Ye Xiuluo's nature is cunning and insidious. Although he has some different feelings for Vivian, he will never influence his own interests and gains and losses for the sake of this feeling.

Therefore, whether it is night raiding the holy city or giving Vivian the devil's blood, from the beginning to the end, ye Xiuluo only regards his great niece as a chess piece.

Of course, for his lovely niece, ye Xiuluo has also retained a rare bottom line, that is, to keep Vivian alive. As for the rest, it is not the issue ye Xiuluo should consider.

As a matter of fact, ye Xiuluo had heard about the devil's blood for hundreds of years.

Before the first holy war between the East and the west, ye Xiuluo had stolen into the holy city, and wanted to get the blood of the devil to enhance his power. Unfortunately, the holy city at that time was not for ye Shura.

On the one hand, the pope at that time was too powerful, and on the other hand, ye Xiuluo's cultivation was not as powerful as it is today. Therefore, he tried to enter the holy city to obtain information for several times, but was stopped by various reasons.

Until now, he finally got the blood of the devil.

However, although the blood of the devil has boundless power, it is a pure western thing. For this kind of thing, yeshura couldn't find any right way to use it for a while. So very careful, ye Xiuluo or decided to find a person to try.

As for this test sample, Vivian is naturally the most suitable.

However, what ye Xiuluo never expected was that he had created the most terrible strong man in the human world.

At the moment, the castle of Satan is shining, and even the surrounding land boundary is shaking.

The power of the devil is recovering and awakening. Even yeshura, who is hiding far away, feels fear.

"What a terrible power. Is this the effect of demon blood? Although this power is not enough to compete with the monster under the holy city, it has also exceeded the limits of the human world. I don't know what will happen next? "

Looking at the distant castle of Satan, ye Xiuluo was confused and began to talk to himself.

At the moment, the castle of Satan has entered into an endless state of panic.

Whether it's the dark mages or orcs, they're all gathering in this light and can't move a little.

And the blood clan is even more exaggerated. Countless huge bats are now descending around the castle hall. They worship devoutly and melt their body tiles into the dark light.

At the moment, no one dares to enter the hall. They just kneel on the ground and ponder something in their mouth.

But with the passage of time, the black light continued to strengthen, the change began slowly.

First of all, the blood princes who were shrouded in the glory began to transform themselves collectively. Their strength was surging, but in a short time, their black wings became extremely plump, and the cry of terror spread all over the country.

Originally the pale gold eye son starts to shine brilliantly, slowly, slowly became the dark gold.

This kind of color, that only the blood emperor is qualified to have.

Looking at this scene, ye Xiuluo also felt incomparable fear: "the six princes have been promoted to two levels and directly become the blood emperor. This This is just shrouded in the black light, if they really drink the blood of the devil, it will be more terrible

At the moment, ye Xiuluo even began to doubt whether Vivian in the castle hall had been demonized.

He wanted to find out the truth through his own mind, but he overestimated his accomplishments and underestimated the power of demon blood. As soon as he entered the castle, he was devoured by a powerful magic.

In the middle of the sky, ye Xiuluo vomited out a mouthful of blood. He was on the verge of falling from the clouds.

But the change of Satan castle is not over yet.

After the transformation of the blood prince, the dukes, marquis and earls under the blood clan also began to transform one after another.

Shrouded in the glory, as long as the blood clan is basically promoted to two levels, the Duke directly becomes a high Lord, and the Marquis directly promoted to the prince. Even some of the deeper ones have been upgraded three levels in a row.

In this way, twenty or thirty great lords, hundreds or even thousands of princes, appeared all at once. This is the glory of the blood clan which has never been seen for thousands of years.

Compared with the blood clan, the dark mage and the orcs are a little less interesting.

Their promotion speed is not as terrible as the blood clan, but as long as it is shrouded in black light, the average person is promoted one level each. In this way, the overall strength of the dark temple was raised to an unprecedented height.

Panic, at the moment ye Xiuluo is incomparable panic, even he has begun to regret.

"Damn it, I should not have given it to Vivian, even if it was a drop or two."

Although ye Xiuluo's intestines are all regretful at the moment, it is no longer helpful. After all, there is no regret medicine in this world.The light of glory continued to rush into the sky, and did not spread. It was about an hour or so that it shrouded the castle of Satan.

Then, the light began to weaken, and was absorbed back into the main hall of the castle.

After the black light completely disappeared, those blood clans kneeling outside the hall, the dark mages came back to God.

Although they are promoted one by one at the moment, they still dare not stand up. Even the six blood emperors in the front row are also respectfully crawling on the ground at this time. They are waiting for their majesty to appear.

Quiet, the whole castle has no cheering, no cheering, some just dead quiet.

It was not until the door of the main hall of Satan's Castle opened, until a figure in the sky of the hall began to break through the restrictions of the castle and fly up, all the people dared to look up.

At the moment, everyone's eyes, Vivian's body is floating in the air like this, her beautiful face is still fresh and lovely, but the blood group should have less breath, replaced by a more unattainable, blacker breath.

Just staring at her Majesty on the top of her head, the people immediately lowered their heads, as if to look at more is blasphemy to her majesty.

The real fear of Vivian is not the change of her breath, but her wings.

It is not the bat wings that the blood clan should have, it is the wings of fallen angels, and the wings with dark light and corrosive smell are not one pair, but two pairs.

It is obvious that Vivian at the moment has been completely sublimated, she is no longer a member of the blood family, but the true and upright four winged fallen angel. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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