
"Have you heard that Mr. Ye is bringing her son to the company for inspection today?"

"I know, I heard that many people who are on holiday today have been temporarily transferred back."

"By the way, does Mr. Ye really have such a big son?"

"Yes...she looks younger than my daughter. Even if she has a son, he's not that old, right?"

"……I don’t know if Marshal Ye is handsome or not, hehe"

"Even if he's not handsome, he won't be able to like you. Don't be a nymphomaniac."

"You can't say for sure, this girl is naturally beautiful. Maybe Mr. Ye likes my girl's style?"

"Aren't you afraid of being dumped after being played with?"

"It doesn’t matter who is playing, but if it is played for rich people, can it be called playing?"

"……Do you dare to say this to your future husband?"

"What's the point of not daring? I don't like it anyway if I don't have money."

"Do you really think that young masters from rich families must be good-looking?"

"That is, in my opinion, there are many young men from rich families who are ugly."

"Just be sour."

Because Ye Ziqian decided to bring Ye Liang to the company at the last minute, the whole company is now talking about it.

They have even seen that some people who have been arranged are ready to welcome Ye Ziqian and Ye Da. less arrival

"Look, it's coming——!!!"

After someone shouted, everyone looked outside the office building.

I saw a very beautiful woman, an outrageously young woman dressed as an office worker, slowly walking towards this side.

Beside her, there was a young man.

Tall, comely, handsome... handsome


Just when they saw that young man for the first time, all the OL ladies in the office couldn't help but exclaimed.

"So handsome, this... this is so handsome, right?"

"Is he Young Master Ye?"

"Mom, I'm in love——!"

"Husband...I'm sorry, my people belong to you, but my heart already belongs to Mr. Ye."


At this moment, the female employees in the entire company couldn't help but burst into excitement.

But the male employees in the company all looked depressed.

Damn, the son of this beautiful CEO’s family is so handsome?!

Are you going to let people live?!


Ye Liang felt more and more something was wrong.

Mom won't go to work today?

What did she want to do when she brought herself to the company where she worked?

"follow me."

Seemingly seeing Ye Liang's doubts, Ye Ziqian felt even more proud at this moment.

After saying hello to Ye Liang, she walked forward with her head held high.

But at this moment, those who were pretending to go to work People rushed towards here, quickly formed two lines, and stood neatly at the door of the office.

They moved quickly and were very well-trained.

When they were forming a line, Ye Ziqian happened to bring Ye Liang. Arriving at the front of the queue, there were two groups of people, one group of men, all dressed in suits, and one group of women, all dressed as workplace OLs.

Facing Ye Qian and Ye Liang, they shouted in unison:

"Hello Mr. Ye——!"

"Welcome Mr. Ye to visit the company——!"

With that said, everyone bowed to Ye Ziqian and Ye Liang.


Seeing the professional elites around him saluting him like etiquette ladies, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

He looked towards Ye Ziqian who was standing in front of him.

"Mom...what are you...making a fuss about?"

Although he knew that there were all kinds of bizarre things in this world.

However, the scene that happened in front of him really shocked him.

His mother Ye Ziqian, at this moment, was being saluted by all the employees in this big company. Moreover, he was also called Mr. Ye.

What was going on?

If he had any doubts, he asked directly to his mother.


Ye Ziqian turned around, looked at Ye Liang, and said with a smile:

"Son, you have grown up, and my mother will not hide some things from you."


Listening to these words, Ye Liang instinctively felt something.

He seemed to have guessed what Ye Ziqian was going to say next.

He has also seen this kind of scene in some novels.

The male protagonist's family is obviously very rich, but they deliberately hide it from the male protagonist, in order to test whether the male protagonist has the ability to inherit property... It is obvious that the male protagonist's family is very rich, but they insist on letting the male protagonist live in poverty. Life.

Since I was a child, I thought that my family actually had no money and my life was very difficult.

In short, it is extremely outrageous.

Thinking of this, Ye Liang couldn't help but look strange.

This kind of thing won't happen to you, right?!!

He looked at Ye Ziqian and said:

"Please say"

"Son, do you think that our family is just an ordinary single-parent family, a poor family?"

Ye Ziqian looked at Ye Liang's surprised look, and Ye Ziqian became even more proud.

She said:

"Today, mom won’t hide anything from you anymore, I won’t pretend anymore, I’m going to show my hand——!

In fact, I have already become a billionaire.

I am the owner of this company, the legendary beautiful president.

How about it?

Are you surprised or surprised?!"


Hearing Ye Ziqian's words, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while. it is as expected.

No way, this plot is too bloody.——!


At this moment, the real surprise was the girls who were watching the live broadcast of Xuan Guangjing on the rooftop.

Although Xu Yingbing was Ye Liang's apprentice, her knowledge of Ye Liang still remained based on the information she had received before.

She thought that Ye Liang's family was not a wealthy family.

However, now Ye Liang's mother suddenly transformed into a billionaire woman, and she also called herself a beautiful CEO?

There’s something wrong with this style of painting——!

But when I think about my master being a god and his master’s mother being a billionaire, it doesn’t seem unreasonable.


Among the girls, the one who knows Ye Ziqian best is undoubtedly Empress Chiyue.

During her time as Yan Qing, it could be said that she saw Ye Ziqian's unscrupulous behavior all over.

She knows better than anyone what Ye Ziqian is going to do now.

Therefore, Ye Ziqian's behavior now exposed in front of Ye Liang is just a basic operation for her, and there is no need to shout 666.

But Jiang Yurou and Yang Liuyan are a little confused at the moment.

Because in their impression, Ye Liang's family was originally a rich family, and a very rich one.

But now it seems, what is going on?

Why does it feel like Ye Haohao just found out that his family has money?!

Of course, Ye Ziqian's sudden performance shocked both of them...

At this moment, they were all stunned.

As for the most shocked person present, it was Tang Pinru.

Before, she had always thought that Ye Ziqian's life was very poor and hard, and she even offered to help her many times.

However, Ye Ziqian has been refusing her help. Not only does he not want her support, but he also does not want the easy work she arranged.

It turns out...it turns out to be like this——!!

No wonder she doesn't want to help herself. Good guy, she is actually the female president of such a big company?!!

No, that's not right. She was clearly like that... in front of him before!!!

At this moment, in Tang Pinru's mind, the old and weather-beaten image created by Ye Qian's makeup had completely collapsed.

Now, all she could think of was the image of the ridiculously young woman in the picture in front of her.

"Uh, what's going on?"

Could it be that...

Ye Ziqian has been hiding herself all this time?

She even hid it from Ye Liang?

So, she just showed her cards to Ye Liang?



Tang Pinru didn't have any understanding of Ye Ziqian's character.

She also knew that Ye Ziqian's personality had been quite out-of-the-box since he was young.

But this is too out of the ordinary——!!!

Thinking about it, Ye Liang is so pitiful...

Even though his mother is so rich, she lied to him that his family had no money since he was a child. He even gave him a good college and lied to him that he had saved all his life to buy a house.

This shit is too outrageous.

Ye Ziqian didn't know how many people were speechless to her now. At this moment, she was only filled with excitement.

Hahaha, Ye Liang, you brat, let’s see if you are still arrogant in front of me.

It's amazing how much money you can make at such a young age. I make more money than you.

My strength is superior to yours——!!!

Thinking of this, she suppressed her proud expression and said to Ye Liang:

"How are you, Ye Liang, were you frightened by the news that your mother suddenly told you?"

"Well...a little bit."

Of course Ye Liang will not be frightened. He is not even surprised...

How should I put it? After all, he is now a Nascent Soul power.

He no longer attaches great importance to things like money.

Because no matter what happens , People with money have no meaning in front of him.

If he is willing, he can easily collect all the wealth in the world...

He just thinks it's bloody.

This plot is really too bloody.

I can't complain anymore. All……

【Hahahaha, looking at my mother, she seems to be proud of herself. She is laughing so hard. How much can such a small company be worth? She looks so proud of herself. Hey, I still cooperate with her. She is shocked. Just give it a try. 】

Ye Liang:...how should I cooperate?

Ye Ziqian: What? small company?!

Brat, do you know what you're talking about? The company I worked so hard to build, you actually say it's just a small company?!!

Oh, there is your——!

You have aroused my interest——!

Feeling depressed, Ye Ziqian said to Ye Liang again:

"Son, I know you are still a little unbelievable for a moment"


Ye Liang shook his head and said quickly:

"Nothing, I completely believe it"


Hearing this, Ye Ziqian couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, and then said:

"I know you don't believe how your mother suddenly became... the female president of a very large company with tens of billions of assets.

Ye Liang:"Mom, I really believe it. I don't believe you."……"

After hearing Ye Ziqian's words, Ye Liang added.

Really, for him now, it really surprised him that Ye Ziqian was so rich.

However, it was just an accident.

He was just a little curious as to why such a thing happened... Why was my mother so rich but she didn't let herself know?

She couldn't. She wanted to wait until she encountered difficulties before asking her for help.

If you really don’t force me, don’t you know your family is so rich?!

【Hahaha, it’s only tens of billions, why is it unbelievable? Mom, didn’t your son tell you that he is actually an immortal cultivator?! 】

Ye Ziqian: I will fix your sister——!!!


She really didn't expect that Ye Liang would not be shocked at all in the showdown scene she carefully prepared.

It’s okay to look down on her showdown and not give her face—!

Are you still a middle-aged person imagining that he is an immortal cultivator?

This is outrageous.

Thinking of this, she was very helpless, but she could only say to Ye Liang:

"Son, do you know why mom told you all her cards today and showed you her cards?"


Ye Liang really didn't know, because he didn't even know why Ye Ziqian had concealed the fact that she was rich before.

It couldn't be true, as he suspected, that she just wanted to hide the fact that his family was rich, right?

Then, when he is in trouble, you jump out and tell him that your family has money, just to show off?

Or is there actually another aristocratic family behind Ye Ziqian, and all of this is a test for him by the aristocratic family?

Please, I am not Ye Ziqian's biological son.

Therefore, he asked curiously:



Ye Ziqian smiled and said:

"Mom wants to tell you that from now on, you no longer have to worry about running out of money to spend. Mom’s money can be spent as you want, as extravagant as you want, which house you want to buy, what luxury car you want to drive, whatever you want. It doesn't matter how many girlfriends you have, mom will always support you——!"

Hahahaha, you brat, my mom has said so, why don’t you give me a good move?

Look at me with your adoring and grateful eyes——!

Stop thinking that you are a god.

Where are there so many gods in this world?

There is only one god in this world, and that god can never be a brat like you.

However, as long as you, this brat, behave well, when my mother sees him again one day, she will definitely let him take you, this brat, as her disciple.

If you like it, it's not impossible to become a god.

Come on, look at me with disbelief and admiration


At this time, the company employees around them couldn't help but swallow a sip of saliva.

How do you want to spend your money?

As luxurious as you want?

How many girlfriends do you want?

Damn capitalist, do you still need a son?!!!

If possible, countless people present would like to rush in front of Ye Ziqian and consider her as their mother.

Moreover, young people are not the only ones who have this idea...

Hearing Ye Ziqian's words, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless.

Good guy, let's put it this way, the reason why my mother doesn't let her know that she is rich is not to train herself or anything like that.

After all, she said it like this, as if she was afraid that she would not fall.

So, her real purpose is actually to show off?

Remembering that his mother often did some immoral things, Ye Liang suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Could it be... that's really the case?!!!


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