Bingshuang Wuhen, the eldest lady of the Bing family, is the daughter of the current head of the family.

Since birth, she has had a reputation as a genius.

At a young age, he already has a second-rate level. This is a true genius.

However, with her talent, she was still far behind compared to the other person.

She is only famous in Hailan City, but that person is famous in the entire Yuanwu world.

That person is the young city lord of Yanbo City, Yan Liukong.

He is also less than a hundred years old, but Yan Liukong is already a top powerhouse, and is even about to enter the legendary innate ranks.

When he found out that he was engaged to Yan Liukong, Bingshuang Wuhen was not only not happy, but also very unhappy.

She didn't understand why her grandfather made such a marriage contract for herself.

If her grandfather appeared in front of her now, she would question him severely.

Unfortunately, she doesn't have this chance now.

The previous head of the Bing family, Bing Yue Miao Miao, had been away for many years. According to legend, he became an innate powerhouse while away.

However, for Bing family insiders, this news is most likely false.

The most likely thing is that Bingyue Piaomiao is dead.

In short, Bingshuang Wuhen has no chance to see his grandfather again.

Although Bingshuang Wuhen's talent is not as good as that of Yan Liukong, she is known as the most powerful person in the entire Hailan City.

Because she is so lucky.

I don’t know since when her engagement with Yan Liukong became known to everyone in Hailan City.

This matter is being spread in the streets and alleys.

Many unmarried girls are extremely envious of Frost Wuhen.

Moreover, Bingshuang Wuhen was once spotted by an outsider who gave her innate-level swordsmanship and a top-notch magic weapon.

She was simply like the chosen one.

Over the years, she has received countless praises and received envious looks from countless people.

However... on this day, news came out that shocked the entire Hailan City.

That is, the eldest lady of the Bing family, Bingshuang Wuhen, went crazy while practicing and lost all her cultivation.

Moreover, her vitality suddenly dropped to the bottom, as if she was about to die.

The news spread throughout Hailan City at once.

Originally, many people did not believe this.

It was not until later that many people confirmed with their own eyes that they had seen with their own eyes that the eldest lady of the Bing family had run out of energy, and she no longer had the aura of a warrior in her body.

Once this incident spread, the whole city was shocked, and countless people felt sorry for it, so that some people began to gloat about it.

After all, in this mortal world, not everyone is like a family.

Bingshuang Wuhen was once spotted by that worldly master, and received his swordsmanship inheritance, and also received a magic weapon from him. This was witnessed by countless people from the Bing family.

Coupled with the fact that she has a legendary fiancé like Yan Liukong, it can be said that she is simply like a goddess.

But now, the goddess has fallen into the mortal world, which not only makes people feel sorry for her, but also naturally makes those who love the goddess feel inexplicable gloating about her misfortune.

It even made those who had looked up at her feel that they were not worth it.

Not to mention the girls who were jealous of her.

In a blink of an eye, three years have passed.

On this day, Bingshuang Wuhen came to the Bing family's meeting hall.

Sixteen elders sat on the elders' table, leaving only the family seat in the air.

Everyone's eyes turned to Bingshuang Wuhen, looking at this girl who had no breath in her body and looked like an ordinary person, with extremely puzzled eyes.

Why, in just a few short years, this once proud woman of heaven has ended up where she is now?

"Bingshuang Wuhen, three years have passed, and your cultivation is still stagnant, still not up to par."

Looking at Bingshuang Wuhen, the great elder said


Bingshuang Wuhen said truthfully


The great elder nodded and said:

"……Are you still practicing Senior Ye's sword skills?"


Frost Wuhen replied


The Great Elder and others all looked strange for a while, and then the Great Elder said:

"With all due respect, have you ever thought that your current situation is caused by your practicing Senior Ye’s swordsmanship?"


Hearing this, Bingshuang Wuhen did not speak.

Because she knew that her current situation had nothing to do with her practice of Ye Qixuan's swordsmanship.

His swordsmanship is so profound that he can't even understand it, so how can he practice it?

The reason for the current situation is that I want to learn my own martial arts from his sword skills.

Moreover, it is not that I gained nothing at all.

However, I was too eager for success, which led to me going crazy and ruining my cultivation.

Although the consequences are serious, I don't want to give up. After seeing that kind of profound and mysterious swordsmanship, how can I give up?!!

Even if there was a one in ten thousand chance, or even if he had no chance at all in his life, he didn't want to give up.

Therefore, even if he only gains a little bit in his swordsmanship, he must persist in this path of swordsmanship.

You have to walk out of your own way of swordsmanship...

Only then can you see this vast sky that belongs to you.

In short, after seeing the profundity of Ye Liang's swordsmanship, Bingshuang Wuhen deeply felt that the Bing family's swordsmanship had no future.

Even if her cultivation is completely ruined, she doesn't want to practice the Bing family's sword skills anymore.

"Three years have passed, and Senior Ye has not come back yet. He has probably already……"

The great elder then said

"No, he'll be fine——!!!"

Before he could finish his words, Bingshuang Wuhen rushed to speak:

"He will come back, one day."

When she said this, there was unparalleled confidence in her eyes.

After seeing his swordsmanship, she understood what the swordsmanship of an immortal cultivator is...

The swordsmanship of an immortal cultivator is the martial arts of this world. To him, it is like using a magical weapon to fight against the stone ax of a primitive barbarian.

His power has completely exceeded the knowledge of this world.

The mere demon forest cannot trap him.


Hearing this, all the elders looked at each other.

The third elder said:

"Bingshuang Wuhen, actually, whether Ye Qixuan comes back or not is not important to us.

The important thing is that we want to remind you that you have not made any progress in your cultivation for three years, and it is time for you to give up practicing his swordsmanship.

Everyone is different, and his swordsmanship may not be suitable for you.

Forcibly practicing his swordsmanship will only make you remain a waste.

And...if the people in Yanbo City know about your situation, I'm afraid you will be in big trouble."

"Could it be that, in the past three years, haven't you received enough glares?"

Another elder said:

"The once-beautiful daughter of heaven, she overestimated her abilities and practiced other people's sword skills, but in the end, her own cultivation was completely ruined?!"

"You are a member of my Bing family. We once allowed you to practice other people's techniques because we believed you could achieve something, but now, the results are obvious."

"It's time for you to give up, Ye Qixuan's swordsmanship is not suitable for you——!"

"It’s still too late for you to practice the Bing family’s sword skills again.——!"

If they were just kind-hearted words at the beginning, now their tone has begun to become stern.

In the past three years, the Bing family's status in Zhihai Blue City has risen a lot.

But what followed was that the eldest lady of the Bing family overestimated her abilities and forcibly practiced innate skills, which completely ruined her cultivation and made the people of the Bing family feel disgraced.

Many people are saying that the Bing family has actually been tricked.

That innate skill might be used to deceive people from the Bing family.

Fortunately, there is only one Bingshuang Wuhen who is practicing in the Bing family. If more people practice that technique.

Then the whole Bing family is finished


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