watch quietly, maintaining a posture of "not moving, not moving".

However, there is a person like a mirror in the flower hall. This person is not someone else but ye Qian.

Ye Qian had doubts about the arrival of these old guys in tiandaoyinmen, but now seeing such scenes in the flower hall, he immediately understood seven or eight points in his heart: it seems that these old folks are aiming at blue sword. It's no wonder that blue sword has grown too fast these days, which has obviously attracted the attention and anxiety of these old guys.

After talking to himself for a while, ye Qian was the first to open his mouth, breaking the awkward atmosphere in the flower hall. After all, since tiandaoyinmen and Lanjian want to talk about things, someone must take the lead to break the deadlock and make clear their chariots and horses.

Holding the tea bowl, ye Qian gave a faint smile. He opened the door to the mountain and said, "master Tianqi, we have been sitting for a quarter of an hour. Do you have anything to say?"

The opening of Ye Qian's speech attracted a loud smile from the great monk Tianqi.

"Ha ha ha ha, Amitabha. No one knows me better than ye Jushi."

After a pause, Tianqi monk's eyes suddenly moved away from ye Qian, and then fell on Qin Chuan's body: "to be honest, ye Jushi, I and others have come to the imperial capital to celebrate the wedding of the Ye family leader. For another thing, I want to talk to young commander Qin Chuan of blue sword in person."

As soon as the Apocalypse said this, Qin Chuan also gave a long cry and said with a smile: "the master is the master respected by all the Buddhists, but the boy is just a layman wandering in the world. What do you want to talk to you about today?"Qin Chuan's words are very modest, but there is no way to do it. Who can let the other side be the leader of Buddhism? In front of the apocalypse, Qin Chuan can only lower his posture. After all, in Qinchuan's eyes, the big monk is not easy to provoke.

"Ha ha ha ha, it's too modest of major Qin Chuan to say this. Now, commander Qin is the leader of the law enforcement team of Oriental powers. His strong men are like clouds, and he is the leader of the Oriental commander. How can he be a layman? In front of Qin Shao Shuai, I am a group of people from other places. Let's have a leisurely cloud and wild crane. "

Listen to Qin Chuan and Tianqi these two people's courtesy, courtesy to go, Liu Ming on the scene, but feel a little tired up.

"Hello, I say Lao Qin and master Tianqi. Can you stop being so humble to each other? Can we talk about something?"

Liu Ming's quick words made Qin Chuan embarrassed, while ye Qian on the other side gave a happy smile.

Disturbed by Liu Ming's biography, the Tianqi monk also gave an embarrassed smile and said, "Amitabha, benefactor Liu is quick to talk. Since this is the case, I'd like to get to the point."

While talking about the apocalypse, the great monk's eyes changed and became extremely upright: "I heard that Qinchuan major shot Liu Zimo, the leader of Shuangjian sect, in public a few days ago, and then dealt with the white family, the capital of the emperor. What's more, I just want to ask young commander Qinchuan a question about whether it's the turn after you have leveled all the aristocratic families in the east It's the hidden gate of heaven? "

The word of apocalypse is meaningful and can't tolerate any joke. If Qin Chuan doesn't give a good answer at the moment, it will push the whole tiandaoyin gate to the opposite side of blue sword, which is now Qinchuan can't bear.

On the other hand, ye Qian just laughed privately and shook his head in disdain for the soul like torture of the great monk Tianqi. He said in his heart: the ginger is still old and spicy. The great monk Tianqi's preemptive action is full of momentum, and has completely shocked Qinchuan in the scene. Difficult, this negotiation is difficult!

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