The first half of the Great Route, Tanley Island, the port.

At this time, the port was already in flames, and six pirate ships scattered to surround the port.

Hundreds of pirates on the shore guarded the port passage, and countless corpses lay on the ground.

Most of the rest of the pirates were searching for something on merchant ships with two somewhat blurry photographs.

“Not really.”

“Not really.”

“It’s not like this.”

“This one is kind of like, chopped.”

“Don’t let go of all children, especially those with purple hair.”

“Hurry up and find it.”


For a while, the cries on the ship were continuous, and it was better to kill by mistake than to let it go.

Anyone who resembled the woman in the blurry picture was slashed and thrown into the sea.

A mother and son hiding in a corner in the cabin carry a phone worm.

Faintly heard the pirates outside talking about purple hair, and they were suddenly shocked.

The child’s mother seemed to understand something, her mind flowed, and she made up her mind.

Place your child close to a wooden barrel.

Tell your child sternly that no matter what happens, don’t make any noise, don’t come out.

Then he found something to cover on the barrel, covered his mouth and moved to a distant room with tears.

When the pirates found this room, the moment the door opened.

Pushed open the window and jumped out and landed on the deck.

Run towards the guardrail, jump into the sea, and swim towards the bottom of the sea.

A few pirates chased after him, cursing and jumping down with their mouths.

After a few moments, the sea water appeared a touch of red.

Then a pirate came out carrying the woman’s body and shouted at the boat,

“Played by this woman.”

“Which room did you just jump out of?”

“Quick search !!”

“The little cub of the Zefa family must be in that room!”

“Hurry up and find !!”

“Slaughtered him!!”

After shouting, he swam towards the shore with the woman’s corpse, ready to deal with it separately.

When the pirates on the ship heard this, they rushed to the room where the woman had just jumped out.

Frantically rummaging, smashing everything, and when the room was completely destroyed, no Tibetan place was found.

One of the pirates at the head instantly understood and smiled viciously:

“Smash this layer for me!”

“Zefa’s little cub must be on this layer!”

“Find out, Lao Tzu will torture him to death!!”


The surrounding pirates were also instantly excited, thinking of being able to take revenge on Admiral Zefa and kill his cub.

Hatred and excitement make them work harder.

Scarlet bloody eyes scanned everything around him, cruel and crazy:

“Little cub!”

“Where is it!”

“Come out!”

“Zefa’s little cub !!”


After half a ring, everyone finally searched the utility room in the corner.

The vicious pirates like evil spirits smashed everything and easily found the child of General Zefa.

Pinch the two-year-old’s neck.

Looking at his red and struggling little face, a trace of happiness flashed in the pirates’ hearts.

I can’t kill it yet, and I gently loosen my hand.

Grabbing his neck and walking onto the deck:

“Boss! Got it! The

pirate captain on the deck instantly became excited:

“Quick! Bring it to me!! He

took the purple-haired child, smiled viciously, and pinched the child’s neck.

As if observing a work of art, carefully sweep every inch of the child’s skin:

“Zefa, you would not have thought that there would be today!”


“Bring me that woman’s body!”

“Take a picture of Lao Tzu!”

“Find a newspaper office tomorrow to put the newspaper for Lao Tzu!”


As the pirate captain adjusted his posture, there was a crisp sound.

A photo appears in the camera.

A hideous-looking pirate captain stepped on the corpse of a woman under his feet and carried the neck of a child in his hands.

Children are struggling, and the pirate captain is laughing cruelly.

After taking the photo, the pirate captain carried the child’s neck.

A trace of hatred flashed in his eyes, and he said cruelly:

“If you want to blame, blame your father for Zefa.”

After saying that, he was about to crush the child’s neck with his hands, and the pirates around him also looked at them excitedly.


Thunder on a sunny day.

The deafening thunder exploded in everyone’s ears, and the brain went blank for a moment.

A young man’s voice containing anger sounded in everyone’s ears with thunder:


A bolt of lightning struck the deck in front of the pirate captain.

Anilu’s figure took shape instantly.

At this time, Anilu had grown into a beautiful teenager, more than doubling his height than before.

He looked unusually handsome in a navy uniform and carried a long gold stick in his hand.

It was made of Sakaski’s gold suitcase.

The angry expression showed that Anilu was not calm now:


A shimmer lit up in the sky, followed by several bolts of lightning.

Instantly slashed at the surrounding pirates, and the pirates on this merchant ship instantly cleared and all fell.

The pirates on the surrounding ships are gradually approaching the ship, and they are gathered under the ship.

At this time, except for Anilu, there were only three children on the deck who were pinched by the neck and the captain of the pirate.

The rest of the ship’s passengers were all killed by pirates.

The rest of the pirates were just killed by Anilu with lightning.

The pirate captain smiled cruelly and flicked the purple-haired child in his hand:

“Naturally, I’m so afraid.”

“Little ghost, why don’t you chop me.”

After speaking, he shook the purple-haired child in his hand vigorously, like a toy.

Anilu’s face sank with anger.

Hold the long stick in your hands and aim it at the pirate captain in front of you.


With the shaving of the fruit’s ability, the figure disappeared instantly.

Appeared in front of the pirate captain and smashed a stick into the wrist holding the child.

Captain Pirate’s cruel smile did not diminish.

Watch as the golden stick smashes into his wrist.

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