When Ye Liang understood the true use of the invincible field, he could do whatever he wanted in this universe.

It is really not a problem for him to make the whole earth become immortal.

But now he's not in the mood.

After coming out of Xu Yingbing's house, he was not in a hurry to find another woman.

Now the only women he is interested in are Tang Pinru and Yang Liuyan.

Not urgent.

Some people may ask, when did Tang Pinru become Ye Liang's favorite?

Please... When Ye Liang shined the light of the saint on Tang Pinru, his purpose was already impure.

Anyway, that's it.

Even Ye Ziqian became his, let alone Tang Pinru?

After having fun with his young apprentice Xu Yingbing, Ye Liang finally has time to slowly appreciate the benefits of his improved cultivation.

Although he has swallowed eight pieces of the Tribulation Cloud, which can be said to be extremely arrogant, he did not do it by relying on his cultivation, but by relying on his invincible field.

The invincible field naturally made him invincible, but his own abilities naturally did not fall behind.

After all, he can't stay in the invincible realm for the rest of his life.

After possessing a cultivation level above that of an Immortal, Ye Liang's current cultivation level should have reached a level above that of a True Immortal.

Much more powerful than a true immortal.

Although the holding capacity of the universe has its limit, it is a pity that Ye Liang has an invincible field.

Therefore, he and Bingshuang Wuhen obviously have cultivation levels exceeding the Immortal Lord level, but they can still survive in this world without being kicked out.

However, even so, the energy in this universe seems to only allow people to reach this level of state.

In fact, the universe has no way to tell Ye Liang what level of monk he is now.

The highest level of cultivation in the universe is the Mahayana stage.

Ye Liang and Bingshuang Wuhen may be on the same level, they are both at the level of true immortals.

Although his cultivation level could no longer be improved, Ye Liang did not forget that he could still use magic weapons.

The ultimate magic weapon.

There are a total of four swords in his hand.

One piece, the Time Wheel, can control time.

In the past, I was too weak and could only use the time wheel's function to travel to the past, which has already cut off time.

I don’t know what abilities I have now.

Thinking of this, he held the Time Wheel in his hand, and information about the abilities related to the Time Wheel began to appear in his mind.

The time wheel created with the law of time allows him to open a time channel.

Moreover, this time channel seems to not only travel to the past, but also to the future.

More importantly, now the Time Wheel can also have a positive effect on people other than him...

This is an amazing ability.

Although it is not used at the moment, it is something that can play a big role when needed.

The next item is the Scabbard of Destiny.

The Scabbard of Destiny allows him to see through the manipulations of fate.

However, the effect of this thing is actually not great. It is just to see through fate, which is of no use.

Fate is still arranging Ye Liang's past.

Otherwise, he would not be with Ye Ziqian and Bingshuang Wuhen.

And now, he has also developed the ability of the Scabbard of Destiny.

Using the Scabbard of Destiny, he can truly change the past.

Because, with this thing, he can repeat the time he has traveled through.

Moreover, with the Scabbard of Destiny in hand, he has completely transcended his own destiny.

Even if he travels to the past and changes the past, he himself will not be affected.

For example, even if he travels back in time and changes Ye Liang's fate, he will not disappear. Instead, a completely different timeline from what he remembers will happen in this world.

And he will replace Ye Liang in that timeline.

However, this ability needs to be used with caution.

Because he himself needs to no longer be affected by his fate in the past, but the girls are still affected.

If he changes the past ruthlessly, it may cause bugs such as the girls disappearing or falling in love with others.

Unless he makes all arrangements.

This is equivalent to retaining one's own memories, abilities and one's own existence, allowing time to completely restart.

The Time Wheel allows him to transcend time, and the Scabbard of Destiny allows him to transcend destiny.

These two artifacts are indeed paired.

Next, the purple dragon shocked the world.

The Purple Dragon Jingshi is a purely combat-type magic weapon, so theoretically speaking, it is not as powerful as other magic weapons.

However, pure combat magic weapon is what Ye Liang needs most.

With one sword shot, Wan Jian surrendered, directly causing the opponent's magic weapon to malfunction. How could the opponent still fight with me?

What, you said you don’t use a sword?

I think your magic weapon looks like a sword.

What? Are you empty handed?

If you are empty-handed, I will not be empty-handed...

If Zilong Jingshi faces the Wheel of Time, Zilong Jingshi will definitely win.

The current Zilong Jingshi has only developed greater power.

However, probably because Ye Liang ate dragon meat, this sword fits Ye Liang better.

Then came the magic weapon that Ye Liang had recently obtained.

The wheel of the universe.

The swords are paired with the time wheel, one manages time and the other controls space.

In the past, the Universal Wheel could ignore the opponent's blockade and carve out space within the opponent's barrier.

But now, the true power of the Universal Wheel is actually... it can open up a passage to the world.

As long as he has a specific goal, he can cut a passage connecting the two worlds.

This... is so cool, right?!!

At this moment, Ye Liang thought of the world he traveled through and the Nine Heavens Immortal World.

With the Universal Wheel in hand, can I cut a passage connecting the two worlds?

Thinking of this, Ye Liang closed his eyes slightly.

In front of his eyes, one world after another began to appear.

Each of these worlds is an independent world, but they are related to each other.

If someone has the ability and opportunity, they can pass through the world they are in and enter another world.

But above all worlds, there is another world.

This world should be the Nine Heavens Immortal World.

The Nine Heavens Immortal Realm is actually the upper realm of all worlds...

Ye Liang had a thought and struck there with a sword.

The space then opened, and a thin slit like a line of sky opened in front of Ye Liang.

Through this gap, Ye Liang can see the scene on the opposite side, and can even pass directly through here to reach the opposite side.

The place where Ye Liang opened the crack seemed to be a magnificent palace.

The decoration in the palace is very exquisite and antique.

And behind a screen, the sound of water was rushing.

It sounds like someone is taking a bath


Ye Liang couldn't help but feel weird. Does it mean that a real immortal also needs to take a bath?

No, do some research


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