The Virgin Outcast Who Stole The King's Heart

23 Inspector Kim Nana and Mao Jan-di 02

I looked back to check if my assigned guards are still looking at me and luckily for me they aren't ..immediately, I raise my clothe and run towards Jan-di's room.

Jan-di have already had everything prepared so when I entered, I just went straight to her bathroom.. In there, I discard my clothes and put on one of Jan-di's work outfit. This is Jan-di's idea though ..she said that if I wore mine that the passing by maids greetings alone will alert Sangyun of my presence ..that which I don't want to happen and thank goodness that she suggested this.

After I have put on her clothes, I pick mine up and step out of the bathroom ..I place my cloth on Jandi's bed then grab her hand and start walking in a hurry steps towards Sangyun quarters.

Five inches away from his room, I started hearing voices ..mumbled voices. The first voice which I am so sure is Sangyun as the day we first met, he gave me the fright of my life so I don't think that I will forget his voice that easily but the other voice sounds feminine and familiar but still unknown.

"Hwa." Jandi said in a whisper as if reading my mind or maybe I had voiced my confusion out loud.

We move to his door where i begin to hide my face and dust the furniture besides his room whenever we feel or hear the guards or other people passing by.

Immediately the last person in view passed, I rush to the door and place my ear on the keyhole ..trying to figure out what they're talking about ..also to know if there conversation will leak out any information containing my brother's whereabout but it seems like the two siblings are at war with each other.

All I could here them talking about is the female one telling the male one that he's stupid while the male one reply her with a more steamed voice ..that she's the one who's stupid.

This isn't helping my matter!

There conversations are wack!! So wacky and it annoying the hell out of me ..huh, I thought Jan-di said it was him and his mother that are suppose to be having this conversation right now ..instead of him and his sister.

"I have failed. I have failed my brother once again ..why can't I do anything right for once in my life!  I mutter to myself while trying not to cry in the middle of the hallway ..not just any hallway but prince Sangyun own.

I feel Jan-di hug me while apologizing.

"Please don't cry Empress. I really thought it was him and Kyung-sook that are supposed to be having this conversation right now ..I heard when

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