

In the Bing family guest house, Ye Liang and Bingshuang Wuhen were staring at each other, one desperately trying to convince the other.

One desperately wants to make the other person understand, but it’s useless to say anything.

Because she has heard his voice

"Hey...why bother, why bother?……"

Helpless, helpless——!!!

Seeing that Bingshuang Wuhen couldn't say anything, Ye Liang sighed and decided to tell the truth.

"Since you are stubborn, I have to tell you clearly that I am good to you not because I like you."

He said to Bingshuang Wuhen:



Bingshuang Wuhen looked at him quietly, with an expression like"I'm just watching you quietly."

To be honest, if it weren't for Frost Wuhen's special status for Ye Liang, he would really want to use some tough measures directly.

However, Ye Liang still cherishes his past.

Moreover, if you avoid this kind of thing, the consequences may be more serious.

Therefore, he decided to tell the truth to Bingshuang Wuhen

"Actually, you... are my mother——!"

He said to Bingshuang Wuhen


Bingshuang Wuhen was stunned on the spot. She looked at Ye Liang in shock.

Looking at this impossibly handsome face in front of me, I felt the fairy aura coming from him that made me feel moved.

Looking at his serious look, Bingshuang Wuhen knew that he was trying to make an impossible reason to convince himself that he didn't love her.


This TMD reason is too much, right?

Ridiculously exaggerated——!!!

"You...what did you say?!!

She looked at Ye Liang in disbelief,"I seemed to have heard wrong just now.""

Because it was too unbelievable, she directly denied the voice she heard.

She felt that she must have heard it wrong.

Just now, Ye Qixuan actually said that she was his mother?

Are you kidding? She is not married yet. Yellow flower girl, when did you have such a big son? Why don’t you find a better reason for lying, brother——!!!

Her eyes were fixed on Ye Liang, her ears were twitching, and she thought We wanted to see what Ye Liang was going to say.

But Ye Liang said with certainty:

"You heard me right, what I said is, you are my mother, that’s why I’m so nice to you"


Bingshuang Wuhen was stunned.

Seeing Ye Liang's serious expression, she was speechless for a moment.

"Are you...are you kidding me?!!!"

She asked Ye Liang.

Ye Liang said:

"Do you think I am the kind of person who would joke with you about something like this?"

【I was just kidding you, what?

I said you are my mother, you are my mother——!】

Bingshuang Wuhen:...

Ye Liang:……


Ye Liang coughed lightly and then said:

"I know you must find it incredible, but this is the fact, you are my mother.

The specific situation is this.

I possess a very rare power in the entire universe. I can travel through time. I am not from this time, but from a time three hundred years later.

Three hundred years later, you became my mother. However, because I have the ability to travel to the past, I don’t know when the problem occurred.

In short, in your words in the future, I seem to be your former lover.

Such a fate is absurd and ridiculous.

So, I want to change my destiny.

I can't let you fall in love with me, because you are my mother, do you understand?"


Bingshuang Wuhen looked at Ye Liang, dumbfounded.

Although from Ye Qixuan's voice, she also heard things like time travel.

However, she never thought that time travel could be used to explain such bizarre things?

"You mean...three hundred years later, I will become your mother?"

Bingshuang Wuhen said to Ye Liang:

"Then, you heard the words from my mouth again, you are my former lover?

Although I don’t know the specific principle, do you think I will believe you?

I have heard your thoughts a long time ago. I am not your mother, I am your lover in the previous life.

If you don’t want to admit that you like me now, there’s no need to give such a bizarre reason.——!!!"

When it came to the end, she was really speechless.

Does this guy really think he is a fool?

Are you his mother?

And became his former lover?

What kind of bizarre operation is this?

How can this be——!!!

"I really don’t love you, I really respect you as my mother."

Ye Liang said with certainty:

"I told you, the voices you heard are all fake. This voice is not my thoughts, but other voices."

【I am really your biological son, you have to believe me——!!!】

Ye Liang: Uh... he's not his biological son, he's his adopted son. Xiu Xian voice pack, you're making a fool of yourself again.

Frost traceless:

"You just said that everything you say is false? However, I heard your voice saying that you are my biological son...Is this false?"

She stared at Ye Liang with a strange look on her face and asked him.

Ye Liang:……

"This statement is true."

The Xiuxian voice pack is particularly naughty today.

"I do not believe——!!!"

Bingshuang Wuhen said with a look of disbelief:

"I don’t believe it. Why should I be your mother three hundred years later? Aren’t you standing in front of me properly? I don't believe it. I cannot accept your reason.

If you say I am your mother, then I will never get married and have children. I don’t believe you can come out of my belly.——!!!"

After talking about it, her expression became firmer.

Yes, that's right, I can't be the fuck.

As long as you stand firm and never have children, how can you become someone else's mother?

This is impossible——!!!

"Ye Qixuan, although we have only met twice, you should know what kind of person I am."

"I'm not kidding you. If you don't accept my words, then I will never marry someone else and have children. In that case, I won't have a son. If what you said is true, then you should disappear now. , because a future with you doesn’t exist at all——!!!"

She said to Ye Liang again:

"Therefore, you cannot be my son. Please make up another reason."

Ye Liang shrugged and said:

"In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you have children or not, because I am not your biological son, I am just your adopted son."

【I love you, love you, like a mouse loves rice……】

Ye Liang: Gan——!!!

Xiu Xian voice pack, you damn thing, you don’t think the scene is embarrassing enough, right?!!!

Damn it, you even started singing.

He also sang this extremely embarrassing song, I feel like a Buddha——!!!


Bingshuang Wuhen listened to Ye Liang's words and his inner voice, and his face suddenly turned rosy again.

He obviously likes me, why doesn't he admit it?

I've obviously said it and I can hear what he's saying, so why doesn't he admit it?!!

Is it so difficult to admit that you like me?

What is he worried about?!!


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