After a person dies, the corpse will slowly corrode, but the skeleton can be preserved for a long time. If you are lucky, it may even be dug out and studied thousands of years later...

However, at this moment, in front of Empress Chiyue, There were no bones in the coffins in the two tombs.

Inside the two coffins are two things.

After Empress Chiyue opened the coffin, two things slowly flew out of the coffin and were revealed in front of her.

"What's this?!!"

Looking at the things that appeared in front of her, Empress Chiyue stretched out her delicate white hands and picked up one of the things.

It was a transparent bead with a spiritual light shining on it. It was not a mortal thing.

"This is... a star map?"

After looking carefully, Empress Chiyue recognized this thing. The so-called star map is something similar to ordinary people's maps.

However, the range that ordinary people's maps can mark is only for ordinary people. It means a very far place.

And the range marked on the star map is a place that is far away for the cultivators of immortality.

The function of the star map is to point out the direction for the cultivators of immortality in the vast starry sky.

This star The direction pointed by the star map is indeed very far away.

Even she can't see where the end point pointed by the star map is.

If she wants to find the place pointed by the star map, it will probably take thousands at least. Years.

But how could there be something like a star map in her adoptive father's coffin?

It is undeniable that she did think about it just now. This coffin was not a corpse, but something else, which could prove her guess. Something.

But now, a star map appeared in the coffin, which made her at a loss. She looked at the thing that appeared in another coffin, stretched out her hand, and held it in her hand.

This is A ball of light is something similar to the skills of an immortal cultivator. What is recorded in it is not the skills of an immortal cultivator, but……

《About postpartum care for mortals pregnant with children of cultivators》


After carefully reading the information recorded in this ball of light, Empress Chiyue once again showed a surprised look.

What is recorded in this ball of light are very detailed precautions for mortals after they become pregnant with the child of an immortal cultivator.

There are many things to pay attention to.

In fact, it is impossible to complete those preparations on earth, or even in the Scarlet Moon Immortal Domain.

It has to be somewhere... very special.

And that place is where this star map points to.

In other words, this star chart is specially prepared for this"postpartum care"

"Speaking of which, in my lifetime, I have indeed never heard of a mortal being pregnant with the child of an immortal cultivator."

Looking at the things in her hands, Empress Chiyue began to think.

How could a mortal body give birth to a child of an immortal cultivator?

With the physical fitness of a mortal, I am afraid that the moment the child is born, she will be drained of all her energy. Vitality.

Moreover, her vitality is definitely not enough. The final result is one corpse and two lives.

And her adoptive father Ye Qixuan is probably that bastard Ye Liang.

And her adoptive mother Tang Yuning, she......Is he really an ordinary person?

As an ordinary person, he is pregnant with Ye Liang's child.

In order for her to survive and for his child to be born smoothly, Ye Qixuan prepared these two things.

But Why would he leave these two things here?


Suddenly, Empress Chiyue suddenly understood.

These two things were not originally here, but appeared here because of their own wishes.

Although these two things were not what I was thinking about, my wish did change the past, so these two things that did not originally exist appeared in the originally empty coffin.

In order to make the existence of these two things reasonable, I must do it according to my original vision.

What I just thought has already changed the original history.

In other words, history has not changed at all, but because history cannot be changed, I came up with the idea just now.

No matter what the principle is, now, I must give these two things to Ye Liang

"Haha... With my strength, I actually wanted to use time, but in the end, I was used by time. Time is really a terrible thing.……"

Helpless, she could only shake her head, and disappeared in a flash.

According to Empress Chiyue's original idea, she wanted to use hints to tell Ye Liang that what was stored in the coffins of Ye Qixuan and Tang Yuning were not their bones, but two very powerful magic weapons... In this way Come on, if Ye Liang really has the ability to travel through time and space, he will definitely find a way not to change this past.

Therefore, he might put two magic weapons that are very powerful to him into these two coffins in the past.

It's a pity that the idea is beautiful, but what appears inside the coffin are these two things.

Obviously, she has not changed the past, but she seems to be participating in it.

She wanted to use time, but the power of time treated her as someone who could be used.

She must now promote this result, otherwise, everything will change.

At that time, it was not certain whether she was her or not.

It is unknown whether she and Ye Liang still know each other.

She didn't dare to bet on the consequences.

Her current behavior proves that time does exist, and it also proves that Ye Liang does have the terrifying ability to control time.

But she is, after all, a person controlled by time.

Once the past was established, then she had to do it.

So, the next moment, Empress Chiyue came to Ye Liang's room


Ye Liang, who was getting ready to go to bed, couldn't help but look weird when he saw Empress Chiyue coming in.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

He asked Empress Chiyue


Empress Chiyue rolled her eyes at him,"What do you think?"


Ye Liang couldn't help but laugh evilly, and pulled her into his arms:

"How do I know what you think?"


Empress Chiyue gave a fake smile:

"It's a pity that I'm not here to play with you tonight. I have something to ask you."


Hearing this, Ye Liang couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

"Why do you have anything to ask me?"


Empress Chiyue pretended not to hear Ye Liang's rant and asked him

"nothing. Ye

Liang said:

"What do you want to ask?"

"I want to ask you whether your father Ye Qixuan and my adoptive father Ye Qixuan are the same person.

Empress Chiyue said :

"I've told you before, about my adoptive father and mother-in-law……"

"This, I think...probably."

Hearing Empress Chiyue's inquiry, Ye Liang said casually.

This is not a secret worth keeping.

"Yeah? Well, do you know that your father Ye Qixuan may also be an immortal cultivator?——!"

Empress Chiyue said again

"ah? Is there such a thing? I don't know that."

Ye Liang now wants to put away Ye Qixuan's identity from him.

Because even if he admits that he is Ye Qixuan, it will not be of any benefit to him.

Maybe, he will also carry some LL, CM and so on inexplicably. setting.

Therefore, for Ye Qixuan, his first reaction now is to pretend not to know……

"If he was a cultivator, how could he cause your stepmother to have a car accident? This is impossible."

He said to Empress Chiyue again

【I am really curious as to how I could cause Tang Yuning to have a car accident.

Come on, little sister, tell your brother. Ye

Liang: Uh...

Empress Chiyue:...

You admit it now, you are Ye Qixuan, right?

Should I call you foster father, brother?

Now, Empress Chiyue finally understands.

Ye Qixuan is obviously an immortal cultivator. Why did he have to let his wife get into a car accident and both husband and wife disappear in front of him?

The reason lies within yourself.

It was because he told Ye Liang the fact, and after Ye Liang traveled to the past and became Ye Qixuan, he had to do what he said.

Because he had encountered such a fact before, that's what he said to Ye Liang.

And because he said those words, it caused the fact that Ye Qixuan traveled to the past...

In short, it was an infinite loop.

Now that he has confirmed that Ye Liang is Ye Qixuan, he has to give him what he deserves.

Otherwise, the cycle will be broken.

Then, from the time when his adoptive mother had a car accident to now, everything he has experienced will become false. By then, he may not have the chance to become Ye Liang's woman.

"I don’t know the specific reason, maybe they are simplyMaybe he wants to appear in front of me... In short, I am sure that my adoptive father Ye Qixuan must be an immortal cultivator——!"

Empress Chiyue said

"Why are you so sure?"

Ye Liangliang said curiously

"Because I had doubts in my heart just now, I went to dismantle their graves. From their graves, I didn't see any bones. I only saw these two things."

As she said that, Empress Chiyue took out two things.

A bead, and a light ball.

The bead is a star map, and the light ball is"About postpartum care for ordinary people who are pregnant with the children of immortal cultivators."

Two things. Things were placed in front of Ye Liang.

But in Ye Liang's mind, he was still thinking about the words of Empress Chiyue.

She demolished their graves?

She demolished the graves of her adoptive parents?

Didn't she demolish herself and Tang Yuning? Grave?

Damn it, this is really a filial daughter——!!!

He looked at Empress Chiyue with a strange expression

"What's wrong?"

Empress Chiyue looked innocent, but she was very proud in her heart.……

"Why are you looking at me like that?"


Ye Liang was speechless. He took the things sent by Empress Chiyue and said:

"I'm just curious as to why there are these two things in the grave of your adoptive father and stepmother."

Although he still doesn't know what they are, Ye Liang understands them with just one glance.

These two things must be possessed by immortal cultivators.

And the things that can be placed in his and Tang Yuning's graves must have been put down by himself. Right?

With a thought, he has received all the information in that ball of light.


《About the postpartum care for mortals pregnant with the children of immortal cultivators"? star map?!!!

These two things are... for me, right--!!!

In an instant, Ye Liang understood that these two things were for him.

Because, if she didn't prepare for postpartum care in advance, Tang Yuning might die from dystocia.

Although the time wheel allows one to travel through time, there cannot be two selves in the same time opened up by the time wheel.

If he went to find Tang Yuning now, Tang Yuning would definitely be dead.

At this moment, Ye Liang suddenly felt a little lucky.

Fortunately, I didn't go back to the past in the past two days...

If I had been in a hurry to go back to the past before getting these two things, maybe Tang Yuning would really be dead now.


Seeing Ye Liang's shocked expression, he already knew what Empress Chiyue didn't understand.

However, she couldn't let him know that she knew it too.

So, she said:

"You should read it all. With these two things, I believe it can prove that my adoptive father is a cultivator of immortality... Having said that, Ye Liang, if you are also the son of your adoptive father, the two of us can still be regarded as adopted siblings. Bar?!! I just don’t know who your mother is, my adoptive mother Tang Yuning, or... someone else."

As she spoke, she cast her cunning and beautiful eyes in front of Ye Liang.

She already knew Ye Liang's secret...

Unexpectedly, Ye Liang was already powerful enough to control time.

His cultivation Why, to what extent?

Could it be that he is not actually a cultivator at all, but a real immortal?!!


Ye Liang put away the two treasures in his hands and looked back at Empress Chiyue.

He shook his head and said:

"How could my mother be your adoptive mother? It's impossible."

It is simply impossible for you to be your own father.

This is not a chicken-and-egg problem. It is impossible for a person to appear out of thin air on a timeline.

No matter what, the appearance of a person will definitely There has to be a source.

No matter how stupid or perverted you are, you won't let your and Tang Yuning's child become yours, right?

Who wants to be your own father?

So, at least, it is definitely impossible for your and Tang Yuning's child to be your own. It's his own.


After all, this is a bit too exciting.

There must be some misunderstanding here... Maybe, his future self picked up a child and gave it to Ye Ziqian to raise.

Ye Ziqian thought it was her. Son?

At this moment, he didn’t know that Ye Qianqian was just talking nonsense before.

She guessed that Ye Liang was Ye Qixuan, so she deliberately changed her story and said that Ye Qixuan was Ye Liang’s biological father.

Because The only thing that makes Ye Liang confused...

However, even Ye Ziqian doesn't know what the truth is.

"Is it?"

Empress Chiyue looked at Ye Liang's familiar movements of putting away two things and said speechlessly:

"These two things were left behind by my foster father and mother, and you just put them away?"

Hearing this, Ye Liang said seriously:

"These two things are destined to me, so give them to me. When I have time, I can refine a magic weapon for you. How about it?"


Empress Chiyue pretended to be speechless and said:

"All right."

At this moment, her heart was filled with joy.

Although she did not get the magic weapon completely for free, it seems that she got the magic weapon for free again.

These two things were originally Ye Liang's own, and she only took over them on a whim. This is just a destiny to return these two things to him, right?!!


I don’t know how powerful the magic weapon he refined will be.

How long do I have to wait?


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