What's he thinking ? ..oh god, I'm suppose to be acting!

I feel Sangyun pinch my hand sending me the signal ..that it's time for me to begin my acting of how much in love I'm suppose to be with him but I'm not even here. It's like my mind just shot itself.

"What is this!? I heard my husband yell just as at the same time I feel him grab my hand and lift me up which make me open my eyes in shock and embarrassment but what makes it more embarrassing is the amount of people now inside the room and all are staring at me with different kind of expression.

I turn my eyes to Hwa who is standing way too close to the Emperor with evil smirk on the side of her lips ..she planned this. They all did. They want to humiliate me. They want the Emperor to be humiliated by me so that he will regret ever marrying me.

Oh my god ..what have I done! They all saw Sangyun hugging me to him.

"Nana!" I hear my husband call me, his voice sounding so angry. I want to look at him but I can't.. I just can't, my brother's life depends on this little act ..please don't ask me anything ..please god let him not ask me anything here.

"Why am I crying now." I asked myself then quickly start reprimanding myself to stop because they might take it that I'm crying because I'm feeling guilty not knowing that the reason why I'm crying is because I don't want to be in this awful situation.

"Yabo, Seo-jun." The Emperor called while still holding my hand. I watch as the two called names rush to him and said "His Highness." As they wait for his command on one kneel.

"Seo-jun, take that bastard; Emperor said referring to Sangyun. " and lock him up inside his previous cell.

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