"Ye Liang, am I beautiful?"

At this time, Zhang Xin was showing off her figure to the fullest in front of Ye Liang. Her clothes were half-undressed, she was twisting left and right, and accompanied by the drumbeat of the music, I have to say that she danced really well.

"good. Ye

Liang said:

"However, you may not underestimate me too much if you want me to fall in love with you."


Hearing this, Zhang Xin had a flattering smile on her face:

"Of course I know that you are a high-ranking immortal cultivator. I just twist, jump, and tremble like this. Of course you won't be tempted. But, Ye Liang, look, my boyfriend, my friends , and your girlfriend are all here.

Don't you find it exciting?"

As she spoke, she was about to rush towards Ye Liang's arms.

But at this moment, Zhang Xin froze on the spot.

The next moment, her pupils suddenly shrank, and there was nothing in the world in her eyes.

All that was left was an endless stream of memories pouring into her mind.

"Has it started yet?"

On the rooftop, Immortal Lingbo watched this scene quietly.

She knew that because Zhang Xin had obtained Ye Liang's cultivation, the consciousness hidden in her soul was about to awaken.

At the beginning, she was also because of Only when Jiang Yurou entered the path of cultivating immortals did she have a chance to wake up.

Without an opportunity, no matter how powerful a person was in his previous life, he might completely become an ordinary person in this life. But as long as he has the chance to be reincarnated, he will never Give up the chance of rebirth.

In other words, when Zhang Xin steps into the fairy tale, if she really has a past life in her body, she will definitely awaken.

However, everyone's awakening situation is different.

Because I am completely He had died once. Although he did not know why he got the chance to be resurrected, he did not completely fuse with Jiang Yurou at the first time.

This should not happen to Zhang Xin.

In fact, it was just as Lingbo Immortal expected. Just like Zhang Xin, a huge amount of memories poured into Zhang Xin's mind.

These memories were completely integrated with her in a moment. In this moment, her whole body had awakened to the state of her previous life. Originally

, she had awakened to the state of her previous life.

She was still very coquettish and mean, but at this moment, she recalled everything in her previous life. In her previous life, she was just an ordinary person. Later, she had a lover.

She and that lover had made a promise They vowed to be together forever.

However, that man was actually an immortal cultivator. He once said that after he returned to the sect to report to his master, he would come back and take her away.

But since then, he has She didn't come back either. She thought the man had forgotten her.

But because of her extraordinary talent, she was lucky enough to be spotted by the passing Lingbo Immortal Lord and became an elite disciple of the Lingbo Immortal Sect. It was n't until later, at the Ten Thousand Immortals Conference, that she I saw that man again.

It turned out that that man was actually the original young sect leader of the Great Sun Immortal Sect.

That time he went back to compete for the position of sect leader.

The battle for the position took a long time, so he didn't rush in time. Come back.

But... the two met again, but they were already in hostile camps.

Because of some old grudges, the Great Sun Immortal Sect had already decided to eradicate the Lingbo Immortal Sect.

They would never let the Lingbo Immortal Sect have a chance to rise..

Under such circumstances, she could only secretly have a private meeting with her sweetheart. The two spent time together, which was very beautiful.

However, that was not a long-term solution after all.

In order to stay with her sweetheart forever, she decided to betray her master. Lingbo Immortal.

Not only did she secretly pass on the information about Lingbo Immortal Sect to that man, but she also told him about her master’s movements. She thought that after Lingbo Immortal Sect was destroyed, she would be able to become the woman beside him openly.

Unexpectedly, Lingbo Immortal Sect actually had an ancient protective formation.

After the death of Lingbo Immortal Lord, Liu Tianzong was ordered by Lingbo Immortal Lord to decisively activate the protective formation.

Since then, she and the entire Lingbo Immortal Sect have been trapped in the In the Lingbo Immortal Sect for hundreds of millions of years.

During these hundreds of millions of years, she has already hated the Lingbo Immortal Sect that trapped her.

However, she had to stay in the Lingbo Immortal Sect obediently.

Because everyone in the Lingbo Immortal Sect knew it. No one can act rashly when there are traitors.

Those who do not get everyone's consent are not even qualified to use the sect's realm of reincarnation.

Later, she was exposed as a traitor.

She had to enter reincarnation on her own...

Although her future was extremely risky, it was better than falling into the hands of the angry people of Lingbo Immortal Sect.

And now it seems that she made the right bet

"I just don’t know if the Great Sun Immortal Sect has wiped out the Lingbo Immortal Sect...has Brother Yang come to see me?"

Thinking of Ai Lang, who has become the master of the Great Sun Immortal Sect, Zhang Xin couldn't help but have a sweet look in her eyes.

However, before considering these, it is still important to find a way to restore her cultivation.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xin Silently reciting the formula, she wanted to summon her own cultivation crystal.

But the next moment, she couldn't help but her expression suddenly changed, and her face turned livid.

Her cultivation crystal was destroyed.

Did someone from the Lingbo Immortal Sect do it? ?

Very good, I just hope those guys are still alive now, I will not let them die easily——!!!

Anyone who knows that all their cultivation has been destroyed and there will never be a chance to recover will be like her Be angry.

But now, she also knows that this is not the time for her to think about this.

What is in front of her now is...

Ye Liang——!!!

Looking at Ye Liang sitting in front of her, she thought that she was actually in Ye Liang just now Zhang Xin couldn't help but feel angry because of the deliberately despicable appearance in front of Liang. The monk who had gone through the tribulation period and the secret lover of the leader of the Great Sun Immortal Sect actually showed such a despicable attitude in front of a little earth monk..

She wished she could kill Ye Liang now.

However, she understood immediately.

Now she was completely worthless in front of Ye Liang.

She just relied on Ye Liang to give her a little cultivation, although I don’t know how Ye Liang did it, but she only has this little cultivation in her body now.

No matter how powerful she was in the past, in front of Ye Liang now, she is no different from an ordinary person. She wants revenge, not now.

Not only does she She can't take revenge, and she can't let Ye Liang know that she is the reincarnation of a very powerful immortal cultivator.

Otherwise, Ye Liang is not stupid and will definitely kill her.


Thinking of this, Zhang Xin couldn't help but show a look of despair in her eyes.

Now, what should I do?

He had already accepted Ye Liang's benefits, and even said that he would play exciting games with him.

But, that was my previous self.

From my previous perspective, being able to curry favor with Ye Liang was definitely a great thing.

But now, after knowing what happened in her previous life, Zhang Xin understands... it turns out that she is so powerful.

As long as you give yourself time, Ye Liang is nothing in front of you.

But now, if he doesn't do what he said before, Ye Liang will definitely doubt himself, right?

How about telling him the terms?


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