"My situation is special, sometimes I will not be in school for a long time... Something similar happened before, at an event, I was doing important work, but on the day of the event, because of my own reasons, I couldn't participate in the event..."


"Besides, I may not be very good at making friends, plus I am often away from school, and that kind of thing happens, so even in the class, I have almost no friends." Chen Lingxue said with a wry smile and said: "In this school festival activity, maybe the students also considered that I might have something temporary, so they didn't give me any work." "

"I also want to relax a little bit... I haven't heard of it for a morning, I'm exhausted! Zhang Xingyu said with a sigh.

"Hehe-" Chen Lingxue smiled and said, "However, you are really powerful, the first time you face a strange classmate, you dare to introduce yourself like this... It's only the first day, and I feel like I've integrated into the class~"

Chen Lingxue's tone seemed a little envious.

Zhang Xingyu shrugged his shoulders and said, "If you want, you can too." "

"Can what?" Chen Lingxue was stunned for a moment and asked.

"It's easy to fit into the class."

"How?" Chen Lingxue asked in surprise.

"Join me – let's be a secondary two!"

——I am the second middle school and I am proud!

Zhang Xingyu said in this tone.

Chen Lingxue was stunned for a moment, and suddenly laughed: "Hehe—ha, ha—I really didn't expect that you, you, you would give me, mention, and give this kind of opinion... Thanks – but forget it. "

"Why, don't you want to integrate into the class, I did it on the first day of transfer, and you can naturally too!" Come, come with me, the middle two character is very interesting, and I also know some middle two friends, I can introduce you to know! "

"Just—no—yes." Chen Lingxue said word by word, seriously, and then laughed herself and said: "And if you have a character, I already have..."

"Already there?"

"Well... And it's a not-so-good character. "

"Oh, what is it?" Zhang Xingyu asked curiously.

"Bad girl."

"Bad girl?" Zhang Xingyu was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Chen Lingxue from head to bottom.

"Why do you look at me like that?"

"I'm looking at where you look like a bad girl." Zhang Xingyu said seriously.

"Do you see that then?" Chen Lingxue asked, and generously raised her arm for Zhang Xingyu to see for herself.

"Hmm... I didn't see it too much... An ordinary JK. "

"Should I say thank you?"

"You're welcome."

However, speaking of bad girls, Zhang Xingyu remembered that when he first met Chen Lingxue today, Chen Lingxue was smoking, and at that time, there was some bad girl's breath.

"Also, advice from a senior." Chen Lingxue seemed to remember something and said.

"We are in the same class, where are the seniors."

"Just because I've been in class longer than you."

"Well... Although the reason is very reluctant, then you say, what is the advice? "

"If you want to experience student life well, don't have too deep contact with me~"

"What's that, because you're a bad girl?" Zhang Xingyu asked puzzled.

"Why... Because, people who have too deep a relationship with me will encounter misfortune~"


"Yes, will stay... Very bad, memories..." Chen Lingxue said softly, her eyes empty and expressionless.


"Well, let's not talk about this somewhat boring topic, let's talk about something interesting." It seems that he does not want to continue the previous topic, Chen Lingxue said.

"Interesting... By the way, do you play Nightmare World? Zhang Xingyu asked, as the creator of the nightmare world, he naturally knew that Chen Lingxue did not have a nightmare mark.

"Nightmare World... I've heard it, but I haven't played it. "

"Very interesting game world, you can play the game in your sleep, just like going to another world to experience, if you are interested, I can give you the introduction volume of the nightmare world, just as a gift for you to lead the way today." Zhang Xingyu said.

"Thanks, but I've made an appointment with someone else, and she'll give me a nightmare mark." Chen Lingxue said that since she had already made an agreement with Meng Meng Moon, Chen Lingxue would not find others to ask for the Nightmare Mark.

"Ha, I already found friends who played the nightmare game together."

"Hey, yes."

"If you have the opportunity in the future, let's play together in Nightmare World."


At this time, the two had already come to the location of the playground, and the two moved things to the designated location together, and Zhang Xingyu found that the place he was getting was exactly the wisdom and answer stage that he saw on the rooftop in the morning, which occupied a large field in the playground!

"In other words, will anyone really come to play this activity?" Zhang Xingyu was very puzzled.

"Well, it's actually very popular~"

"Really fake? Can't believe it! "

After moving things to the place and helping for a while, the two had free time.

"By the way, those self-introductions you said earlier... Which ones are true? As if thinking that this was an interesting topic, Chen Lingxue came to Zhang Xingyu and asked.

“............ What do you think if I say that what I say is true? "

"Well......... Secondary two? "

"Thank you for your incisive summary." Zhang Xingyu sighed.

"However, since he said that he has superpowers... Even if it doesn't really superpower, some little magic tricks or something, it should be. "

"You wouldn't want to say let me perform a twisted spoon, would you?"

"Bingo, hit!" While speaking, Chen Lingxue took the hand hidden behind her to the front, and in her hand, there was a silver spoon.

"Here, bend this one!" Chen Lingxue said seriously.

"........." Zhang Xingyu was speechless.

"Hmm... Doesn't it work... Or you can use your own spoon. Chen Lingxue said again.

"Who would be okay with a spoon? You take it! While speaking, Zhang Xingyu directly took Chen Lingxue's spoon.

"It's really ——?" Chen Lingxue asked in surprise.

——Since you are so interested, then brother really perform - super, can, force!

"Look, I'm holding a small part of the handle of the spoon in my left hand, and my right hand doesn't touch the spoon, right?"

"Eun!" Chen Lingxue's eyes widened and she didn't blink.

"Look carefully... Ha————ha————" While saying, Zhang Xingyu pretended to move around the spoon with his right hand, his hand did not touch the spoon, and his mouth came out in a tone that seemed to be hard work, and then——

"Isn't it completely unbent."

"Don't worry, it's still in the preparation stage, well, it's okay! Urgent as a command, huh————! Zhang Xingyu suddenly unfolded his right palm, still some distance away from the spoon, and then, in Chen Lingxue's surprise, the top of the spoon bent!

Yes, Zhang Xingyu didn't touch the spoon in any part, however, it began to bend!

Chen Lingxue's eyes widened, looking incredulous.

The spoon is finally bent into a 7.

"Oh, that's it, the performance is successful~" Zhang Xingyu said with a smile.

"You you you ————" Chen Lingxue almost had her eyes almost come out, she directly snatched the spoon, looked left and right, looked up and down, and then wrenched the spoon hard, and found that the bent part was very firm, and it was not so easy to bend!

"How did you do it? It won't be a spoon dropped, say, where is the spoon I brought over? "

"You've been looking at this spoon just now, how can I change it."

"This, this..." Indeed, this is the spoon that Chen Lingxue took herself, she kept watching, did not leave for even a second, the spoon is a normal spoon, there is no doubt!

So, Zhang Xingyu, how did he do it?

"What the hell did you do?"

"Hey, superpowers, don't you casually reveal what your abilities are~~"

"Tell me—"

At this time, Zhang Xingyu's mobile phone vibrate, Zhang Xingyu picked it up and looked at it, and found that it was a message from Otilia.

[Go to the forum "Nightmare House" to take a look, someone has seen the flames in the nightmare world! ] 】


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