"Okay, don't look at me like that."

Seeing all the girls looking at him in surprise, Ye Liang thought they were surprised. He had just made it clear that he wanted them to become formation eyes, but now he failed to do so.

He explained:

"Although I don’t know what’s going on, I will definitely solve this problem soon."


The girls were speechless.

OK, let's see how you solve it.

When you come back later, you will definitely tell everyone that if you want to become a Formation Eye, you must practice together with me, right?!!

You...you even want Ye Ziqian to give us a demonstration?

You...you are so capable, right?——!!!

"Ye Liang, I believe you——!"

Jiang Yurou had a smile on her face (Jiang Yurou, what are you doing, stop this beast!), she was obviously roaring in her heart, but she didn't know if she was used to acting, but now she seemed like she didn't hear Ye Liang's"heartfelt voice" He looked like this and said to Ye Liang:

"Even if you can't become that formation eye, it doesn't matter, everyone said, right?!!"

"That's right, master, it doesn't really matter whether we become a formation eye or not... I believe master, he didn't mean to tease us."

Xu Yingbing also said quickly.

Yang Liuyan:"……"

To be honest, she has not been able to accept these chaotic relationships until now.

As an ordinary person, she can be said to be the most ordinary here.

Even compared to Ye Liang's maid Lu Yao'er, she is inferior. but--!!!

She still felt that something was not right about this.

Even for a cultivator, this, this seems a bit too exciting, right?

Could it be that the moral concepts of immortal cultivators are actually different from those of human beings?!!

However, this is still too exciting.

Why do I have a feeling of excitement?!!

Tang Pinru naturally couldn't hear the so-called inner voice. She smiled and said:

"Ye Liang, since you haven't figured it out yet, let's wait until you figure it out. There's no need to rush for a while. If you have anything to say to Xiao Zizi, just go ahead and talk to me. I'll make breakfast."

With that said, she turned around and headed towards the kitchen.

The girls:...

Ye Liang didn't think this was a big deal. Anyway, they couldn't hear what they were thinking. Ah, bah, it was just their own voice packets saying what they said..So

, he waved his hand and turned Ye Qian into a stream of light and disappeared into the villa.


Seeing this situation, Lang Ji said curiously:

"Did they have something to say and come all the way?"


The expressions of the girls were strange again.

Why run so far?

Is it really what I think?

No, no?

It’s not really what I think. This, this is a bit beyond my ability to accept——!!!

Here, Ye Liang took Zi Qian and disappeared into Zi Qian's villa in an instant, arriving in a deserted mountain.

The two of them turned into a stream of light and fell down, attracting the attention of the beast in the mountains.


This is a natural hanging waterfall. Above the waterfall, clear spring water flows down from it. Although it is a sunny day, the water flow here is still very large.

Ye Liang and Ye Ziqian landed on a stone platform, where they could see the huge waterfall falling from the sky.


At this moment, Ye Ziqian's face showed a bit of panic.

She looked at Ye Liang and wanted to speak, but didn't know how.

Ye Liang was also looking at her. Thinking of all the experiences he had with Bingshuang Wuhen three hundred years ago, he couldn't help but smile knowingly.

"It’s been three hundred years. How have you been during these three hundred years?"

He asked Ye Ziqian


Ye Ziqian raised his head, with a hint of guilt in his eyes.

Three hundred years? he is?

Could it be that he has already...?

No way, it’s over——!!!

"what are you talking about? Mom, why can’t I understand?"

Although she felt a little guilty, she still pretended not to understand and asked Ye Liang

"Haha, don’t understand?"

Hearing this, Ye Liang said:

"Are you really not understanding, or are you pretending not to understand? I don’t believe you haven’t recognized it yet. I, Ye Liang, am Ye Qixuan.——!"


It really is like that——!!!

Ye Ziqian felt even more guilty. If this kid admitted that he was Ye Qixuan in front of him, he must have gone three hundred years ago.

He already knows everything.

Ah this……

"You...you brat, don't talk nonsense. You said you are Ye Qixuan? You took advantage of me. I'm looking for a fight.——!!!"

As she said this, she pretended to hit Ye Liang.

However, her eyes looked even more guilty.


She hit Ye Liang's hand, but Ye Liang took it.

With her strength, after being held by Ye Liang's hand, she did not struggle to open it.

"Okay, you woman, what, do you really not recognize me, or are you pretending not to recognize me?!!"

Seeing that Ye Ziqian didn't recognize him, Ye Liang was a little depressed.

Who had to chase him in the first place?

He didn't agree, but she still did so many things just to make him agree.

But now, he has to follow her three hundred years later. She recognizes each other, but she doesn’t recognize her?!

How can such a good thing in this world-!!!

He said to Ye Ziqian:

"You should think it over carefully before answering, otherwise, I will let you know how awesome it is later, hehe——!!!"

After what happened three hundred years ago, he no longer had that kind of respect for Ye Ziqian.

He believed that after Ye Ziqian knew that he was Ye Qixuan, she would no longer have such emotions towards him.

Facts have proved that history cannot be changed.

No matter how nice Bingshuang Wuhen said it at first, Ye Ziqian is still her adoptive mother now.

This point has not changed since I was with Bingshuang Wuhen.

So, now, the person in front of me is Bingshuang Wuhen.

Her feelings for him must have changed the moment she knew that she was Ye Qixuan.

In fact, she might have known that she was Ye Qixuan for a long time, but she was just pretending.


Hearing Ye Liang's words, Ye Ziqian was also a little scared at this moment.

Ye Liang's guess was correct.

Although not long ago, Ye Ziqian still felt towards him the way an adoptive mother feels towards her adopted son.

However, now that she knows Ye Liang is Ye Qixuan, she no longer has such feelings for Ye Liang.

Now, the person who should show respect is not Ye Liang, but her...

Whatever Ye Liang does to her is not considered rude.

And she has to apologize for what she has done.


She quickly said to Ye Liang:

"I...I...I just thought that you don't know what happened in the past, and I'm just trying you on purpose. I'm really sorry. I shouldn't deny you and say those words.——!!!"

While apologizing insincerely, she showed a guilty expression.

I hope he won't be too angry——!!!

I actually did such an outrageous thing and said such outrageous words


Looking at Ye Ziqian's apology, Ye Liang couldn't help but laugh out loud:

"What are you apologizing for? I am the one who should say sorry for making you wait for so long... Although I don’t know if I have ever looked for you since, but now, I stillI want to say, I'm sorry……"

As he spoke, he moved his face towards Ye Ziqian.

There is nothing to hesitate, because Ye Ziqian is frost-free.

In Ye Liang's heart, all his feelings for Ye Ziqian had long since turned into love for Bingshuang Wuhen.

Well, yes, it must be so——!!!


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