There are five Dharma altars in the holy city of the temple of light. These five Dharma altars stand in the holy city in the East, West, North and south respectively. These five places, which are the places where the array of light starts, can be regarded as the most important position in the temple of light. If all the five Dharma altars are occupied, the holy city of the temple of light will be mercilessly destroyed.

If the order of the Holy Knights in the temple of light is not mobilized in the green sun, they will guard the five Dharma altars in case of any accident.

But now the situation is different. The order of the Holy Knights has been transferred out of the holy city, trapped in the castle of Satan and has not returned. In addition, the holy city has just been attacked by the blood clan, so the five Dharma altars are just empty.

Nowadays, the holy city is in ruins. Most people are busy calculating their own losses and disaster relief, so there is no one around the Dharma altar to defend. Of course, no one would have thought that someone would dare to enter the holy land of Dharma altar at this time.

Therefore, by taking advantage of this vacancy, ye Xiuluo and his enchantress successfully arrived at the central altar of the holy city, where the blood of the devil was hidden.

Originally, ye Xiuluo wanted to take the blood of the devil, and then he left the holy city quietly with the enchantress, without disturbing anyone in the holy city.

But ye Xiuluo still underestimated this holy city which has been handed down for thousands of years.

After all, this is the home of the temple of light. Even if it is damaged and violated again, it is still the holy city and the concentration place of countless human beliefs.

When ye Xiuluo stepped into the central altar of the holy city, the holy light array was activated again.

Close contact with such a terrifying force, even the master of the hall of Shura shivered slightly.

Unable to see the light column surging out from the underground, ye Xiuluo sighed helplessly: "it seems that I have underestimated this holy light array."

Although the holy light array had been damaged in the previous fight against zhentianfeng, the residual power from him at the moment still prevented Ye Shura from further advancing.

Even though ye Xiuluo knew that the blood of the devil was in the Dharma altar, he could not break the holy light array without some effort.

"Temple Lord, what to do now? Once the light array is started, it will immediately disturb the Pope. When the Pope and the order of the white bishops and five heavy cavalry regiments, we will certainly not be able to get any good

At the moment, the enchantress is more nervous than ye Shura. After all, once Ye Shura falls into the holy light array, she will face the encirclement and suppression of the whole temple of light alone.

Although the enchantress is Tianyuan, she can not be arrogant to this extent.

However, ye Xiuluo didn't give a clear answer to the worry of the enchantress. At the moment, ye Xiuluo just looked at the array under his feet and looked at the odd shaped pillars in a daze.

Ye Xiuluo thinks that he is also familiar with some arrays, but he is really confused about the four different things in front of him.

"Why are the battle plans of the Western Temple quite different from those in the east? What kind of power source do they rely on to start this array?"

Whispering softly, ye Xiuluo fell into a period of meditation. After all, if he could not find the source of array power, he could not break the array.

After pondering over a few blinks of time, ye Xiuluo's footsteps are getting closer and closer and gathering together. He subconsciously biased his head, knowing that he could not wait any longer, and that he could only lose the initiative in thinking like this.

Shaking his head, ye Xiuluo helplessly said: "forget it, forget it, now it can only be forced to break the holy light array of this bullshit."

Murmured, ye Xiuluo did not hesitate. With a big wave of his hand, the ghostly purple lotus platform immediately appeared in his palm.

At this time, ye Xiuluo wants to break the battle, the fastest and easiest way is to hit hard. And ye Xiuluo's most powerful magic weapon is the purple lotus platform.

This thing is the foundation of Ye Xiuluo's survival. In terms of its power, the purple lotus terrace is more than one grade stronger than Zhentian peak.

As soon as the purple lotus platform came out, ye Xiuluo threw it toward the central altar of Dharma without saying a word.

And at this moment, a body shape floated from the sky. The body shape was as fast as the wind and lightning. It appeared directly behind Ye Shura, and a yell broke the sky: "Ye Shura, what are you doing?"

At this moment, there was no one else in the holy city who was the first to find a change and get to the central altar of Dharma. Only Pandora, the Pope of the temple of light.

It's a pity that Pandora is not a bloodline after all, and he doesn't have the ferocious body of a ORC. Apart from the magic of the temple of light, he was basically a mortal. So he couldn't stop ye Xiuluo.

When the Pope's Scepter with a strong light magic will come to ye Xiuluo, ye Xiuluo's Lotus platform has already flown out. At the same time, ye Xiuluo's body also turned into a black shadow and disappeared within the scope of the Pope's attack.

Then the whole temple of light within the holy city came a huge earth shaking sound.

Under the impact of yeshura lotus platform, the central altar of the holy city began to sink, and the light column of the holy light array disappeared. Then the whole holy city began to shake violently.As for the pope at the moment, his expression is extremely angry, but there is a trace of sadness and despair in his anger.

"No, no..."

There was a moment's silence, and the Pope let out a roar like a monster.

However, ye Xiuluo's figure now appears on the Pope's side again. The corner of his mouth under the bronze mask just kept raising, and he said lightly: "ha ha, isn't it destroying a Dharma altar, Pandora, are you so nervous?"

Looking for ye Xiuluo's voice, Pope Pandora turned his head angrily, both panic and anger: "ye Xiuluo, do you know what you have done, what have you done? Forgive me, O God, my sin, and my sin. "

At the moment, the Pope did not want to do too much entanglement with ye Xiuluo. His body knelt down on the ground, and then dropped his scepter and prayed to the sky which had been slightly shining.

Ye Xiuluo originally thought that the little guy in front of him wanted to find himself, but he did not expect that he was crawling on the ground and praying for God's forgiveness, which made him laugh.

However, the smile on ye Xiuluo's face stopped abruptly, because the destroyed central Dharma altar was now falling into an inexplicable dark whirlpool, and in the deepest part of the whirlpool, ye Xiuluo saw a scene that made him extremely frightening and unforgettable for life. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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