I don't need this ..and even god knows that I don't want them! They can't do anything right and that Ji-Ae of a girl is not trust wordy, I know she have been in contact with Hwa and I learn this through Ae-Cha. The thing is ..I think they all are in this together _both Jiae, Aecha, Hwa and possibly her mother too with Sangyun.

They're playing me.

They're trying to scare me or make me react in a bad way ..which will end up embarrassing my husband in the process but I won't do that. I know they're angry because all of the moves they made didn't succeed ..I did send their implant that they disguised as a concubine home.

I need Jandi ..every plan I make scream for her opinion which always end up making me depress as I know she's not here with me and this two girls that's standing in front of me are not helping ..it's like they sent them to drive me crazy.

I wonder what they're arguing about now and it won't surprise me if they say it's about my earlier question.

I want to let them off but anytime I tell them that I don't like them to be my personal maid ..they'll begin looking at me as if their world just ended and Ji-Ae will begin crying uncontrollable which always end up making me not to.

"You're the one who always make Empress angry ..I told you not to go see Lady Hwa but you still do, you even saw her today. You always disobey Empress so you're the one who she's going to send away after the Emperor have Ahn Jae-hyun punish you for disobeying the Empress." Ae-Cha murmurs to Ji-Ae which make Ji-Ae to begin crying as she too list out things that Aecha had done too that can warrant her being punish.

"Aecha, Jiae!" I called but they didn't hear me which made me call them again but much louder and this time they heard.

"Empress, we're sorry for being annoying ..please don't send us away ..please, I promise that I won't be annoying anymore." Ji-Ae and Ae-cha plead while kneeling down.

I watch the two of them as they plead while still on there kneels for almost twenty minutes but I still didn't tell them that it's ok like I always do when ever they plead for forgiveness. I know their knees will be paining them by now but I still didn't say anything ..I just want to know if they even respect me but somehow I already know that they don't. They're only still on there kneels because of the Emperor and the very well known punishment that he will give them if they disobey me.

"Ji-Ae , why did Hwa call you this morning and what did she say to you?"

"Empress she just asked me to get her a cup of tea which I did ..that's all." Ji-Ae said but I know she's lying ..like i said earlier, they're playing games with me.

After a while of me silently looking at them ..Ae-Cha hit Ji-Ae on the head and begin calling her a liar after she turn to me and say..

"Empress, that's not all ..you see Ji-Ae said that Lady Hwa told her to tell you to come and meet her at the new building after she serve her the tea."

"Why will I do that?" I asked while looking at the two of them in annoyance.

"She said that if you want to know where your mother is buried then you should come." Ae-Cha said which make me take in a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding. Mother's body was found and buried? I didn't even know, they said it got burnt into ashes.

"What time did she say that I can come?." I asked while pushing all the doubt that this could be another one of their trick at the back of my head.

"Now Empress, she has been waiting ever since you called us in." Ji-Ae said.

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