The order of the Holy Knights is the most mobile and the strongest physical output combat force in the temple of light. They were large in number, divided into five legions, each with a mass of 2500. Such a cavalry team, if placed in the cold weapon age of the middle ages, was also a powerful force that could not be ignored.

The five Holy Knights, with more than 10000 people, will have the combat ability to absolutely destroy Gula.

Among the four great temples in the west, the orcs of the dark temple are the only orcs who can compete with the Holy Knights of the temple of light.

However, the orcs' command and control are not as good as the Holy Knights of the temple of light, so they still occupy a certain disadvantage in the thousand years of fighting.

In addition, in the castle of Satan at the moment, Yago, the great commander of the orcs, is not there. Therefore, once the two sides confront each other, the dark temple will have no advantage at all. Even if they act rashly at this time, it is likely that the whole army will be destroyed.

The message from the enchantress has shocked Vivian who is the queen of blood.

At the moment, Wei Wei'an's mind is wavering. She can only look at ye Xiuluo with the help of her eyes.

"Uncle Ye, I, what should I do now?"

But now ye Xiuluo is not flustered at all. He just said with a light smile: "Pandora is a good chess player. He wants to kill the dark temple and my Shura hall. But these grasshoppers are not enough. If I guess right, the cardinals of the temple of light and the five heavy knights should have arrived nearby


Vivian's going to collapse right now.

After all, she is quite clear about the family background and combat effectiveness of the temple of light after years of opposition with the temple of light. The five Holy Knights, the five heavy knights and the order of cardinals, this is all the house of light.

If Pope Pandora and the ten white bishops came again, all the power of the temple of light would have been mobilized.

"Pandora, is he crazy? Is he afraid that the people in the temple of the sun stab him in the back?"

Vivian said in fear, her voice trembled slightly.

Obviously in Vivian's view, the temple of light and the temple of the sun are not the same people. After all, their beliefs are different. Although the struggle between them is not as fierce as the temple of light and the temple of darkness, if Pandora pours out, the temple of the sun will never miss this wonderful opportunity.

"Ha ha..."

For his niece's judgment, ye Xiuluo just responded with a scornful laugh.

"If that little Pandora dares to deploy like this, it shows that they have colluded with the people of the Sun Temple. It seems that not only will the temple of the sun attack the holy city, but it may even send its soldiers from the golden palace to help encircle you. "


Obviously Vivian didn't think of it. Her whole body trembled for a moment.

Since Vivian became the owner of the dark temple, she has been working hard to change the dark temple and make some achievements. Of course, her integration of the three races of the dark temple is a great contribution.

However, the first World War in southern Yunnan made the dark temple consume a lot. Nowadays, the dark temple is absolutely impossible to block the encirclement of the light temple and the Sun Temple.

In the face of such a life and death moment, Vivian can not help but think of the man in the East.

Perhaps today this bureau also only he that kind of God devil can dissolve, Wei Wei an heart so think.

It seems to see the fear and fear of the blood queen. Ye Xiuluo just said with a smile: "big niece, today's uncle will give you another move. Don't be so nervous until you die. It's useless to be nervous. Since the Sun Temple won't help, let's do it ourselves. "

"Do it yourself?"

Wei Wei an a Leng, seem to be unable to understand ye Xiuluo's words.

And ye Xiuluo is gently bent in Wei Wei An's ear and said: "uncle's East has an old saying, called direct Huanglong, do you understand what it means?"

"Making a direct impact on Huanglong?"

Wei Wei An looked at ye Xiuluo in horror, and her beautiful eyes couldn't help turning: "Uncle means to let me take advantage of this time to carry the old nest of the temple of light."

Without waiting for ye Xiuluo to open his mouth, Wei Wei An said again, "but it's very difficult for me to keep the old castle of Satan with my strength now. How can I go straight to the Yellow Dragon?"

Ye Xiuluo subconsciously shook his head, and then said: "don't worry, uncle, I'm guarding this castle enough."

With that, ye Xiuluo suddenly waved to the dark castle, and then a strange and terrible evil spirit began to rise under the hall of the castle.

Those evil spirits seemed to gush out from the depths of the earth. The blood color was rolling. Even Vivian, the blood queen, was a little frightened, and her back was chilly."Uncle, these, these are..."

Without waiting for Vivian to ask a question, those bloody evil spirits began to condense in the dark hall.

Just in the blink of an eye, one by one ugly, armed with swords, wearing armor from these endless resentment and evil spirit.

They lined up neatly, standing in front of Ye Xiuluo and others, and respectfully said.

"See the Lord!" "See the Lord!"

Ye Xiuluo waved to them and said, "go, go, kill all the cavalry outside."

"Yes, Lord."

With ye Xiuluo's order, these soldiers formed by the condensation of the evil spirit lined up and rushed to the outside.

Of course, Vivian at the moment only saw the tip of the iceberg. Now in the whole Satan castle, as long as there is evil spirit rising, such soldiers will condense. But these soldiers have no soul, no self-consciousness, and they are completely puppets who obey orders.

Soon, tens of thousands of armored soldiers have lined up to defend the Satan castle.

"Uncle, is this the legendary Oriental magic?"

Astonished after half a ring, Vivian this just stammered the opening inquiry to ask.

But ye Xiuluo laughed: "it's right to say that this is the Oriental magic. This skill evolved from the Oriental Art of becoming a soldier through the use of Sadou. It is a combination of evil spirit and evil spirit. I call them Shura warriors. "

"Samurai?" Vivian nodded gently and continued to ask, "well, can they resist the Holy Knights of the temple of light?"

"One or two Shura warriors can't, but a steady stream of Shura warriors is OK. After all, these Shura warriors themselves have no life, but those of the Holy Knights are flesh and blood. "

Listen to ye Xiuluo such words, Wei Wei an heart just had some confidence and hope. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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