When she bow in respect, I wanted to smirk but then I remember that she still owns the key to the life of someone dear to me, which made all the smile on my face _both forced or not to disperse.

"Yabo." I hear the Emperor call his right hand man who came running to him then kneel. The Emperor whisper something to his ear which I didn't get to hear even though I'm sitting beside him. I watch Yabo go to Jandi and tell her something then after, Jandi start coming towards me.

"What's happening?" I asked in my mind a little tense as I don't like not knowing what is going on around me.

I look up at the Emperor then quickly back down when I realized what I had done but I only did that because he touched me, he place his hand on my hand and start robing me gentle which took me by surprise as I wasn't expecting anybody contact yet.

"Her Highness, please follow me." Jandi called, leading the way which made me to look at the Emperor, quickly asking for his permission to leave which he quickly granted then I stand up and follow Jandi out of the throne hall.

"Jandi thank you so much for recusing me from all that tension." I said as I hug her when we reach my room but instead of her to stop moving they keep on moving forward, passing my room in the process.

"Jandi.." I called as I stop moving.

"Empress Nana, I haven't done anything ..I'm just following Emperor's order. Please Empress, let's keep moving." Jandi said as she too stop beside me.

"But where are we going." I asked confuse.

"Me and some other maid behind us will prepare you for the Emperor ..Lady Nana, you're finally going to be with the Emperor." Jandi said excitedly as if that's an achievement I'm suppose to be happy about.

"W.. What do you mean by that." I asked so horrified but she didn't get to answer me as one of the guard I didn't know were following us came up and ask.

"Is there any problem Her Royal Highness." Min Yonghwan asks just as the same time some noise is being heard at the back where he came up from.

"Min Yonghwan, you dare push me?." The pretty lady ask sounding quite very surprise.

"I'm sorry Seon-hwa, but you can't speak with the E..M..P..R..E..S..S unless she calls you forth or permits it which she haven't."Min Yonghwan said stressing the Empress and by his tone, I know he doesn't like the pretty lady.

"It's ok  Min Yonghwan, since she have something to say to me ..let her." I said to Min Yonghwan who seems to want to object but shrugs it off or thought better out of it before moving away to my side, allowing the pretty lady some space to walk up to me.

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