"Ye Qixuan, now that things have happened, what else do you have to say? You just don't want to admit it, do you love me?!"

Bingshuang Wuhen said to Ye Liang:

"Your heart tells me the truth all the time, you love me——!"

If someone else had the power that she could only look up to in front of Bingshuang Wuhen, Bingshuang Wuhen would definitely not dare to say that.

However, Ye Liang is different.

In her heart, she has already determined many of the facts she heard from Ye Liang's voice.

Therefore, in her opinion, now she only needs to make Ye Liang admit his love for her, and the two will become a natural couple, that's all.

"What concerns do you have, as long as you tell me, I will never pester you in the future, but please don't make up lies like I am your mother.——!!!"

She said to Ye Liang


Ye Liang looked at Bingshuang Wuhen and couldn't help laughing.

Could it be that the future Ye Ziqian told herself that her former lover was Ye Qixuan because of what happened now? etc--!!!

Suddenly, Ye Liang thought of something.

That is, Ye Ziqian didn't seem to hear his inner voice, ah, it was the ability to hear the voice of Xiu Xian's voice pack.

Moreover, Ye Ziqian didn't know that he was Ye Qixuan.

Is there any problem here?

Does she really not know that she is Ye Qixuan, or is she pretending not to know?

If you really don't know, then Ye Ziqian and Bingshuang Wuhen may not be the same person.

If she pretended not to know, what she said would be reasonable.

In short, no matter what, I can't accept her——!!!

"Frost has no trace, I know, there are many misunderstandings between us."

He said to Bingshuang Wuhen:

"However, I really want to tell you that I have no feelings for you between men and women. Just because of your face...

I will only have feelings of respect for you.

What I said is real"

【I'm sorry, although I really love you, but I can't be with you because your face looks exactly like my mother, and I can't get over this hurdle. 】

Ye Liang: God damn can’t pass this level, Xiu Xian voice pack, you damn it did it on purpose, right?

It must be intentional, right?!!!

Although the other party doesn't believe what I said, you should stop causing trouble at this time.

If you keep doing this, I really can't convince her.

There was a bit of disappointment on Bingshuang Wuhen's face, although she knew that since the other party didn't accept her at the beginning, it would not be so easy for her to get the other party to accept her.

However, she really didn't expect that the other party's attitude would be so determined.

"Is it really because of my face? Because of my face, you think I will be your future adoptive mother? She touched her face, sighed, and said:

"If I turned into someone else, would you accept me?!!"

She never thought that one day she would love so humblely.

But if it was Ye Qixuan, she would be willing to go to this extent.

Because she felt that the longer she stayed with him, the more fascinated she became with him. Yes.

She is a woman with principles.

However, her principles became nothing after she heard Ye Qixuan's voice.

"I have no idea. Ye

Liang said:

"At least, right now, I don’t have any feelings for you between a man and a woman."

【You clearly know that I love you so deeply and seriously, why do you need to ask this question? If I didn't have any concerns, I would have accepted you long ago. 】

Ye Liang:...

Xiuxian voice pack, have you noticed that you like singing recently?!!!

And hearing Ye Liang's heartfelt voice, Bingshuang Wuhen's eyes showed joy again.

Very good.

He was really willing to accept me as long as I had a different face.

Seeing that Bingshuang Wuhen seemed to be really moving, Ye Liang became a little anxious.

What a joke——!

He said to Bingshuang Wuhen:

"I know you have misunderstandings about me now. You think I really love you and I just don’t accept your love because of your face. But what I want to say is that I really have no feelings for you. Listen. The so-called voices I heard are all false. With my strength, how can I let you hear my voice?

All this is a misunderstanding and a lie——!!!"

【All of this is tacit understanding——!】

Ye Liang: I have your sister’s rhinoceros in my heart——!!!

Bingshuang Wuhen didn't know why he could hear Ye Liang's voice, but as a person, he always wanted to believe what he wanted to believe.

Unless the truth is put before one's eyes.

But the fact is that Ye Liang's voice seems to be closer to the truth to her.

Therefore, she didn't listen to a word Ye Liang said.

At this moment, she only felt that the happiest thing in her life was meeting Ye Qixuan.

She looked at Ye Liang with such deep affection that she didn't even think about hiding it.

She smiled and said:

"I understand."

Seeing her like this, Ye Liang couldn't help but laugh or cry.

You know nothing.

Helpless, he had to say:

"Mortals see faces from the eyes, while cultivators see faces from the heart, so faces come from the heart. Even if you change your appearance, in my eyes, you are still the same person. This kind of thing is very important to me. It doesn't make sense.

Because you are still you.

You don't have to change your appearance for me"

【There is no method in this world that can change the appearance that can deceive the eyes of immortal cultivators, unless it is an immortal appearance.——!】


Bingshuang Wuhen asked curiously:

"Immortal phase, what is that?!!"

"Immortal phase is……"

Ye Liang was about to explain, but saw Bingshuang Wuhen looking at him proudly.

Looking at her expression, it seemed as if she was saying, 'Ye Qixuan, are you saying that this is not what you want? 'Same.

Just now, she was talking to Ye Qixuan's inner voice, but it was Ye Liang's mouth that answered.

Therefore, this made her more and more sure that this was what Ye Qixuan felt.

The proud look of the beauty in front of him made Ye Liang a little unhappy.

He rolled his eyes at her and said:

"Why are you so proud? Didn’t I already tell you? This is not the voice of my heart, but something inside my heart is speaking."


Bingshuang Wuhen prolonged his words and said with an 'I believe you' expression on his face:

"It turns out that there is something speaking in your heart, but it is not your voice. I understand.

Please continue."

After saying this, the corners of her face and mouth were rising crazily.


Ye Liang really wanted to hit this woman on the head, but considering that she was his future adoptive mother, he restrained himself.

He said:

"The so-called immortal appearance is to fuse one's appearance with all of one's soul and temperament, plus some specific outfits, to give oneself a different appearance. This is not disguise, but a kind of blessing. At the same time, this is also the real appearance, that is, the appearance comes from the heart... Therefore, different people have different immortal appearances. With the immortal appearance outside, even if two people have the same appearance, People will not think of them as the same person because of their different temperaments. This is the unique appearance of immortal cultivators... so they are called immortals. Do you understand?"

"That's it."

Listening to Ye Liang's explanation, Bingshuang Wuhen nodded and expressed his understanding:

"In other words, as long as I learn immortality, you will let go of your worries about me being your future adoptive mother and agree to let me follow you, right?"

"Don't make trouble, I have no such concerns at all, and I have never thought about being with you."

Ye Liang rolled his eyes at her.

He said he didn't like her at all, so why didn't she listen?


It's too narcissistic.——!!!


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