Whether it is the temple of light or the temple of darkness, they have the ability to summon angels. After all, the two families are of the same origin, but they are in the opposite of the extremes of light and darkness.

However, the one summoned by the Pope here is not really an angel. His power is not the same as the Fallen Angel summoned by Vivian's father in southern Yunnan.

Of course, this is where the temple of light is superior to the temple of darkness.

After all, if the blood emperor wants to summon the fallen angel, he needs to supply the whole body with blood essence and soul sacrifice, which is to say that he will give up his whole life and fight at the cost of life. In general, under the circumstances of last resort, the blood emperors of all dynasties would not easily open such moves.

The Pope of the temple of light is different.

The Pope's scepter is a seed. He can call out the seeds of angels anytime and anywhere. As long as this seed has the power of belief in the human world, then he can blossom and bear fruit.

How strong the angel of light grows from this seed depends on how much faith he can absorb.

However, this kind of fake angel also has a disadvantage, that is, he has no intelligence, but is just a fake. As for the fighting ability, it can't be the same as the real angel.

At the moment, the Pope was also forced to summon the pseudo angel to overcome the difficulties for himself.

Unfortunately, the Pope underestimated the power of zhentianfeng.

When this seemingly cool six winged angel had just touched Zhentian peak, ye Xiuluo put more pressure on the outside. At the moment, Zhentian peak became larger again. The mountain covered almost all the surrounding areas of the holy city, and the weight went up at once.

Although the false Angel bravely supported her, her power was not equal to the power of Oriental magic weapons.

Looking at the town, Tianfeng is about to press on top of his head, and the Pope is also in a cold sweat.

Looking at the crumbling holy city, which is likely to topple at any time, ye Xiuluo sighed and said with a smile: "mole ants are only mole ants after all. If Pandora can abandon life and death at this time and call out the real bright angel, there may be a battle power. Otherwise, the whole holy city will be buried with him. "

Listening to ye Xiuluo's words, the enchantress even said, "does the Lord really want to destroy the holy city? But what about the blood of the devil who destroyed the holy city

Ye Xiuluo squinted, did not think, straight way: "don't worry, Pandora will eventually make the right choice. Even if he died, he would not let me destroy the holy city. And I'll wait for him to call the angel of light, and as soon as the angel of light appears, Pandora will die. "

And just as yeshura vowed to declare Pandora's death, something unexpected happened to him.

In the dark holy city, there were a few huge sounds of gunfire.

Then, a white column of light shot out from the holy city, straight to Zhentian peak in the air.

Although the light pillar is still a long way from ye Xiuluo, ye Xiuluo has already felt a kind of inexplicable deterrence and fear.

Frowning, ye Xiuluo looked into the holy city and said strangely, "what is that? Would mortals use thermal weapons, artillery, missiles, or... "

For a while, ye Xiuluo also had no clue.

Although ye Xiuluo has lived in this world for thousands of years, he has never studied those scientific and technological weapons. After all, in his opinion, those things are useless and useless.

However, looking at the spherical light beams blooming from the holy city, ye Xiuluo is really a little afraid at the moment. Because he could feel that those pillars of light did not shoot out one, and the power was definitely not lower than that of a master of Tianyuan.

Boom, boom, boom.

The rumble of artillery continued.

At the moment, the Zhentian peak in the light column artillery fire to also began to some swing up.

You should know that ye Xiuluo's level of refining utensils is far from that of Ye Qian, and zhentianfeng is far from the level of Kongtong Fantian seal. If ye Qian saw this thing, he would laugh at it. It was a humble imitation.

So even if zhentianfeng is stronger, there is an unbearable limit. At least this kind of magic weapon can't carry dozens of Tianyuan realms at the same time. After all, although he has weight, his defense is limited.

After being attacked by continuous light column artillery fire, Zhentian peak began to crack, and a pile of huge stones accidentally fell down from Zhentian peak, scattered in the holy city, scattered around.

"Damn it, what kind of weapon did Pandora use? Why is it so powerful?"

Now ye Xiuluo also began to wonder. His expression was frozen, and he seemed to be thinking about whether to take back zhentianfeng. After all, he had spent hundreds of years refining this magic weapon. If he was so defeated, he would be very painful.

Of course, in the holy city at the moment, the pope in the white robe is not so easy.Frowning, the Pope is very distressed at the moment, looking at the lines of light cannon around him, biting his teeth, jumping his feet and saying: "Damn, this light cannon is the secret weapon that my temple has worked hard to develop. Originally, I wanted to surprise the blood clan and destroy them all. Unexpectedly, I didn't expect to use it in this place. It's a miscalculation. This time, it's really a miscalculation."

When the Pope mumbled and was in a tangle, someone nearby suddenly called out, "Your Majesty, we don't have enough holy cannon shells."

This sentence made the Pope's heart entangled again.

We should know that the holy cannon of light can withstand the attack of a strong man in Tianyuan. These dozens of guns are just like dozens of powerful Tianyuan people. Once they fire at the same time, they will definitely have the power to destroy the weak and destroy the earth. Even the Pope himself does not dare to fight against these guns.

But if these cannons of light want to play such a powerful effect, their shells can not be ordinary shells. That is to be baptized by the light and blessed by holy magic. This kind of shell production speed is very slow, extremely slow.

It took a white Archbishop three days to produce a shell of this power.

In order to fight against ye Xiuluo's Zhen Tianfeng Pope, at the moment, he almost wiped out all his belongings. Within a few years, he could not accumulate so many shells.

While the Pope was struggling with what to do next, the sound of shaking ground suddenly came from around the holy city, followed by the sound of horses' hooves and the cry of killing shaking the heaven and earth.

"Temple of light heavy knights, charge."


When he heard the shouts of killing and charging, the Pope's uneasy heart was only half settled. He knew that his reinforcements had arrived.

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