I didn't even know when he carried me inside, talk more of knowing when we got to the bed ..but I did feel it though, I felt it and I'm still feeling it because ..well I'm lying on it with my somewhat huge husband hovering over me.

When he captured my lips with his, I know then that nothing will ever taste or feel as lovely as his lips kissing mine.

I love his lips, I love him kissing me ever roughly and I love as he's now kissing me with his tongue ..he just tastes so heavenly.

I feel him sliding his hand underneath my dress as he begin kissing my neck and for some reason ..maybe the fear of Jandi said pain that's bound to happen, I close my eyes and begin counting numbers in my head while hoping he will be done by the time i will be done with my counting.

"Nana, look at me." He said as he proceeded to turn my face to his, making me open my eyes in the process in order to be able to see him.  "You're so beautiful ..my dear wife and your eyes are too beautiful to be close in this moment." He said and then he proceeded to what he was doing before but this time while looking me in the eyes.

"Stop panicking Nana;" he said to me when I begin to shift from his hold but I'm only doing that because his hands are on my panties and I think he's going to stick his fingers in like he did last time. "Nana, I'm not going to hurt you ok? ..and if you need me to slow down, you just tell me, it will feel uncomfortable for a while but I promise you that you will adjust."

"Do you trust me?  He asked and I nodded my head yes then look him in the eyes and figuring that this is the right time to tell him what I've been feeling for him on the inside, i said it out loud.

"I love you."

"I love you Wuji."I said to him again when he didn't say anything, instead he's staring at me so lovingly with the most beautiful smile on his face.

"You're so beautiful Nana, so very beautiful and I'm going to make you feel beautiful my love." He said and  immediately after, I slowly wrap my hands around his neck, gently pulling him down. When he was close enough I lightly brushed my lips against his and give him a soft kiss, he immediately responded and take over control as his tongue finds it's way into my mouth, exploring and tasting while his hand begin robbing my pu**y which feel so good, I begin pushing myself to his hands, not wanting the surprisingly great feelings to ever stop.

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