"Wolf Emperor Sword, come on——!!!"

With just one glance, Emperor Tianlang understood that there was nothing he could do about the laws of the earth.

However, I pretended to be awesome and had to finish it even though I was crying.

At this moment, Emperor Tianlang shouted fiercely, and a long knife appeared in his hand.

The blade is slender and sharp, like a wolf's teeth. On top of the blade, a wolf-shaped ornament bites the blade tightly, as if the slender blade is spit out from the wolf's mouth.

The handle of the knife, wrapped in green wolf hair, released an aura that kept strangers away.

As Emperor Tianlang shook his hand, the Wolf Emperor Sword fell into his hand.

The next moment, he held the Wolf Emperor Sword and struck in the direction of one of the four pillars of the Earth's Law.

This knife is extremely powerful, even if it can destroy an entire star system the size of the solar system in an instant, it is enough.

However... this is the solar system, this is the earth.

The power that can destroy small galaxies the size of the solar system faces one of the powerful and mysterious Four Pillars of the Earth.

But it was as if he had struck the glass pillar with a steel knife, only scraping out a terrifying spark on it.

And this spark overflowed and turned into endless law fluctuations, covering the entire world in an instant.

The fluctuations of these laws turned into visible flames all over the sky, burning the entire sky of the earth.

A powerful force bounced back from the chain pillar of law, directly shaking Emperor Tianlang's hands to numbness.

At this moment, he only felt that his hands were shaking.

Although he knew that this law was very powerful, it was too powerful.

He was in the state of becoming a god and used all his strength to attack, but he only attacked the one pillar of law that he thought had the lowest defense among the four pillars. The shock actually made his hand numb.

Not only was his hand numb, he felt like his whole body was about to be shaken apart.


However, this attack was not ineffective.

He scraped off a layer of Sha on this pillar of law...

I saw sparks flying around, and the surface of the pillar of earth law that was attacked by the Sirius Emperor made bursts of harsh and sharp sounds.

This is a sharp cry that can only be heard at the god level.

Amidst the clicking sound, the surface of the one-pillar law actually began to crack.

The cracks were getting bigger and bigger, and then there was a loud bang.

The surface of the law chain was completely broken.

Countless law fragments fell from the sky and fell into the East China Sea, turning into pieces of nothingness.

At this moment, the laws of the earth seemed to emit a pleasant chirp...

It was the kind of comfortable feeling you get when someone scrapes your body.

But there was no more.

Although it was only a scratch, the laws of the earth were also damaged at this moment.

The law that the law should not be revealed to others has been broken.

In other words, from now on, ordinary people on earth can also see spell fluctuations.

This law itself is of little significance to immortal cultivators, because ordinary people cannot see the spells of immortal cultivators, so it is not important to immortal cultivators.

The opponent of a cultivator is always a cultivator.

Logically speaking, the existence of this law is also part of protecting ordinary people from being harmed by the spells of immortal cultivators.

If you can't see it, you can treat it as if it doesn't exist.

Ordinary people cannot see the existence of spells, and they will not be confused by spells.

But the effect of this law is still too small after all.

It is precisely because the effect of this law is not strong and the power attached to it is not great that it is so easily broken by the Sirius Emperor.

However, this is all he can do.

He just broke the skin of the chain pillar, the weakest of the four pillars of law, and almost shook himself apart.

If he wanted to break this law chain pillar, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to do it without losing his whole body.

The laws of the earth are indeed terrible.

Looking at the pillar of law still standing proudly in front of him, Emperor Tianlang secretly admired it.

No wonder General Langqi came here before and was not even qualified to take action.

With these laws, many things that cultivators can do on earth are restricted.

I don’t know who erected these four Earth Law Chain Pillars here.

However, this knife has such an effect, which is not bad.

Emperor Tianlang looked at the entire earth and said to General Langqiu:

"The next thing is left to you, don't let me down."

The sword struck one of the four pillars of law just now, and Emperor Tianlang felt that his whole body was about to be shaken apart.

Therefore, at this moment, he needs to take a rest.


Although General Langtei didn't know what his emperor had done, he knew it by looking at the turmoil in the laws caused by the sword he cut.

He must have had a fierce battle with the laws of the earth just now.

And then... he failed.

At this time, as a capable general, he would not be stupid enough to ask the Sirius Emperor what the outcome was.

Do you even need to ask?

The result will definitely be bad——!!!

Next, it was his turn to perform.

His eyes also looked toward the earth, and the entire earth was in his eyes.

But at this moment, the sky above the earth is covered with a layer of fire of law.

Even if he looked, he wouldn't see anything.

The whole earth seemed to have turned into a fireball...

At this time, Ye Liang opened the window and looked towards the sky.

I saw a sea of ​​fire burning the sky, which was extremely terrifying.

This is a sea of ​​​​fire that covers the whole world.

If the power of the Four Pillars of Law were not still guarding the earth now, the earth would really turn into ashes in the universe in an instant.

"How is this going?"

Looking at the sea of ​​​​fire in the sky, Ye Liang couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Because this is not a fluctuation caused by magic or laws. The flame itself is formed by the power of laws.

Although it is a very weak power of laws, but the laws The power of law is the power of law.

This should not be something that ordinary people can see.

The next moment, Ye Liang received a message in his mind.

It seemed... that the laws on the earth had been destroyed. One drop?

At this moment, all the immortal cultivators on the earth felt that although there was only one drop, the laws of the earth were indeed destroyed.

However, before all the immortal cultivators were surprised, they saw the sea of ​​fire dissipating in the sky.

A streak of fire disappeared. The figure slowly emerged.

This was a man wearing a battle armor, and his figure seemed... extremely huge, too huge.

He was obviously in the universe outside the earth, However, his body can still be seen.

The sun's rays shine directly on him and are reflected to the earth, making it impossible for people to see his true face. They only feel that it is like a huge silver statue..

Too big, too big——!!!

In the entire sky, only this figure of a person was left.

He looked quietly at the earth below, looking at everything on the earth, as if he was a person, in He was observing a blue ball to see if there was anything worthy of his attention. It would have been great for people on Earth to be able to see his entire face.

Because he was so big.

His gaze seemed to occupy all of it. A large area of ​​the sky was covered.

Those who were stared at by his gaze only felt endless fear.

"God...oh God——!!!"


"what is that?!!!"

"It scares me to death, it scares me to death... medicine, medicine……"

"Mom, come here, help me. My mom is scared and has an asthma attack."

"I...I also have an asthma attack"

"What is that?!"

"I have a phobia of giant objects. Don't come here. Don't come here.——!!!"

Can you imagine how terrifying it would be to see the entire sky occupied by a person's face?

This huge sacred body, even if it only needs to open its mouth slightly, seems to be able to swallow the earth in one bite.

At this moment, all ordinary people on the earth were staring blankly at the sky.

And even some of the cultivators from the Purple Immortal Star who escaped to Earth were completely dumbfounded at this moment.

It's not that they don't know that the Purple Star Empress has the ability to destroy the world. After all, she is a powerful golden elixir.

She also carried the Purple Fairy Star (misunderstanding).

But, what is the situation now?

What's going on here?

Who can explain——!!!

Why would such a big brother suddenly appear outside the earth?!!!

Where does this sacredness come from——!!!

At this moment, everyone in the world who could see this sky was dumbfounded.

But the people in the sky looked at the earth below with indifferent expressions.

Perhaps, to people on Earth, he is looking down at the Earth.

However, as far as he is concerned, he is flying in the universe, standing in one direction of the earth, and looking at the earth quietly.

He is none other than Emperor Tianlang's general, General Langtou.

After Emperor Tianlang destroyed Yiduidu's laws on the earth, he can now use magic to let people on the earth see his situation.

He actually doesn't like becoming so big.

If it weren't for the existence of the laws of the earth, it would be easy for him to destroy the entire solar system.

What's the use of becoming so big?

However, for ordinary people, with their superficial eyes, they must feel that the bigger the body, the more intimidating it is.

Therefore, General Langtou chose the most direct method, transformed into such a huge demonic form, and slowly said to the people on the earth:

"Human beings on earth, listen, I am the general under the command of the Heavenly Wolf Emperor of the Heavenly Wolf Immortal Realm, the general of Wolf."

"My emperor has a daughter named Lang Ji. When Her Royal Highness Princess Lang Ji was touring the solar system in the past, she was accidentally despicably plotted by your monks on Earth and became one of his slaves."

"Emperor Sirius was very angry. Princess Sirius, how could she be a slave to others?!"

"This is the disgrace of the Sirius royal family. Therefore, the emperor ordered me to come and punish the shameless villain."

"I wanted to destroy the earth in one fell swoop, but I was afraid that all the creatures on the earth would be innocent."

"Therefore, I am here to invite the shameless man who plotted against Princess Langji. If you dare to come and challenge me, I will spare the lives of billions of people on the earth."

"If you don't come, I will bury you with the earth——!"

"If anyone on earth dares to protect that villain, he will be severely punished."

"If you don't believe in my methods, I can show you what it means to pick the stars with one hand.——!!!"

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed the Purple Immortal Star in the distance.

Purple Immortal Star Hundred Thousand Monk:? ? ?!!

What does it have to do with us—!!!

Seeing that the giant hand was about to grab Ziji Immortal Star, the hundred thousand other monks from Ziji Immortal Star panicked.

Fortunately, the giant's hand only touched the periphery of the Purple Immortal Star and retracted it.

"I didn’t expect that there are so many living beings on this planet. I cough... I don’t want to hurt innocent people. In short, I am not joking with you. I advise all you earthlings not to be disrespectful.——!!!"

The abominable laws of the earth have actually radiated to the entire solar system——!!!

He cannot move the planets in the entire solar system.

However, obviously, the purpose of showing off has been achieved now.

He went on to say to everyone on earth:

"That despicable and shameless person who conspired against Her Royal Highness Princess Langji is named Ye Liang on your earth. He is a scholar at Qingcai Academy in Jiangzhou City, Huang Yanguo, Jiangdu Province. All people on earth, I want you Within half an hour, everyone supported letting Ye Liang come to fight and die. Otherwise, I will be buried with the earth.——!"

Some people may ask, if General Langqi wants to find a place for Lang Ji, can't he just fight Ye Liang directly?

However... in fact, he was restricted by the laws of the earth, and he could not take action against Ye Liang without the support of the vast majority of people on the earth.

As for Emperor Tianlang, he is even more restricted.

He couldn't do anything to Ye Liang until Jiji officially became Ye Liang's woman.

Regarding this rule, Emperor Tianlang couldn't help but cursed:


When her daughter officially becomes Ye Liang's woman, he will be happy to be his father-in-law.

He even moved his hairy hands.

If you want to take action, you can only take advantage of now and save your daughter while there is still a chance.

Because of this, General Lang had nothing to do with Ye Liang before.

But it's different now...

Now that the Sirius Emperor has broken the law of"not showing the law to others" on the earth, he only needs to scare the people on the earth casually, but he doesn't have to support him obediently?!

Therefore, even if Ye Liang does not dare to come out and fight him, he will soon have the power to attack Ye Liang.


Just as he expected, after his words fell, everyone on the entire earth was boiling.

Fear, surprise, bewilderment...

The great master just called Langtori General, the amount of information he said was a bit too much.

What kind of immortal cultivator, what kind of Princess Langji, who is that person named Ye Liang?

How could he be so despicable and shameless as to plot against their princess and make Princess Lang Ji his slave?

Most people on earth are in a state of confusion.

At this time, on a rooftop, all the girls looked at Lang Ji in surprise.

"They're all watching what I do, and I wasn't the one who asked me to do it.……"

Lang Ji was speechless.

Although she was a little reluctant to work as a slave for Ye Liang at first, there were so many beauties around Ye Liang.

Now that I drive her away, she doesn't even want to leave.

What was even more shocking was everyone in Ye Ziqian's company.

Regarding Ye Liang's information, people in this company don't know much about it. It was all announced by Ye Ziqian today.

However, the name Ye Liang can’t be wrong, right?!!!

Could it be that the despicable and shameless immortal cultivator who plotted against that princess and caused the earth to fall into the current crisis of destruction is Ye Liang and Master Ye?

They all cast their eyes towards Ye Liang.

No way?

Could it be that Young Master Ye is really a god, and he plotted against his princess, causing her to fall to the earth now?

No...that's not right.

Where is the promised god?

Aren't gods like Mr. Ye just now, who know some bluffing spells, but still want to live on earth?

Why did he suddenly become a giant of this level fighting?

This is different from the gods they imagined——!!!


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