
Ye Liang had long known that the scene when he brought Ye Ziqian back would attract everyone's attention, but he didn't expect that everyone's reaction would be so violent.

He couldn't help but want to make a joke with everyone.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips and said to everyone:

"What's wrong with you? Why are you looking at Qian'er and me like that?!"


As soon as Ye Liang said these words, all the girls present could not help but spit out blood.

Just now they could forcefully tell themselves that it was a misunderstanding.

But what the hell is Ye Liang saying Qian'er now?——!!!


Even Ye Ziqian didn't expect that Ye Liang would make such a sudden noise.

Her whole body couldn't help but froze in place.

His whole body was shaking and trembling.

I feel like I'm getting goosebumps on my arms.


She couldn't help but make a final sound in her heart.

She really didn't expect that Ye Liang's name would actually break her defenses as she was shameless.

While all the girls around looked at her with shocked expressions, even Empress Chiyue couldn't help but tremble along with Ye Ziqian.

What is this inexplicable feeling of goosebumps all over my body?

Is the slave family also afraid of great embarrassment?!!

Damn, this is so embarrassing——!!!

Are these two bitch men and women shameless?!!!

It's really not embarrassing for them, it's others who are embarrassed, right?!!

"Qian, Qian'er?!!"

Just when everyone present was stunned and didn't know how to react, Tang Pinru's face also twitched.

What's going on?

Ye Liang called Ye Ye Qianqian'er?

Did Ye Ye Qian call him in turn ? Ye Liang is a good son, you bastard——!!!

Yang Guo Xiao Longnu, right?!

She suppressed her twitching face and said to Ye Liang and Ye Ziqian:

"You... why did you call her Qian'er, and why did you hold hands? Isn't that wrong?!!"

Seeing everyone being shocked like this, Ye Liang secretly laughed.

Hahaha, they don't really think that they have a forbidden relationship with Ye Ziqian, right?

Just tease them.

Just when Ye Liang is about to speak Suddenly,

Ye Ziqian, who was holding his hand, shook off his hand and spoke:

"I think Pinru is right, how could you call me that——?! It's so rude——!!"

She stared at Ye Liang and said

"Yes, Ye Liang, how can you call your mother that?!!"

Tang Pinru understood immediately when she saw that Ye Ziqian had listened to her words.

It must have been Ye Liang who took the initiative on his own, took Ye Ziqian's hand, and called Ye Ziqian Qian'er.


All the girls were shocked. They all nodded, expressing their agreement with Tang Pinru's current thoughts.

It seemed that it was not what they imagined.

Ye Liang was probably joking with himself and others, right?

Otherwise, how could he call Ye Qian Qian'er?

Everyone was relaxed He breathed a sigh of relief.

Hearing that someone was supporting him, Ye Ziqian also looked reproachful and said to Ye Liang:

"Did you hear that? How could you call me Qian'er without my consent?"Liang'er~"

As she said this, she deliberately let the end of her voice drag out for a long time, making a cooing sound, and even blushed.


The girls who were complaining about Ye Liang a moment ago could not help but spurt out blood at this moment.

Ye Liang, who was still proud before, couldn't help but feel goosebumps when he heard Ye Ziqian's words.

What a good son.

Bingshuang Wuhen, wouldn’t you feel embarrassed if you called me that?!!

I’m so damn cold that I’m shivering——!!

But Ye Ziqian was secretly proud at this moment.

Ye Liang, you bastard, you think that since there is no forbidden relationship between us, you can just joke around, right?!

Compared to being shameless, have I, Ye Ziqian, ever lost?!!


You are so proud of yourself——!!!

Seeing the proud look on Ye Ziqian's face,

Tang Pinru couldn't help but vomit in his heart.

Then, she couldn't help but said:

"So what... Xiao Yezi, you and Ye Liang, isn't this bad? Although I know you are joking, this kind of joke is not funny, it is a bit scary."

"Hahahaha... What does this have to do with, Liang'er and I are not biologically related."

Ye Ziqian laughed.

She found that when she said the word"Liang'er", Ye Liang seemed to be trembling. He looked so embarrassed that he had goosebumps all over his body.

This made her even more excited.

"Right, Liang'er?!!"

She smiled at Ye Liang and took Ye Liang's hand again.

Ye Liang:...

All the girls present widened their eyes and stared at this side. They couldn't believe their ears.

They , Did you hear it right just now?

You are not kidding, right?!

Ye Ziqian actually called Ye Liang Liang'er, and acted like a spoiled child to Ye Liang like a little girlfriend?!

Damn it——!!!

They felt like their three The view is about to collapse.

Is this a joke?!

It must be a joke, right?!

Even Tang Pinru, at this moment, was so shocked that he didn’t know how to speak.


Ye Liang couldn't help but shiver again, and then he said:

"Okay, stop joking with everyone."


After hearing Ye Liang's words, all the girls breathed a sigh of relief.

Right, this must be a joke, right?


"It’s time to tell everyone the truth."

Ye Liang said to Ye Ziqian:



The girls couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood. Damn it——!!!

Ye Liang, you bastard, why do you call Ye Ziqian?!!

If what I said just now was still a joke, then what's going on with this"girly" sound now?!!


That's too much

"Ye Liang, you——!!!"

Tang Pinru, as the oldest and most kind-hearted person among the ordinary people present, heard that Ye Liang actually called Ye Ziqian Madam.

How could she bear it?!!

"What did you say?!!"

"Aunt Tang, did it scare you? Haha, this is normal. Ye

Liang smiled and said:

"Don't be nervous, just listen to me explain it to you slowly and you will understand."


When the girls who were vomiting blood heard Ye Liang's words, they began to restrain their strong desire to vomit blood.

Immediately, everyone looked at Ye Liang, waiting for his explanation

"In fact, things are simpler than you think. What do you think is the relationship between me and Ye Ziqian? Ye

Liang smiled and said:

"She is my adoptive mother, am I her adopted son?

If you look at the experiences of ordinary people, it seems to be like this, and there is no easy explanation.

However, don’t forget that I am an immortal cultivator.

It seems that Ye Ziqian is my adoptive mother now. In fact, I was married to her three hundred years ago.

The so-called fact that Ye Ziqian adopted me was actually just a little identity exchange game that I played with her."


? ? ?!!!

The girls were stunned again.



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