[Detailed mature scene ..skip if it will make you uncomfortable]

"Fuck! Nana you're so beautiful ." i mutter when i completely pull out her panties then drop it where i drop others then i start placing kisses all over her body ..starting from her sexy lip, beautiful tits, neck, tommy and now I'm slowly heading towards her pussy which I kiss when I finally, after I have seductively reach there.

..I started preparing her for my dick with my tongue and finger but ..fuck she's so damn tight and it fucking fueling my arouse dick.

I feel her body jack up in pain when I slid in one finger and immediately I started trying to else her pain or distract her by kissing her pussy with my month and tongue but my little dove is so fucking tight and it fucking my head off. I feel my self slowly losing it, wanting so badly to enter and fuck her tight pussy but I control it because If I follow what my dick wants than my Nana will never let me touch her again.

"So tight ..so fucking tight and sexy." I muttered.

I started kissing her again as I stick my two middle fingers in then stop mid way when I realise it will tear her which send a sharp sexy pain to my crotch ..making me to start pulling her underneath me but then she started fighting me.

"Baby." I called when she started pulling out of my hold more forceful.

"Nana. Stop!" I said a little louder and frustrated.

"Please leave me alone." She plead as she struggle out of my hold but i refused to let her go.

"You're my wife. Damn it! Why do you always have to be difficult!?." I yell angrily then stand up in anger when she started crying and I hate when she cries.

"I don't even want to be your wife in the first place! For god sake I'm just eighteen!! If you and your father hadn't kill my parents and relative ..I'm sure my life wouldn't have been this sad and I would be doing what I want instead of sitting down here in this palace filled with people who has and are still killing innocent people!!." She yell making me lose it. Did she just fucking bring her father issue up and did she just blame us for his death!?

"You father died because he was forming an army to use to overthrown Yi Chae-Yul ..the late emperor who happened to be my late father and your family decided to go with him ..they made there choice when they were deciding to break a traitor out of prison!!

"That's not true and i hate you! I hate you so much!!." She yell crying then start carry the bed cover to cover her nakedness.

"Nana.." I called when I saw her wipe at her eyes but she didn't answer instead she started crying louder.

"I'm scare.. I don't know me anymore _I don't even know if there's me anymore. I'm not ready please don't force yourself on me ..I'm just not ready yet ..I'm not ready." She mutter in between crying which make me hold my urges. My wife is not ready, I did wait for her if only that's what she wants but I know Nana, I know if I wait for her to be ready, she did never will be ..after all, it's not even in her mind to be ready for me but I will wait ..I will win her over and I will wait because my heart have already fallen for her.

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