A thousand years of resentment between the temple of light and the temple of darkness has now erupted with Vivian's evolution.

Today's dark temple strength more than before countless times, just a fallen angel six blood emperor such a lineup is enough to run the world. Such a terrible card face is so black that it presses down to the gate of the holy city, and the temple of light has no power to parry at all.

Now Vivian, the fallen angel, has appeared in the holy city, and with it comes the terrible legions of blood and orcs. As for the dark mage, it is a little slower, but their pace is not that the heavy cavalry and Cardinals on the top of the holy city can stop them.

Today's holy city has become a Shura in a flash.

Dark magic one after another in the holy city of the tower of the explosion of brilliant sparks, and the city's five heavy cavalry regiment has just assembled met the orc army into the holy city.

The fighting between the two sides was extremely fierce, and it was just a battle of iron and blood.

As for the elite troops of the blood clan, the palace of the Pope has now been completely surrounded.

A black light flashed by, and Vivian, who fluttered two pairs of wings, had already rushed into the Pope's palace. There was no magic or any tricks. There was only an inexplicable and powerful dark force. The guards of the palace, whether knights or bishops in white and cardinals, who dared to stop Vivian, were killed by Vivian with one move No body left.

It has to be said that the counter attack of the dark temple is too fast and fierce. It does not give the temple of light a little space for reaction. Even before the temple of light can even open the array of light, the vast dark race has been killed in the holy city.

When the Pope dragged his wounded and tired body into the palace again, the bright hall, which symbolized the supreme glory and power in the holy city, was already full of killing and blood.

Vivian, who has turned into a fallen angel, is now walking gracefully to the Pope.

He looked up and down at the old man in white robe, long hair and rickets. Even Vivian himself was shocked.

Consider that the Pope himself went to the castle of Satan a few days ago. Although he was old at that time, he was not so weak. It seems that the Pope is just hanging like this at the moment, and he may die at any time.

Looking at such a pope, Vivian's feeling of revenge disappeared.

"Pandora, I didn't expect to see you for a few days. I don't think you will live long even if I don't come to look for you today."

Vivian narrowed her beautiful eyes, looked at the Pope's eyes with a trace of compassion, but more or ridicule.

But the Pope was not afraid of Vivian at the moment. He just grasped the scepter in his hand and laughed like a dead tree: "yes, I can't live for long. If you had, I should have gone to see God in a few days

As he spoke, the Pope raised his eyes with difficulty. He continued to laugh at himself: "no way, mortals are just mortals after all. Even if you are revered as the Pope, you can't escape life and death. It's you, your majesty Vivian. I haven't congratulated you yet. You've finally become an existence beyond this world. Fallen angel, ha ha, good, really good. I think it's yeshura that gave you the blood of the devil. "

Obviously, for Vivian's change, the Pope seems to have no surprise, even a little flustered, which makes Vivian suddenly uneasy.

Vivian tilted her head and looked at the Pope like this. After half a ring, she could only say.

"Pandora, you don't have much time. I shouldn't have taken advantage of others at this time. But you have been oppressing and abusing my dark temple for thousands of years. It's time for us to settle the account. "

With that, Vivian slowly opened her arms, and the whole person flew in the air like this, and said in a sharp voice: "after today, this whole western world will no longer have the existence of the temple of light, this world will be ruled by the dark."

Vivian's words seem to be said to Pope Pandora, who has become a remnant of wind and frost, and seems to be an oath to the whole world.

As for Vivian, who is contented at the moment, Pope Pandora has nothing to argue with. His withered face is just smiling, with incomparable brilliance.

Finally, from Pope Pandora's mouth, he just said a word lightly: "the light can never disappear, just like the sun will always exist. All darkness is only temporary. When the sun shines again, fear will be driven out. This is an eternal law, and no one can change it

As he spoke, the Pope grasped the scepter in his hand.

The next moment, a ray of light began to bloom from the Pope's body, the dazzling glow shining on the whole holy city, so that Vivian, the fallen angel, could not open his eyes.

As for the dark three races who follow Vivian, they are tearing and howling in the light."Thank you, my dear majesty Vivian. Thank you for letting me in the last moment of my life can wantonly bloom my glory and strength, also thank you can't wait to come to the holy city. Let go of your resentment and hatred, and the Lord will forgive you

The Pope's weak voice suddenly became strong and powerful, and the momentum of the wave higher than the wave made Vivian feel a kind of powerless. This is the first time she has felt this powerlessness since she became a fallen angel.

In the light of light and darkness, the temple of light in the holy city collapsed completely.

Then, everyone on the ground saw two lights and shadows flying into the sky, breaking through the clouds and entering another realm.

These two lights, one black and one white, just disappeared after ten seconds. It seems that they have left the human world.

After they left, the killing under the holy city continued.

The blood clan united with the orcs to encircle the heavily armed Knights of the holy city, while the dark mage's magic duel with the cardinal and a few white bishops. The scene was quite spectacular.

At the moment, above the holy city, among the countless clouds, opposite Vivian, the fallen angel with four wings, stood a snow-white man in holy clothes and armor. From his appearance, he should be the Pope Pandora in his youth, but he was holding a silver spear in his hand, with three pairs of snow-white wings on his back.

Seeing this, even Vivian has to admire the persistence of Pope Pandora. When it comes, she still has the strength to summon angels with the great moves of the temple of light.

With a cold smile, Vivian looked at his fighting power and even surpassed his own religious sect: "Pandora, why are you suffering? It's not a year or two for you and me to oppose each other. You should know that your great calling skill of the light temple can't resist the sacrifice of my dark temple. Because your angel's power is borrowed, and there is a time limit, you can't fight me even if you incarnate as a six winged angel. "

For Vivian's words, Pope Pandora does not deny that at the moment, he just raised the silver spear in his hand and said softly, "everything is for the light."

With that, the spear in the hands of Pope Pandora suddenly flashed a huge golden light and stabbed at Vivian's fallen body like this.

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