Continuous forests, huge mountains, each tree is billions of feet tall.

The sunshine in the sky can still shine on the world. Wisps of sunshine shine down from the sky, onto the land outside the city that has been blasted into endless abyss by ten thousand swords, and onto the city.

People in Hailan City have long been accustomed to the sun in the sky. No matter how warm the sun is, they don't take a second look.

Now, they just cast their curious eyes towards the group of people passing by on the street.

The Bing family is one of the four major families in Aquamarine City, or in other words, the head of the four major families in Aquamarine City.

The guardian of the Eastern City Gate is deeply respected by the people in Hailan City.

If there is any place among the major forces in Aquamarine City that is the most attractive to enter, there is no doubt that the Bing Family is the most attractive.

The Bing family is the head of the four major families in Hailan City. Not only is it powerful enough to resist the invasion of demons, but there are also many Bing family masters.

Even the sixteenth elder who ranks at the bottom of the Bing family can be said to be a top expert.

It is said that the previous head of the Bing family did not return from traveling. In fact, it was not that he encountered an accident outside, but that he became an innate master outside.

Although I don’t know if this news is true, it is obvious that this news is a huge deterrent to uninformed people.

Because of this, the Bing family's position in Hailan City is also very stable.

No one dares to challenge the Bing family's status.

And today, the sixteenth elder of the Bing family is actually leading the way for a young man with great respect?

How can this not make people on the street curious?

Especially when they turned their eyes towards the young man, they were even more shocked by the young man's appearance.

"Oh my god... who is he? How could there be such a dazzling person in this world?"

"Such a powerful aura, this person must be the legendary pride of heaven, right?!!"

"Wow, so handsome"

"His white hair is so beautiful... He... I, I'm in love"

"This must be an unborn expert from somewhere, right?!!!"


Looking at the young man walking at the front of the Bing family's queue, everyone present couldn't help but stare at him closely. They couldn't bear to look away and at the same time, they started talking.

"He must be a distinguished guest of the Bing family. Look, all the sixteen elders of the Bing family are so polite to him."

"Yes, isn't it?"


Everyone is curious about the origin of such an outstanding young man.

If you are a person on earth, of course you all know that this person is called Ye Liang, and he is a cultivator and immortal.

In this world, Ye Liang appears for the first time, and there are naturally a lot of people who don't know him.

However, even so, Ye Liang's Qi is so strong that people can feel that he is extraordinary.

In this world, the more powerful a person is, the more likely he is to be powerful.

What's more important is that such people are favored by destiny and are the pride of heaven.

People who don’t have enough Qi, I really don’t dare to be enemies with them easily.

【Unexpectedly, I was reborn. 】

Ye Liang is looking at the passers-by around him, trying to see whether the beauties in this world are of high quality or not.

At this moment, he heard the sound of the voice packet again.

? ? ?

Xiu Xian voice pack, what script is arranged this time?

Every time I see new people and new things, the Xiuxian voice pack will unleash its power and make up random things.

Although some things are true, many things said in the Xiuxian voice pack are false.

Ye Liang is not surprised by Xiuxian's voice pack's ability to compose stories.

So, now he is just curious about what story the Xiu Xian voice pack is going to make up.

At this time, Bingshuang Wuhen, who was following Ye Liang, put away his tangled eyes and looked at Ye Liang curiously.


Just now he seemed to say that he was reborn?

How is this going?

Could it be that he had died before?

Can people who have died be reborn?

She remained silent and secretly raised her ears, wanting to hear what else Ye Liang had to say.

Although she knew that the sound did not come from her ears, this was also a habitual action of humans.

【Reborn, and returned to this era with full strength... In this life, you are not dead yet, I am so happy, Bingshuang Wuhen. 】

Ye Liang: Uh...

He looked at Bingshuang Wuhen with a guilty conscience, instinctively feeling that the Xiuxian voice pack was about to start again.

The Xiuxian voice pack had already begun to dislike her before.

Now I officially start cursing, it must be very sharp.

He saw that Bingshuang Wuhen was looking at him curiously.

Seemingly noticing his gaze, she quickly moved her gaze to the side, not daring to look at him.


Ye Liang coughed awkwardly and looked away.

Girl, it’s not you who should be embarrassed, it’s me.

【I actually returned to this era, is this true? Isn't this a dream? 】

The Xiu Xian voice pack continued to be used.

Ye Liang quietly listened to Xiu Xian's voice package

【I especially remember that in the previous life, Hailan City was invaded by hundreds of millions of demons. Bingyue Piaomiao, the strongest innate expert in the entire Hailan City, died in this battle, and the survivors had to abandon the city and flee.

You are the superior Miss Bing, and I am just an ordinary orphan.

But, in that escape, we warmed each other……】

Ye Liang: Huh? Xiu Xian voice pack, where did you copy the script from?

Frostless Trace: What? Warm each other? Yes yes...what does it mean?!!!

At this moment, Bingshuang Wuhen became a little nervous.

She is not the type to fall in love with someone just because they are strong and handsome.

However, now that she hears Ye Liangliang's inner thoughts, she inevitably feels guilty.

And Ye Liang's inner voice seems to be continuing.

【That day, I touched you desperately, and you touched me desperately, and we explored each other. 】

Ye Liang: Pfft——!!!!

He couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of old blood.

The gods are exploring each other, Xiu Xian voice pack, please don’t talk nonsense.

It wouldn't matter if it was someone else, but the person behind me is very likely to become... well, that woman in the future -!!!

I have already seen her fate——!!!

Bingshuang Wuhen's face suddenly turned red, and with a bang, red steam came out of his head, making him feel shy.

What the hell, what is he thinking on purpose?

He must have done it on purpose. He must have known that I knew what he was thinking and that he was thinking this on purpose.

No, I have to find an opportunity to explain it clearly to him so that he can't think too much...

Uh, something feels wrong.

【That night, you didn't reject me】

【That night, I hurt you……】

【That night, you were filled with tears. Ye Liang: TMD, are you still singing?!!

Frost Traceless: Uh-huh.

At this moment, her face was as red as a steamed shrimp, and she looked at Ye Liang in disbelief.

I never would have imagined that this high-ranking and worldly expert with a fairy-like face was actually thinking about something like this at this moment?

Who would have thought that with such a serious look on his face, he was thinking about these things.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that he didn't express his inner thoughts now, she would have become disgusted with Ye Liang.

How can you say such things to someone when you meet them for the first time? Isn't it too perverted?

However, precisely because it was what he was thinking, not only was she not disgusted, but she also felt a little weird.

There is even some doubt that this is not true, right?

No way? No way?

Didn't this guy know nothing about Aquamarine City when he first came here?

He can't be someone who was reborn from Aquamarine City, right?

【After that night, the two of us fled together, but were eventually caught up by the demon army. In order to protect me, you died in the hands of the demons.】

【I will never forget that scene forever.】

【After experiencing a near-death experience in my previous life, I was fortunate enough to be spotted by an immortal from outside the world, worshiped as an immortal, and began to practice immortality.】

【I thought that the day I would see you again would be indefinite】

【But I didn’t expect that by chance, I would actually be back by your side now.】

【Since God has given me this opportunity, I will never let you be in any danger again】

【What about the army of hundreds of millions of demons? There are three hundred million sword immortals in the sky, even if they see me, they must lower their eyebrows——!】

【In this life, whoever dares to hurt you, I will teach him no way in heaven, and I will give him no way on earth.——!!!】

【Just because, in the last life, you were my only true love, and in this life, I will live for you. 】

Ye Liang:...

This script is so bad. Besides, it’s not good if you arrange her to be the heroine of the script, right?

Her identity is really inappropriate. right?

Xiuxian voice pack?

Xiuxian voice pack:...

Bingshuang Wuhen: Uh-huh.

If it weren't for the fact that I overheard these words, I wouldn't believe them.

However, even if these words were what he was thinking, they might not be true.


It can't be true, right?

At this moment, she was really flustered.

If what he said is true, what should I do?!!!

Was he really reborn to protect himself, his future lover? can't be right?

Even the coldest woman would be panicked when encountering something like this.



At this time, the sixteenth elder who followed Ye Liang on the other side kept looking at Bingshuang Wuhen and Ye Liang.

He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows secretly.

It seems that Bingshuang Wuhen... has a crush on Ye Liang?

This girl usually looks cold and cool to the opposite sex.

But, she is a girl after all. If she meets a strong man like Ye Qixuan, he has saved her from crisis twice, and he is so handsome and outstanding in strength.

It’s only natural that she would like it, right?

Haha, it would not be bad if she could tie such a strong man to the Bing family.

Innate strong men are not scary. What is scary is that strong men with innate-level skills...

Such strong people can create a large number of strong men with powerful combat capabilities at any time as long as they are willing to pass on their skills.

Although Hailan City is huge, the most powerful techniques are only at the top level.

The desire for innate-level skills is the heartfelt desire of any warrior.

Especially a person with good talent like him is extremely enthusiastic about innate skills.

It's a pity that Hailan City is still a legendary existence, let alone innate skills, even innate strong ones.

You can mention this to the great elders.

Thinking of this, the sixteenth elder rolled his eyes, showing a bit of shrewdness.

Under the leadership of everyone from the Bing family, Ye Liang quickly arrived at the front door of the Bing family.

Standing in front of the gate, I looked up and saw that the main gate of the Bing family was billions of feet tall. There was a plaque hundreds of millions of feet high hanging on the door, which was very eye-catching.


The four big characters are no different from Chinese characters, except that they use traditional Chinese characters.

Before coming here, Ye Liang noticed that the culture of this world was similar to that of Huang Yan in ancient times.

It’s not surprising that there are Chinese characters.

It seems that the whole universe is speaking Chinese, using Chinese characters...

When Ye Liang looked at the Bing family's plaque, the Sixteenth Elder smiled at him:

"Senior Ye, please."

As he said that, he also made an invitation gesture to Ye Liang.

Ye Liang nodded and followed him into the Bing family compound.

The people of the Bing family saw that the sixteenth elder invited such a young man back. , naturally cast their eyes towards him curiously.

"who is he? so hot——!!!"

A girl from the Bing family stared at Ye Liang closely, her eyes filled with admiration.

Several girls around her also stared at Ye Liang with admiring eyes.

How should I put it? From their perspective, they have never seen such a handsome man in their lives.


Looking at Ye Liang's ethereal and fairy-like appearance, he slowly passed in front of them and even nodded politely to them.

They all couldn't help but drool.

Seeing this look, all the young men from the Bing family were speechless. is it necessary?

Although he is very handsome and outstanding, his status is very high, and you nymphomaniacs have no chance at all——!!!

How can someone like you be so respectful to even the sixteen elders?

Speaking of which, Bingshuang Wuhen was also with her just now.

Perhaps, only Bingshuang Wuhen could be worthy of such a man.

No...who is he?!!!

"Where did this Ye Qixuan come from? Why have we never heard of him?"

Not long after, the great elder was also sitting in the Bing family conference room, staring at Bingshuang Wuhen, and asked her.

At this time, Ye Liang had been arranged into the guest house of the Bing family.

And Bingshuang Wuhen I have to come and report the situation to the elders of the Bing family.

Regarding Ye Liang’s matter, the Bing family naturally needs to ask clearly.

"He said... He came from outside the sky."

Bingshuang Wuhen said.

However, in his heart, he said that he was originally an ordinary orphan in Hailan City.

Bingshuang Wuhen felt that there was no need to say this.

"What?! Coming from outside?!!!"

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned, and then they laughed out loud.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Bingshuang Wuhen, you little girl, have you learned to lie?"

"Extraterrestrial visitors? Do you want to say that he is an alien?"

"There can be no aliens in this world"

"That's right——!!!"


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