No one would have thought that the God of death on the ring would have such a gentle side. After all, he showed the blood and power beyond human beings in the first match of thunderbolt leg Lei Hong, but he had no idea of killing the leopard in front of him.

Holding the leopard's ear, Tu gang at the moment is like grasping a big cat, and then he is thrown under the ring.

But the leopard was obviously frightened. At the moment, after he got off the ring, a cat's waist slipped into the prison car that had once held him. It seems to this leopard that only staying here is the safest.

This scene makes the whole underground boxing ring feel incredible and incomprehensible.

Of course, at the moment, the most tangled, most embarrassed is the host standing under the ring. After all, it was said that a good war between man and beast ended in such a way that there was no way to judge the outcome.

And in the stands booing, the host is also constantly hesitant to know what to do, the ring of death suddenly squinted, his mouth cold jump out of a few words.


Although the words of death are few, they have an irresistible power.

The unquestionable voice was not only heard by the host, but also by the audience around the stands. For a moment, the whole boxing field was silent again.

At the moment, the host is in a dilemma. He can only contact Feng Yuansheng, who is standing in the office as a grandson, through a headset.

"Mr. Feng, how to calculate this one? What should I do next?"

After all, he has been a boxer host for such a long time. It is the first time that he has seen such a situation. If death is judged to win, the underground boxing field sitting on the position of the banker will really lose to grandma's house. Apart from other things, box 5 alone is an astronomical figure. In addition to those retail investors in the stands, the underground boxing field will lose at least 150 million yuan, which is undoubtedly unacceptable to Feng Yuansheng.

However, if the fight is invalid, the God of death has left the leopard in front of the public. According to the rules of the boxing match, one party will lose if he falls down.

So the host is in a dilemma.

However, Feng Yuansheng's dilemma at this time may be more than that of the host. After all, he is the person in charge of the underground ring, and he is mainly responsible for the profits and losses of the ring.

Fortunately, there is still a small ancestor in Feng Yuansheng's office. Feng Yuansheng is not flustered.

With a respectful look at the young LONGYE, Feng Yuansheng can only do things according to his orders.

"Mr. long, how do you calculate this game?" If only if, Feng Yuansheng inquired in this way.

But long Ye was hooked his finger and said with a laugh: "according to the rules of the boxing field, if you fall down, you will lose. This fight will naturally judge death to win."

"But Mr. long, once death is judged to win, we will lose a lot of money in this game." Feng Yuansheng was worried.

However, long Ye didn't care about the things outside his body. He said boldly: "if you lose, you'll lose. Anyway, it's just a passing scene. The next few games can be tied

After a pause in his voice, long Ye continued to smile: "besides, I am still very interested in this God of death. It's interesting to be a man who even feels afraid of wild animals. "

After taking a puff at his cigar, the young man just moved his finger and then wrote softly: "the game continues. Now I wonder if this God of death has been able to push on like this all the time. What's more, uncle Feng, don't hide your cards. Let's show them one by one. "

Listening to long Ye's words, Feng Yuansheng could only nod his head helplessly and said, "yes, Lord long, I'll account for it."

Soon, the quiet underground boxing ground was boiling again.

Standing under the ring, the host's voice was very high-key: "this one, death wins."

With the host's loud announcement, all the people in the stands were excited. After all, death won, and those who gambled on death made another profit.

"Ha ha ha ha, tie up. I won't lose money at last. In the next game, I will still suppress death."

"That's right. Today I bet on death. It's too much."

This time, there was no intermission. Tu Gang is still standing on the ring. At the moment, he stands like an unattainable mountain.

And with the noise of the ring, the second cage car purrs forward again and comes to the edge of the ring.

"My dear friends, it's not just a beast that's coming on the stage. Their ferocity is much better than the leopard before. Let's wait and see."

Soon the curtain on the car was lifted, and all eyes were on the second cage car.

When the curtain was lifted, all eyes were white.Soon someone in the stands exclaimed, "yes, it's Snow Wolf, Alaska snow wolf."

"Yes, the next beast to appear is the five Alaskan snow wolves. As we all know, wolves are the most ferocious and brutal existence in the animal world. Can our God of death win these five snow wolves

Listening to the host's words, the people in the stands also began to hesitate.

Many people's eyes are looking at the snow wolves at the moment. These snow wolves seem to be bigger than ordinary wolves. Moreover, they have not been on the stage, they are just showing their teeth and looking very hideous.

But for these little wolf cubs, Tu Gang on the ring is not satisfied, just gently toward the stage hook finger.

For this scene, at the moment in box 5, ye Qian is exposed a look of sniffing.

With a smile and touching the tip of his nose, ye Qian said coldly: "first, the leopard, and now the snow wolf. Now I have some doubts that the owner of this boxing ring should not have been from the zoo before. Where did he get so many animals?"

Listening to Ye Qian's funny words, Xue ningshuang chuckled for no reason: "for Tu Gang on the stage, don't say it's snow wolf. Even if it's a wolf demon, he probably won't take a look at it at the moment. Although his current cultivation is not as good as Zhang Hao's, he is afraid that he is the demon king of the human world because of his terrible anger and the belligerent power of the ancient witch clan. "

"That's true."

Ye Qian said as he prepared to bet again, but before ye Qian started, the other people in the box in the ring could not bear it. After all, the first two trials have passed, and the next is the time for real comparison. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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